
liú tōng fèi yònɡ
  • circulation cost
  1. 流通费用与交易费用的区别与联系&兼论流通费用范畴的发展

    The Differences and Similarities Between Circulation Cost and Transaction Cost & On the Development of Circulation Cost

  2. 在正本清源的前提下,借鉴和学习新制度经济学交易费用研究的理论成果,是完善和丰富流通费用概念的理论内涵、发展贸易经济学学科的重要途径。

    On the basis of clarifying differences and making clearly the origin , we can study from the research achievements of transaction cost in new institutional economics to perfect and enrich the theoretical connotation of circulation cost as well as improve the circulation economics .

  3. 信用制度节省了流通费用,从而提高了社会再生产的效率。3、信用制度是资本集中与积聚的有力杠杆。

    Credit system cut down circulation expenses , raise social labor productivity .

  4. 浅议流通费用与交易费用的关系

    On the relationship between circulation costs and transaction cost

  5. 对纯粹流通费用价值补偿问题的质疑

    The Querying to the Value Compensation Problem of the Pure Cost of Circulation

  6. 马克思研究流通费用实际是研究资本主义制度的运行费用问题。

    The study of circulation costs by Marx is in fact a study of moving costs under capitalist system .

  7. 中国在出口价格、生产成本和流通费用方面具有优势,在进口关税安排和产品质量方面处于劣势。

    China has advantages in export price , cost of production and transportation fee , but has disadvantage in tariff and product quality .

  8. 影响农产品流通费用率的因素主要有交易关系、基础设施、组织化程度。

    The main factors to affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products are trade relationships , infrastructure , the degree of organization .

  9. 你可为此包装收取流通费用,但不管如何为之,都不可表现的好像你在贩卖软体本身。

    You may charge a distribution fee for the package , but you must not represent in any way that you are selling the SOFTWARE itself .

  10. 消费者心理研究在市场营销中的应用网上营销能为企业节省巨额的促销和流通费用。

    Functions of Researching Consumer s Psychology in Market Business ; The E ? marketing can save an enormous amount of money of promotion and circulation .

  11. 连锁经营是当今世界发达国家零售业最主要的营销方式,它可以降低流通费用、提高规模效益。

    Interlock operation is one of the most popular marketing strategies for retail sales in the developed countries , which can reduce cost and increase scale efficiency .

  12. 粮食物流业是有利于国家粮食安全,有利于加快粮食流转,降低粮食流通费用的一种新兴产业。

    Food logistics industry is a newly developing industry that can preserve national food safety , increase food 's circulation , and decrease the cost of food 's circulation .

  13. 网络特征和网络强度对农产品流通费用率也存在一定的影响,但没有前三个因素影响力度大。

    Network characteristics and network strength also affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products , but not have the same intensity as the first three factors .

  14. 马克思提出了以流通费用为核心的流通费用理论,而科斯提出了以交易费用为核心的交易费用理论。

    Marx put forward to be the marketing cost theory of core with marketing cost , and Kesidi gave what with trading charge is core to trade charge is academic .

  15. 本文认为,当前中观条件下流通费用有居高不下的走向,流通不经济或交易不经济现象较为突出。

    The author maintains that , at present , in meso dimension , the cost of circulation is still keeping rising , circulation inefficiency and transactional inefficiency is becoming the prominent problems .

  16. 现行玉米价格体系庞大复杂,其构成分生产成本、流通费用、利润、税金四个部分。

    In this study the penman discussed the complicated framework of the maize price , and particularly studied the main four parts : producing cost , circulating exes , margins , and taxes ;

  17. 商品的批发价格低于零售价格,即存在着批零差价,其差额由零售企业所耗费的流通费用、税金和利润构成。

    Wholesale price less than the retail commodity price , that there are wholesale and retail price difference , the difference is spent by the flow of retail business costs , taxes and profits composition .

  18. 工业革命以来形成的生产社会化导致了生产费用与流通费用背离的趋势,大规模生产的效率被流通效率的不足所牵制。

    The socialization of production formed since industrial revolution has led to the trend of diversion of production costs and distribution costs , and the efficiency of mass production is restrained by low distribution efficiency .

  19. 比如,瑞士再保险公司如果为设在伦敦的总部新大楼安装可开启的窗户,会产生额外的高成本,虽然能够降低空气流通费用,但要十年以上才能与投入相抵。

    For example , Swiss Re 's installation of windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost .

  20. 研究表明,在生产成本中,中间投入、沉没成本和环境成本所占比例较大。在流通费用中,绿色物流费用和绿色包装费用占流通费用支出的主要部分。

    The research shows that the intermediate inputs , sunk cost , environments cost make a larger proportion in the cost of production and green logistics , green packaging cost accounts for the main part of circulation in the circulation cost .

  21. 方便快捷的个人金融服务,简化了结算手续,节约了大量社会资金和流通费用,增强了银行服务功能,提高了社会效益,在社会生活中具有举足轻重的作用。

    Convenient and swift personal financial service has simplified the formality of closing , having economized a large amount of social fund and circulation costs , and strengthened the service function of the bank , and improved the social benefit which is very important function in social life .

  22. 因此,吸引消费者争取更多的市场份额必须降低成本,而优化成品油供应链物流体系,降低流通费用,是降低成品油销售企业成本的一个重要环节。

    Therefore , in order to attract consumers and to possess more market share , the cost must be reduced . The optimization of refined oil supply chain logistics system and the reduction of circulation cost is an important component of the reduction of refined oil sales enterprises .

  23. 粮食物流的健康发展不仅有利于降低流通费用,实现国内粮食市场与国际市场的接轨,还将进一步推动产业结构调整,优化社会资源配置,促进国民经济的合理布局。

    The sound development of the grain logistics not merely helps to decrease the circulation costs , join the domestic grain market up with international ones , but also benefits adjustments of industrial structure , optimized distributions of social resource , at last stimulates the reasonable allocation of national economy .

  24. 其次,通过对影响小麦国际竞争力的主要因素的国际比较发现:中国小麦单位产品生产成本具有明显优势,但由于较高的流通费用,导致在价格上不具有优势;

    Secondly , after the international comparing of the main factors that affect the international competitiveness of wheat , it was discovered that Chinese wheat has the obvious cost advantage on unit product , while because of the high circulation fee , it results in inferior advantage on the price ;

  25. 优化设计瓦楞纸箱结构尺寸降低货物流通整体费用

    Optimum Designing of the Construction of Corrugated Box and Decreasing the Total Expenses of Cargo Distribution

  26. 发展医药共同物流体系是解决医药流通环节费用过高、信息不透明、药品无法追溯等问题的有效途径,能够有效推动医药物流产业良性发展。

    The pharmaceutical joint logistics system is an effective way to solve problem of high cost of medicine circulation , information opacity , drugs monitoring difficulties , to effectively promote development of pharmaceutical logistics industry .

  27. 企业虚列成本、流通环节费用过高、价格管理缺陷以及用药行为异化等构成了影响药品价格不良费用增长的主要因素。

    False listing of costs by enterprises , high expenses in circulation , shortcomings in price control , and alienated behavior in drug usage constitute the chief factors causing the undesirable cost growth in drug prices .

  28. 针对商品流通企业进货费用的处理归纳了三种方法。

    Three ways of costing for purchase expenses have been summarized in a commercial enterprise .

  29. 为使零售商品在城市内流通的总运输费用最小,利用选址模型和遗传算法优化城市物流网络中中间节点的空间分布和规模。

    Distribution and scales of intermediate nodes are optimized with location model and genetic algorithm to minimize the total transportation costs of goods in the whole city .

  30. 得出:现代物流产业是国民经济中的重要产业,成为经济发展的重要推动力量。合理有效的物流活动可以减少流通环节,降低流通费用,降低产品价格,提高产品和企业竞争力。

    It has already become important motive force of promoting the development of economy , It is rational for effective logistics activity to reduce the link of circulating , to reduce the circulation costs , Thus reduce the goods cost and raise the products and enterprise 's competitiveness .