
  • Hennessy;HENNESSY VSOP;richard hennessy
  1. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  2. 《月满轩尼诗》讲述的是两个孤独单身男女被双方家庭撮合到一起的故事,由汤唯和张学友(JackyCheung)主演,张学友未出席周日的首映。

    ' Crossing Hennessy ' is the story of a pair of lonely singles - Ms. Tang and Jacky Cheung , a no-show at the premiere - pushed together by their families .

  3. 酩悦轩尼诗发言人向葡萄酒杂志《品醇客》(Decanter)表示,这是首次款按照法国传统工艺在中国酿造的香槟酒。

    A Mo ë t spokesperson told wine magazine Decanter that this will be the first sparkling wine made in China using the traditional French methods .

  4. 法国酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团(LVMHMoetHennessyLouisVuittonSA)旗下的品牌宇舶(Hublot)正在打造能够使自己的腕表与众不同的新材料。

    Hublot , owned by France 's LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA , is creating new materials to distinguish its wristwatches from the pack .

  5. 路易威登的母公司LVMH酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团在周一发布声明确认死讯,并没有公布死亡原因。

    LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , the parent company of Louis Vuitton , confirmed the death in a statement on Monday without specifying a cause .

  6. 现在,格兰奥兰治在英国市场上已经落后于格兰菲迪(Glenfiddich),但成为酩悦轩尼诗旗下一员,已推动它在台湾、日本以及北美等地的销量强劲增长。

    Glenmorangie has now slipped behind Glenfiddich in the UK , but its association with Moet-Hennessy has helped sales grow vigorously in places such as Taiwan and Japan as well as North America .

  7. 这里是湾仔轩尼诗道、卢押道交界。

    This is the intersection of Luard Road & Hennessy Road in Wanchai .

  8. 该酒店的位置是在主要道路,轩尼诗道。

    The location of the hotel is at the main road , Henessy road .

  9. 公司总部位于中国香港湾仔轩尼诗道250号。

    Company is headquartered in Hong Kong , China , No.250 Hennessy Road , Wan Chai .

  10. 她的第一篇短篇故事获得轩尼诗文学奖后,1996年马丁娜开始写虚构小说。

    Martina started writing fiction in1996 when she won a Hennessy Literary Award for her first short story .

  11. 路易·威登公司隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团,其所播放的广告显示几个工人使用针线和其他制作技艺制作皮包。

    Louis Vuitton , part of the LVMH group , ran advertisements showing workers using a needle and thread and other artisanal techniques .

  12. 巡展也将重点宣传轩尼诗特别呈献的全球特饮系列,包括轩尼诗巴黎、轩尼诗纽约、轩尼诗上海和轩尼诗莫斯科。

    The tour will also feature Hennessy 's signature global cocktails ; Hennessy Paris , Hennessy New York , Hennessy Shanghai and Hennessy Moscow .

  13. 豪华和现代感的水晶玻璃酒瓶散发轩尼诗百乐廷干邑华贵独特的气质,个中处处,皆令人杯酒莫停。

    Luxurious and modern crystal glass bottles distributed Hennessy Cognac Park Mountain luxury unique temperament , and one everywhere , all people drink Mo stop .

  14. 酩悦轩尼诗集团于2007年买下了一家中国白酒厂,进而看到中国成为了公司最为赢利的市场。

    Mo ë t Hennessy had bought a producer of the Chinese spirit baijiu in 2007 and went on to see China become their most lucrative market overall .

  15. 这种独特的鸡尾酒将把轩尼诗的国际风味带到中国本土的城市,同时,也可能会把一些中国本土的风味融入到轩尼诗的全球调配中。

    The signature cocktails will offer Hennessy 's international flavor to local Chinese cities , while also perhaps taking away some local flavor to add to the global mix .

  16. 在伦敦和纽约都设立了事务所的利特顿和轩尼诗艺术画廊今年展出了一件令人惊叹的漆器&一件15世纪的五斗橱,上面绘制了道家仙境。

    Littleton and Hennesy , which has offices in London and New York , unveiled a spectacular lacquer piece at Maastricht : a15th-century chest of drawers depicting a Taoist paradise .

  17. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。

    The main products imported Ren Touma wine , wine Hennessy , Martell wine Napoleon wine , wine Camus , the French original imported wines , domestic famous wine trade .

  18. 有几部具有明显地域风情的电影将首次进行全球公映,包括开幕式之夜将上演的岸西执导的浪漫喜剧《月满轩尼诗》,由张学友及汤唯主演。

    There will be world premieres for several films with a distinctly local flavor , including director Ivy Ho 's opening-night romantic comedy'Crossing Hennessy , 'starring Jacky Cheung and Tang Wei .

  19. 本周,路易威登履行了当初的诺言。该公司宣布旗下的旗舰酒精饮料子公司酩悦轩尼诗将建设在中国的第一座葡萄园。

    This week , LVMH is making good on this promise , announcing that its flagship drinks subsidiary , Mo ë t Hennessy , will plant its first vineyard in China .

  20. 中国国内和在海外度假的消费者是路易威登服装手包以及轩尼诗白兰地酒的最大买家,领先于日本和美国消费者。

    Chinese customers , both at home and on vacation , have become the biggest buyers of Louis Vuitton clothes and handbags and Hennessy cognac , ahead of both the Japanese and the Americans .

  21. 《月满轩尼诗》将于4月1日在香港公开上映。

    Crossing Hennessy ' opens for general release in Hong Kong on April 1 . * Crossing Hennessy , * Film , * Hong Kong , * Hong Kong International Film Festival , * Tang Wei