
liú tōng jī jīn
  • circulating fund
  1. 研究发现,公司规模、流通比例、基金持股比例与股票价格均具有价值相关性,并且随时间延续具有增量解释力度。

    Study finds that the size , distribution proportion , fund shareholding and stock price have value relevance , and over time and continue with incremental explanation .

  2. 待今后条件成熟时再象全国社会保障基金那样允许慈善基金结余额按一定比例投资于上市流通的证券投资基金、股票和信用等级在投资级以上的企业债、金融债等。

    When appropriate , some part can be invested in circulated trusts , stocks and enterprise and finical debts with investment level of credit in the market , which will be the same with national social security foundations .