- 网络Circulation informatization

Research on Information Technology in Distribution Industry of Heilongjiang Province
Overview on Development of Production Material Circulation Informatization in 2003-2004
After years of construction , enterprise information system in Chinese circulation has made significant progress .
Application information technology in distribution industry is a trend of distribution industry , it will promote the development of distribution economy .
Based on the character of informationization for pharmaceutical commercial enterprise , we put forward the model of enterprise interior information system design and the agile supply chain model which aims at enterprise exterior information system .
Through lucubrating the informationization of pharmaceutical commercial enterprises we aim at emphasize the importance of informationization for enterprises , promote the informationization development of Chinese pharmaceutical commercial enterprises and adapt with the competition of international market .
With the arrival of economic globalization , it is not only the trend for information management for drugs circulation enterprises , but also is an important way for modernization and optimization on china ' pharmaceutical industry .
First , we expatiated on some basic theories for the informationization of pharmaceutical commercial enterprises , analysised the character of business administration and status quo , introduced the development status of informationization for pharmaceutical flow enterprises in China and abroad .
It the basic requirement is beyond reach , drugs circulation enterprises is impossible to information management and modernization .
Informationization is the motivation and symbol of modern circulation industry , Modern means of circulation is the result of wide application of informationization , automation , modern marketing and management technology in the field of circulation .