
  • 网络Marshall Conflict;Marshall's Dilemma
  1. 现代产业组织理论的核心问题是“马歇尔冲突”,即规模与竞争之间的矛盾。

    One core issue in modern industry organization theory is " Marshall Conflict " which deals with the dilemma between scale and competition .

  2. 依照前人的研究成果,银行业市场结构优化调整的目标是解决马歇尔冲突,即实现规模经济和保持竞争活力。

    In according to previous research results , the banking industry structure optimization objective is to solve the " Marshall conflict ," that is , achieve economies of scale and remain competitive vitality .

  3. 理论史上,三个经典理论命题,即马歇尔冲突、斯密困境与两个熊彼特悖论曾分别以两种集聚(集中)形态间的互动关系予以探讨。

    In theoretic history , Marshall Dilemma , Smith Dilemma and Schumpeter Paradox , these classical theories had discussed the interrelationship between two of these three agglomerations ( or concentrations ) .