
  • Martell
  1. 对他们来说可能有烤鹅,舌头在冻,白葡萄酒和马爹利。

    For them there might be roast goose , tongue in aspic , Chablis and Martell .

  2. 金牌马爹利色泽圆润丰满,韵味成熟芳香,充满力量和质感,跻身于醇厚优质干邑系列。

    Martell mellow gold color and plump , ripe flavor aromatic , full of strength and texture , among the mellow quality cognacs .

  3. 专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。

    Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu , suitable for direct access to ice .

  4. 和你选择马爹利的理由一样摇匀,不要搅拌(译:震惊,但不骚动)好过香蒂啤酒。

    For the same reason you 'd choose a Martini - shaken , not stirred - over a shandy .

  5. 蓝带马爹利干邑酒味香醇,色调丰厚,是全球最受欢迎的高级干邑葡萄酒佳酿之一。

    Martell Cordon Bleu cognac alcohol mellow , rich tone , is the world 's most popular wine of the High cognac wine .

  6. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。

    The main products imported Ren Touma wine , wine Hennessy , Martell wine Napoleon wine , wine Camus , the French original imported wines , domestic famous wine trade .

  7. 金牌马爹利是法国四大干邑产区佳酿调配的结晶,诞生于1840年,独享路易十四金像,充溢皇室气派。

    Gold Martell Cognac producing wines of France the deployment of the four crystals , was born in1840 , exclusive of gold , like Louis XIV , filled royal style .

  8. 早在二十多年前,一些重要品牌如芝华士、马爹利、皇家礼炮就已进入中国市场,并逐渐成长为中国进口烈酒市场的领导品牌。

    Key brands such as Chivas Regal , Martell and Royal Salute were introduced into the country over two decades ago , since then they have grown to be China 's leading portfolio of imported spirits .

  9. 然而,由于进入中国后,帝亚吉欧在中国市场的占有率比马爹利,芝华士,皇家礼炮和其他品牌的老对手要低得多-法国保乐力加集团。

    However , due to enter China later , Diageo 's market share in China has a much lower than Martell , Chivas Regal , Royal Salute and other brands of old rival-the French group Pernod Ricard .