
  • 网络The Liquidity Hypothesis
  1. 因此,市场分割假说与流动性假说在中国企业境外上市的背景下成立。

    Hence , the market segmentation hypothesis and the liquidity hypothesis are tenable under the background of Chinese enterprises listed overseas .

  2. 交叉上市的资本成本效应是从公司理财角度研究交叉上市的核心领域,市场分割假说、流动性假说、投资者认知假说和绑定假说是解释交叉上市资本成本效应的四个重要理论。

    Cost of capital effects of cross listings are the core research field of cross-listings from the point of corporate finance . Market segmentation hypothesis , liquidity hypothesis , investor recognition hypothesis and bonding hypothesis are four important theories to interpret the cost of capital effects of cross-listings .

  3. 其中与美国市场不同的是,交易量与收益显著正相关,这就与流动性补偿假说相矛盾。

    Contrary to the re search of US market , trading volume is positive related to returns , which is incon sist with the liquidity compensation hypothesis .

  4. 生命周期-持久收入假说是经济学在研究消费行为中最基本的理论模型,后来发展起来的预防性储蓄假说、流动性约束假说等不确定性消费理论可以说均未根本改变这一框架。

    Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis is the most basic theoretical model in the study of consumer behavior in economics , and later developed uncertainty consumption theory such as precautionary savings hypothesis and liquidity constraint hypothesis , have not changed this framework fundamentally .