
zài shēng chǎn
  • reproduction
再生产 [zài shēng chǎn]
  • [reproduction] 以简单重复原规模或扩大规模两种方式增加生产的过程

  • 将纯利的百分之三十用于再生产

再生产[zài shēng chǎn]
  1. 测试结果表明.P95C在NPS粉末系统中是一种最适合于再生产的氮化硅粉末。

    The determined results show that P 9 5 C is the most suitable silicon nitride powder for reproduction in the NPS powder system .

  2. 在GIS应用中,空间数据库的建立有利于促进基础数据的数字化、信息化管理、便于为基础地理空间数据的流通、再生产提供信息服务,有利于推动基础空间数据成果的产业化。

    In GIS applications , the construction of geo-data base can facilitates digitalization of basic spatial data , information based management and can help providing information service for the transfer and reproduction of basic geo-data , and help the industrialization of basic spatial data production .

  3. 我们的产品中包括一套石头哑铃,是由一家叫BigGame的公司制作的,这些卖完后他们就不会再生产了,他说道,正是这种稀奇产生了吸引力。

    We 've got things like a set of stone dumbbells made by a company called Big Game that they will never make again after these have sold out , he says .

  4. 为消除生态生产力再生产过程中的负面影响,必须对现行GNP进行双重扣除&人工生态补偿及绿色GNP之实质所在;

    In order to remove the negative effects of ecological productivity in the reproduction process , the " double deduction " from the existing GNP should be carried out - the essence of artificial ecological compensation & green GNP .

  5. 而正是在这样一种不均等的文化交流环境中,来自自身文化价值上的信心给予中国观众找准理解F1赛事的基点,也成为中国电视媒介担起事件元素重新组合再生产责任的导航与契机。

    Though staying in the disparities among cultural communication environment , Chinese own cultural values give the confidence for Chinese audience to accurately understand F1 , which also would be a guide for Chinese media to take the responsibility of meaning " reproduction " .

  6. 尽管生态系统的最终产物(NBP或现存量)占光合总产量的很少一部分,但它是决定物质再生产的资本,维持和决定生态系统的物质再生产。

    Despite only making up a part of gross photosynthate production , final ecosystem production ( NBP ) is the capital for future organic matter reproduction and controls maintenance and development of the ecosystem .

  7. 论折旧基金对扩大再生产的贡献

    On the Contribution of Depreciated Funds to the Expansion of Reproduction

  8. 建立社会再生产的社会能模型。

    The model of social energy fo social reproduction is bulit .

  9. 关于环境再生产过程中利益分配问题的探讨

    The thoughts on Mechanism of Benefits Allocation in environmental reproduction process

  10. 二是天然气先转化为合成气再生产化工产品。

    The second , converted to chemical products via synthetic gas .

  11. 马克思社会再生产理论与索洛增长模型的比较

    Comparison between Marxist Social Reproduction Theory and Solow 's Growth Model

  12. 它能帮助企业通过融资来扩大其再生产。

    It can help enterprise through the financing to expand its reproduction .

  13. 我国林业再生产系统的灰色控制研究

    A Study on a Grey Control of Forest Reproduction System

  14. 货币并非实际再生产要素。

    MONEY HISTORICAL Currency is not the factor of practical reproduction factor .

  15. 这些都决定了民族文化再生产在其中的必要性。

    These are deciding to the necessary of reproduction of ethnic culture .

  16. 人情消费:一种权力传递与再生产的运作方式

    Renqing Consumption : The Operation of Power Transference and Reproduction

  17. 社会总资本再生产实现条件的新变化

    The latest change on the condition of reproduction of general social capital

  18. 信用制度节省了流通费用,从而提高了社会再生产的效率。3、信用制度是资本集中与积聚的有力杠杆。

    Credit system cut down circulation expenses , raise social labor productivity .

  19. 论考虑固定资本影响的简单再生产条件下的价值转形问题

    On Transformation of Value in Simple Reproduction with Fixed Capital in Effect

  20. 正常的细胞在死去前只能再生产有限的次数。

    Normal cells reproduce for a limited time before dying .

  21. 乡镇企业内涵扩大再生产的技术经济效益分析

    Analysis of Economic Effectiveness of Technologies for Expanding Reproduction in Township Enterprises

  22. 资金是企业综合实力的货币表现,是扩大再生产必不可少的血液。

    Fund is the " blood " of expanded reproduction .

  23. 电解法再生产硬质合金原料的研究

    Study of materials for reproducing hard alloys through electrolysis

  24. 从学理上说,它是围绕文学进行的知识生产和再生产。

    It is production and re production around literature .

  25. 这些原因造就了西部贫困人口的能力贫困,致使他们长期处于贫困的再生产状态。

    These factors made population in the west region of China capability poverty .

  26. 农业生产最本质的特征是经济再生产与自然再生产相互交织。

    Agriculture is characterized by the interweaving of natural reproduction and economic reproduction .

  27. 客体调控的氢键组装体调控的客体是森林资源的再生产过程。

    The object of this system is the reproduction process of forest resources .

  28. 人口再生产的经济行为分析

    An Analysis about the Economic Performance of Population Reproduction

  29. 制度再生产:中国农民的分家实践

    Institution Reproduction : Chinese Peasant 's House Division Practices

  30. 后福利国家:走向积极多元的福利再生产

    After the Welfare State : Toward a Positive and Pluralistic Reproduction of Welfare