
dài biǎo chù
  • representative office
  1. 新年伊始,应加拿大BC省的邀请,出席其在北京第一个代表处的开幕仪式并拍摄些照片。

    Beginning of this year , BC , Canada 's invitation to attend its first representative office in Beijing the opening ceremony and took some photos .

  2. 随着各方吸引迅速增长的中国公司赴海外上市的争夺战愈演愈烈,纳斯达克(nasdaq)昨日成为最新一个在北京开设代表处的全球证交所。

    NASDAQ yesterday became the latest global exchange to open a representative office in Beijing , as the battle to lure fast-growing Chinese companies to list on overseas markets intensifies .

  3. 包括从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的94个国家在巴塞罗那设有代表处。

    There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona , from Algeria to Zimbabwe

  4. 在纽约、东京、香港、新加坡、汉城设有分行,在伦敦、法兰克福设有代表处。

    BOCOM has set up branches in New York , Tokyo , Hong Kong , Singapore and Seoul as well as representative offices in London and Frankfurt .

  5. Opera成立中国代表处,关注移动终端市场

    Opera Opens China Office and Expects More on Mobile End Markets

  6. 纳税人:美国ABC公司北京代表处。

    Taxpayer : The ABC representative office locating in china .

  7. 纳税人:我是日本ABC公司北京代表处首席代表。

    Taxpayer : excuse me , I am the chief representative office Beijing representative ofice of ABC company in JAPAN .

  8. AAM在中国上海设立技术及商务代表处。

    AAM established China Business Office in Shanghai , China .

  9. 为了配合公司业务拓展,现上海代表处诚聘CEO私人助理,助理市场传讯经理各一名。

    Now the Shanghai Representative Office is looking for Candidates to sit for the positions of Personal Assistant to CEO and Assistant MarCom Manager .

  10. 本文作者是跨国律师事务所英国欧华律师事务所(dlapiper)驻北京代表处合伙人。

    The author is a partner in the Beijing Office of international law firm DLA Piper .

  11. CQ广州设计室是CQ工作室在广州的代表处,总部设在荷兰。

    Studio CQ in Guangzhou is one of the representative offices of Bureau CQ .

  12. 我们是美国NPC集团在上海设立的采购代表处,在中国地区采购及出口笔类产品至全球各地。

    We are the US Global NPC shanghai purchasing office , we are responsible for Sourcing and exporting the pens and promotional products in China .

  13. “如果形势有所好转,人们会兴奋不已,遗憾的是,形势又再次恶化,”世行驻太子港代表处工作人员PeterHolland说。

    " You get excited that things are getting better , then they deteriorate again ," says Peter Holland , a World Bank staffer in Port-au-Prince .

  14. 我们只和本地化品牌企业(corporate-to-localbrands)合作&也就是在各地设有分公司或代表处的大公司。

    We work exclusively with corporate-to-local brands & major companies that have local branches or representatives .

  15. DEMOS在23个国家设有分公司或代表处,在全球拥有32000多个企业客户,包括法国及欧洲众多大中型企、事业单位。

    DEMOS has23 filiales or office all over the world and a wide range of clients – 32000 international companies .

  16. CPM公司从80年代初进入中国市场,是第一批在中国设立代表处的国外公司。

    In the early1980s , CPM entered the Chinese market and became one of the first foreign companies which established representative offices in China .

  17. 讽刺的是,Jones先生来美国正是因为前十年的投资狂热达到顶峰,而代表处也因此取得了早期的成功。

    Ironically , Jones had arrived just as the investment frenzy of the previous decade , the very season for the agency 's initial success , was about to peak .

  18. 政府宣布的这些措施,以及为医改投入的巨额资金,显示了强大的政治承诺,世界卫生组织(WHO)驻华代表处的研究员萨拉巴伯(SarahBarber)表示。

    The announcements and substantial funding for reforms demonstrate strong political commitment , says Sarah Barber , a researcher at the Beijing office of the World Health Organisation .

  19. 贝克麦坚时上海代表处的JosephDeng说:《劳动合同法》颁布之前,大多数公司解雇员工时没有什么法律风险。

    Joseph Deng , of Baker McKenzie 's Shanghai office , said : Before the labour contract law , most companies saw very little legal risk when terminating employees .

  20. 法律实体的形成-外商独资企业(WFOE),合资企业和代表处登记。

    Legal Entity Formation-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises ( WFOE ), Joint Ventures and Representative Office registration .

  21. 本公司MPR部是美国MPR公司的胺液净化技术在中国大陆的唯一代表处,负责在中国地区的业务推广和中国包括东南亚地区的设备生产及技术服务。

    The SSU amine purification technology is a patent technology of the MPR Company in America , and is the world 's most advanced and most mature and reliable amine purification technology .

  22. 卡塔尔控股(qatarholding)的首席执行官表示,该公司很快会在中国设立代表处,以期提振在远东地区不断扩大的投资规模。

    Qatar holding , the direct investment arm of the Qatar Investment Authority , will soon open an office in China as it seeks to boost its growing investment portfolio in the Far East , its chief executive says .

  23. 富理达律师事务所(FoleyLardner)上海代表处专利专家孙嘉鸿(CatherineSun)表示:正常情况下,中国企业前往美国或欧洲时,我们忠告他们可能会遭到起诉。

    Catherine Sun , patent law expert at Foley Lardner in Shanghai , said : Normally we advise Chinese companies when they go to the US or Europe that they might be sued .

  24. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔奥克斯利(michaeloxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow NASDAQ to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league " , according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  25. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利(MichaelOxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league , " according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  26. DELO公司上海代表处现招聘一名销售工程师。

    We are looking for a Sales Engineer for DELO Shanghai Representative Office .

  27. 为了纪念ACCA成立一百周年,我会上海代表处特举办首届慈善同乐日,为有需要人士筹款。

    To commemorate its Centenary , ACCA Shanghai is organizing the first Charity Fun Day in Shanghai to raise funds for the needy .

  28. 但DSK在中国以销售代表处的形式来进行产品的市场开拓和技术服务工作,营销方式以经销代理商渠道销售为主。

    But DSK function in the form of a sales representative in China for product market development and technology services , distribution agent channel sales-oriented for marketing .

  29. 英国RMJM建筑设计集团是一家以设计为主导的国际性建筑设计公司。目前正为其上海代表处物色专业人才。

    RMJM , a design-lead international architectural design office is looking for talented people for its Shanghai representative office .

  30. ETG在北京设有代表处,并设立一个本地的技术中心,这两个机构将为中国的控制系统设计者和设备制造商们提供完备的支持和帮助。

    ETG opens a representative office and a local technology competence center in Beijing , both provide competent support and assistance for control system designers and automation device vendors alike .