
liú tōng lǐng yù
  • Circulation field;circulation domain
  1. 指出现行的针对生产和流通领域的价格管制不仅不能有效降低价格,更不能降低医疗费用。

    Present price regulations on production and circulation domain can neither lower the price effectively , nor reduce medical expenses .

  2. 流通领域的货币供应量一夜骤减。

    The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight .

  3. 加入WTO,我国的粮食流通领域必须遵照多边协议的要求,按既定的进程对外开放。

    With the entry of WTO , China 's food circulation will be open to outside world under the requirement of multilateral agreement .

  4. 随着加入WTO,我国商品流通领域经历了资源整合、连锁经营等深刻变化。

    With the accession to the WTO , China commodity circulation field is undergoing many changes , such as resource integration , chain operation .

  5. 摘要:中国流通领域已进入wto时代。由此,中国零售业发展呈现若干新的趋向。

    Abstract : as china 's circulation field entered into the WTO times , the retail development has been featured with some new trends .

  6. 作为WTO正式成员,我国农业面临的挑战,将更多地来自农产品加工和流通领域。

    As an official member country of WTO , the challenges that China 's agriculture has to face will increasingly come from produce processing and distribution industries .

  7. 超高频(UHF)频段是全球范围内货物流通领域大规模使用RFID技术的最适合频段。

    UHF band is the most suitable band to make extensive use of RFID technology in goods circulation .

  8. POS网络系统在商品流通领域的应用

    Application of POS NetWare System in Commercial System

  9. 研究SRD公司在商贸流通领域的供应链关系模式,是增强公司竞争力的重要途径。

    Supply Chain pattern is studied in trading , it is an important way that strengthen core competence of SRD company .

  10. 研究了HACCP质量控制体系在巴氏牛奶流通领域中的应用,确定了关键控制点及关键限值。

    The application of HACCP system in the circulation sector of pasteurized milk was studied , and critical control points and critical limits were determined .

  11. 本文分析了RFID无线射频识别技术在流通领域的应用前景和预期效益,论述了RFID技术与保护消费者隐私权的关系,以及相关公共政策。

    The paper analyzed the application prospect and potential benefits of RFID radio frequency identification technology in distribution sector , and explained the relationship between RFID and customers privacy protection , then focused on public policy issues .

  12. 第三,加快中国商品交易中心(CCEC)的建设,彻底解决商品流通领域的混乱局面。

    Speed the construction of China Commerce Exchange Center ( CCEC ) and resolving the chaos in the commerce circulation fields .

  13. 论文从MIS的定义、发展和应用入手,逐步阐述了商业流通领域经营管理的现状、商业流通领域MIS的架构、商业流通领域经营和售后管理的定义、功能、具体实现。

    Beginning with the definition , development and application of MIS , this thesis elaborates step by step on the status quo of the business and management , the framework of MIS , the definition , function and realization of business and after-sale service in business circulate area .

  14. 本论文以河南省汽车配件流通领域最大的一家公司,也是河南汽车配件行业最具有代表性的企业DND公司为例,对其战略发展进行研究。

    This thesis illustrate the largest distributor of automobile spare parts , DND , which is also the most typical firm in Henan Province as an example to discuss its development strategy .

  15. 我国改革开放以来,国内经济持续繁荣,钢铁生产企业不断并购,钢铁流通领域竞争激烈,BK公司能否生存与发展,关键在于是否拥有核心竞争力,能否形成持久的竞争优势。

    From reform and opening in our country , domestic economy continuous and prosperity , steel-producing enterprise constantly annex , the steel circulation of commodities competition , BK company whether living or developing , it is important in possession of core-competitiveness , whether have the hold competitive edge .

  16. 流通领域经济效益状况有所改观。

    Economic efficiency in the circulating sector improved to some extent .

  17. 浅析电子商务在水产品流通领域中的应用

    Preliminary studies on application of electronic commerce in aquatic product distribution

  18. 中外流通领域零售产业组织发展比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Retail Industrial Organizations Between China and Other Countries

  19. 流通领域扩大开放的对策建议

    Policy Suggestions on Opening up of China 's Distribution Industry

  20. 一文钱在流通领域是最小价值的。

    A mite was the least valuable coin in circulation .

  21. 我省流通领域阿莫西林制剂质量现状

    Quality situation of amoxicillin preparation in the circulation realm of Hainan Province

  22. 流通领域食品安全快速检测技术的应用

    The Application of Rapid Detection Technology of Food Safety in Food Circulation

  23. 食品流通领域的分析和安全保障体系的建立

    Analysis on Food Circulation and Foundation of Food Security System

  24. 电子商务改变着传统产业结构的同时,对流通领域中供应物流的定价策略也产生了巨大的影响。

    Electronic commerce has changed the structure of traditional commerce ;

  25. 商业集群是商品流通领域中一个普遍而重要的经营组织形式。

    Commerce cluster is prevalent and important in distribution sector .

  26. 托拉斯试点除工业、交通外,还包括商业物资流通领域;

    Trust experimental units include the field of commerce and material cirulation ;

  27. 流通领域安全监控平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Security Monitoring Platform in Circulation System

  28. 2003-2004年生产资料流通领域信息化发展概况

    Overview on Development of Production Material Circulation Informatization in 2003-2004

  29. 目的:构建医药流通领域药品采购和供应的信息化系统。

    OBJECTIVE : To design and apply drug purchase and distribution information system .

  30. 谈流通领域组织行为的改善

    On the Improvement of Organizational Behavior in Market Circulation