
  • 网络circulation industry
  1. 外部环境通过对GZ有限公司宏观发展环境、流通产业环境、铁路市场环境、区域市场及对标欧浦企业等四方面进行分析,内部环境围绕各业务板块的竞争力和存在的主要问题展开分析。

    The external environment carries on four aspects including macroscopic development , the circulation industry environment , railway market , regional market and EUROPOL benchmarking enterprises , and the internal environment carries on two aspects including competitive analysis of the business sections and main and existing problems in company .

  2. 论流通产业的战略性地位

    The Study of Strategic Status of China ′ s Circulation Industry

  3. 但是我国从1993年开始流通产业在GDP中的比重基本上呈下降的趋势,流通产业相对落后的状况更加突出。

    But our country started from 1993 to circulate the industry basically to assume the drop in the GDP proportion the tendency , the circulation industry relative backwardness condition is more prominent .

  4. 本文以SCP框架为基础对流通产业组织政策的建立与健全进行了具体分析,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    By using the SCP frame the paper discussed the organizational policies for the industry of circulation , and put forward some advices .

  5. 本文分别从GDP或GNP、经济增长、三次产业、社会就业、国民福利及城市形成和发展等维度,分析了流通产业的贡献及相关测度方法;

    The paper analyses the contribution of the goods distribution industry and the related methods to measure its contribution from such dimensions as GDP and / or GNP , economic growth , three industries , social employment , national welfare and the formation and development of the city .

  6. 结构转换与流通产业结构高级化

    The Transformation of Structure and the Advance of Circulation Industrial Structure

  7. 浙江省流通产业集群与流通经济增长的实证研究&基于人力资本视角

    Empirical Study on Zhejiang Province Circulation Industrial Clusters and Economics Growth

  8. 我国食品市场流通产业发展对策与趋势

    Developmental trends and strategy of the market for food distribution

  9. 现代流通产业的发展演变过程是伴随着现代城市的产生与发展过程进行的,现代城市是现代流通产业的载体,而城市则因为流通产业的发展而发展、壮大。

    Modern distribution has been evolved with the development of modern cities .

  10. 论建立健全流通产业组织政策

    Setting Up and Perfecting the Organizational Policies for the Industry of Circulation

  11. 河北农村商品流通产业创新的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Innovation of rural Commodity Circulation Industry in Hebei

  12. 我国流通产业组织创新的动因与方向

    Drivers and Direction of Organizational Innovation in Chinese Circulation Industry

  13. 论黑龙江省现代粮食流通产业的构建

    Build circulation of the modern grain industry of Heilongjiang Province

  14. 对黑龙江省流通产业信息化的探讨

    Research on Information Technology in Distribution Industry of Heilongjiang Province

  15. 并结合中外流通产业发展的实践,对流通产业在某些方面的贡献进行了国际比较分析;

    It also carries out an international comparative study on the contribution .

  16. 跨国公司投资与流通产业管制

    Multi-national Company Investment and the Regulation of Goods Distribution Industry

  17. 中国流通产业发展与公共管理建设

    Development of China 's Circulation Industry and Public Management Construction

  18. 电子商务发展与流通产业变革

    The Development of E - commerce & the Revolution of Circulation Industry

  19. 中国流通产业发展的金融支持作用机理研究

    Mechanism Study of Financial Support for the Development of Circulation Industry in China

  20. 珠江三角洲塑料原料流通产业的形成及发展

    Formation and Development of Plastics Raw Material Circulation Industry in Pearl River Delta

  21. 我国流通产业的创新研究

    Research on Renovation of Circulation Industry of Our Country

  22. 论流通产业的先导性作用与深圳现代产业体系建立

    Leading Role of Circulation Industry and Establishment of Modern Industrial System in Shenzhen

  23. 中国流通产业过度进入分析

    An Analysis on Over-Entry in China 's Distribution Industry

  24. 流通产业在国民经济发展中的角色转换:基于灰色关联分析

    Shifting Roles of Circulation Industry in National Economy : Based on the Grey Incidence

  25. 中国流通产业创新的政策内容及其对策建议

    Policies and Countermeasures for China 's Circulation Industry

  26. 开放环境下我国流通产业组织创新研究

    Research on Innovations of Organization of China 's Circulation Industry in an Open Environment

  27. 流通产业结构将进入全方位加快调整阶段。

    The structure of circulation industry will come into a period of comprehensive adjustment .

  28. 城市化与流通产业发展之间存在着必然的联系。

    There exists a close connection between urbanization and the development of circulation industry .

  29. 试论流通产业的贡献

    On the Contribution of Goods Distribution Industry

  30. 文章认为,我国的流通产业应定位于战略产业。

    The article proposes that China 's circulation industry should be oriented to strategic industry .