
  • 网络Circulation function;flow function
  1. 但如今的很多街道过度着重道的流通功能而忽略了街的交往沟通的场所特征。

    Now many streets over-emphasis on the function of circulation , while ignoring the communications between sites .

  2. 当今社会在经济发展的引导下,越来越重视财产的流通功能,以满足日益扩大的投资需求。

    With the development of modern society , to meet the increasingly enlarged needs of investment , the circulation functions of assets are highly valued .

  3. 根据金融中介理论及其它相关已有理论的研究结果,提出了票据作为融资手段所具备的六种功能:汇兑功能、支付功能、信用功能、结算功能、融资功能和流通功能。

    As one of the major financing tools , the functions of bill in financial market are summarized as facilitating exchange and balancing , providing credit , financing , circulating , and payment tool .

  4. 随着中国经济的发展和会展行业竞争的加深,某展会进行了升级转型,从单一的出口贸易展会转变为具有进出口双向商品流通功能的展会。

    With the development of Chinese economy and the deepening of convention and exhibition industry competition , has carried on the upgrading transformation of Exhibition , from a single export Exhibition into a two-way flow of goods import and export fair .

  5. 票据是顺应现代社会经济发展而产生的一种有价证券形式,其可以满足各种交易的便捷性和安全性要求,并且凭借自身强大的流通功能,极大地促进金融贸易的快速发展。

    The negotiable instrument is to adapt to modern social economy developed a form of securities , which can meet the various transaction convenience and safety requirements , and by virtue of its powerful circulation function , greatly promote the rapid development of financial trade .

  6. 在这一趋势中展现了商业革命的滚滚浪潮,主要表现在商业经营国际化、产业组织集中化和连锁化、流通功能主导化、商业运营信息化和高技术化、商业业态的多样化以及更重视服务。

    This trend exhibits a worldwide business revolution is coming , which is mostly represented by business management internationalization , industry organization centralization and chaining , circulation function dominating , business management informationization and using High Technology , business operation form diversification and emphasizing on service .

  7. 独特的空气流通系统功能的通风口,让凉爽,清新的空气进入。

    Unique air circulation system features intake vents to allow cooler , fresh air to enter .

  8. 而实现抵押权的流通投资功能的最佳途径便是将不动产抵押权证券化。

    The best way to realize the function of circulation and investment of mortgage is the securitization of real estate mortgage .

  9. 而实现票据强大的流通性功能的关键就是要保证票据本身的无因性,即票据的流转不应受原因关系的影响。

    And the realization of the notes a strong liquidity function is the key to ensure the negotiable instrument itself without reason , namely the negotiable instrument circulation to cause effect relationship .

  10. 全球物流是在市场竞争、区域经济一体化、信息和通讯技术发展的背景下产生的。其基本功能包括运输功能,保管和流通加工功能、装卸功能等。

    Global logistics has formed in the development of market competition , area economy integration , IT and communication technology , Which functions as transportation , safekeeping , circulation , processing , loading and unloading , etc.

  11. 该系统集图书信息管理、读者信息管理、读者借阅信息查询、图书流通管理等功能于一体。本系统开发采用基于Web的B/S模式,使图书馆的管理从自动化走向网络化。

    This system makes library management evolve from automation to networking by integrating books and readers ' information management , record keeping and query , book circulation and other functions together on the basis of B / S mode .

  12. 股票市场具有融资、监控和提高流通性的功能。

    There are three functions in the stock market : financing , supervising and liquidity .

  13. 广告是广告商与消费者之间的一种特殊的语言交际形式,它不仅具有促进商品流通的经济功能,而且具有较高的语言审美价值。

    Ads is a special linguistic communication between advertiser and consumers , ads have not only the economic function of promoting commercial sale , but also have highly linguistic aesthetic value .

  14. 高校图书馆作为社会的重要文化信息部门,提供对各类资源分类管理、流通、检索等功能。

    As an important social and cultural information department , the library provides classified management , circulation , retrieval and other functions for various types of resources .

  15. 传统民法理论强调抵押权的附随性,将抵押权定位于保全债权的目的,不注重其流通性和投资功能。

    Traditional civil law insists on the character of dependence of mortgage , emphasizing it 's value of ensuring creditor 's rights while disregarding it 's negotiability and investment functions .

  16. 太极拳强身健体的一个主要目的就是通过增加气血的流通以改进身体功能,缓解紧张,减轻压力。

    A major goal of Tai Chi Chuan for health maintenance is to enable practitioners to reduce tension and stress through increasing circulation of blood and breath to improve bodily functions .

  17. 结合鞍山师范学院图书馆文献管理的工作流程,详细描述了文献编目模块、文献典藏模块以及流通管理模块的功能、模块之间的关系、以及内部处理过程。

    Combine Anshan Normal College Library filing management work process , the paper describes the function of files catalogue module , files recording module , and transfer management module . And describes the relationship among those modules , and internal solve process .

  18. 本文认为,我国现行农产品流通体制市场调节功能不完善,农民组织化程度低,宏观调控不能适应新体制的要求,与市场经济的要求尚有较大距离。

    Begin with the discussion that the current farm circulation structure falls far short of the demands of the market economy , the author gives suggestion to deepening the reform of the circulation structure : first , to improve the self-organization level of peasants ;

  19. 特别是在目前我国贯彻实施扩大内需的战略过程中,作为流通经济运行主体和流通功能发挥载体的流通产业,更是成为该战略的切实推动者。

    And the circulation industry , as the main part of circulation economy and circulation function carrier , especially in the period of our country implementing the strategy of boosting domestic demand , has become the promoter of that strategy .

  20. 技术创新的目的在于实现更高的流通效率、更优的流通功能,农村流通产业组织优化中离不开技术创新。

    The purpose of technology innovation in circulation system is higher circulation efficiency and greater circulation ability .

  21. 票据作为现代市场经济的重要流通媒介,实际上只起到了支付结算的作用,使票据的流通功能大打折扣。

    Bill is a circulation medium which played important role in modern market , actually played only a settlement in the role of the bill circulation function .

  22. 伴随经济的快速发展、货物的流通需求的加强,这就需要一种能承担这一承担集疏运货物、配送货物、装卸搬运以及其他流通加工功能的组织,这样才能实现货物的高效的流通。

    With rapid economic development , enhance the flow of goods demand , which requires a commitment to undertake the collection and distribution of goods , distribution of goods , handling and other processing functions of the organization in circulation , so as to achieve the efficient flow of goods .