
  • 网络factoring;agency business
  1. 代理经营瑞典SKF轴承、日本NSK轴承、德国FAG轴承等世界三大品牌产品,备有类别齐全的现货、库存丰富。

    The proxy manages Sweden world three big brand products and so on SKF bearing , Japanese NSK bearing , German FAG bearing , has the category complete on-hand merchandise , the stock to be rich .

  2. 展品:代理经营各类不锈钢扁平轧材。

    Exhibits : Stainless Steel Flat Products , Such As Coils , Sheets , Plates , Slabs .

  3. 代理经营产品均为各行业中世界知名品牌。

    Besides , as a sales agent , all the products we sell are world-renowned brands in different industries .

  4. 本公司主要从事各种自动化设备(特别是流体控制系统)的代理经营及相关产品的代理销售活动;

    The company mainly specializes in customer representation of distribution of automation apparatuses with different specifications , such as fluid control system .

  5. 他们向我们主动提供独家代理经营他们的汽车,做为回报我们也请他们代理经营我们的客车。

    They offer us an exclusive agency for their car and we reciprocate with an offer of the agency for our buses .

  6. 分别在稳定和随机环境下对铁路资产委托代理经营中基数的确定办法进行了研究;

    And the method of how to decide the base number under either stable and random circumstances in the commission operation of railway property was studied ;

  7. 公司主要进出口和代理经营种植基质,机械设备、铸件、五金、钢丝、家具、手推车、气弹簧(支架)、精密加工等。

    Our main business : import and export or as agent of , mechanical installation , Casting , hardware , steel wire , fitment , teaching device , gas spring ( piston , buffer ), precision finishing , etc.

  8. 中小型外贸企业传统的外贸代理经营模式已无法适应我国新形势下外贸发展的要求,企业经营每况愈下,有的甚至举步维艰。

    The tradition foreign trade agency model of Small-and-Medium Sized Foreign Trade Enterprises can not be suitable for the requirements of foreign trade development in new situation , which keeps them to step into a worse and worse financial state and some even not to survive .

  9. 在两部门的各自的《实施细则》中分别对无船承运人和国际货运代理的经营范围用列举的方法作了描述。

    Both Implementation Rules of two Ministries enumerate the business scope of international freight forwarder and NVOCC .

  10. 在进行指标分析时,借鉴决策的层次分析法,将影响代理产品经营效果的各类因素分为不同的层次,逐层考察评估。

    When analyzing factors , the effect of deputizing operation is decided into different levels and is evaluated gradually .

  11. 在国内沿海各主要口岸及中东设有分支机构,同时拥有数十家海外代理,经营网络遍布全球。

    Our company have covenanted with many main carriers and possess of perfect goods delivery system both at home and abroad .

  12. 代理成本与经营管理者财务监督

    Agency Cost and Managers ' Financial Supervision

  13. 税务代理行业就是经营税务代理的一个服务行业的类别。

    The tax deputy vocation is a kind of service industry dealing with the tax deputy .

  14. 独家经营/包销/代理协议独资经营一家便民商店

    Exclusivity agreement Run a convenience store with exclusive investment ; Be the sole owner of a convenience store

  15. 结构方程模型部分显示,生物制品行业投资风险的影响因子主要有项目选择风险、委托代理风险、经营风险、资本市场风险。

    Structural equation model shows that the main risk factors in biological products industry are project selection risk , agency risk , operational risk , capital market risk .

  16. 第四章在以上分析的基础上,提出了种子营销渠道改进原则以及渠道改进具体策略,主要有邮购、代理、连锁经营。

    On the basis of the above analysis , last chapter makes discussions about the marketing channel principle and the concrete channel . There is mail ordering , agency , franchising .

  17. 中国石化集团公司作为国家授权投资的控股集团,现有全资子公司、控股和参股子公司、分公司等逾百家,投资管理层次间存在多重委托代理或授权经营关系。

    Sinopec , as a stock control group with state authorized investment , owns over 100 sub companies with total capital , controlled stocks and shares , and there are operation relations of multi commitment agency or authorized among the investment management levels .

  18. 市场定位不准确、服务产品缺乏特色、营销理念陈旧、管理模式落后的现状导致了许多传统意义上的进出口公司,货运代理公司的经营效益非常不乐观。

    Inaccurate market positioning , lack of service product characteristics 、 old concepts of business sales and outdated management patterns are the main causes of the current situation that many traditional import and export companies and freight forwarders fail to get satisfied business benefits .

  19. 保险中介代理是金融混业经营的突破口

    Insurance Agency is the Breakthrough for Comprehensive Financial Operation

  20. 文章第三章承接上文,基于特许经营的本质特征,侧重与讨论特许经营的法律特征,同时将特许经营与传统商业模式,如代理销售、连锁经营进行比较。

    Franchise is compared with other traditional business modes in the views of law in the third chapter .

  21. 代理假说认为多元化经营是代理问题的一种表现形式,管理层选择多元化经营往往是一种非理性的利己行为。

    Proxy hypothesis think diversification is a manifestation of the agency problem diversification is often an irrational self-serving behavior .

  22. 对高管报酬机制的研究,可以促使形成科学的报酬结构,减少企业经营的代理成本,提高经营业绩。

    Research on CEO compensation mechanism can help to ferment scientific salary structure , reduce agency cost and raise profit of the enterprise .

  23. 但现代企业的代理成本除了由于经营权和所有权分离以及信息不对称所引起的股东和经理人之间的代理成本之外,还有债权人与企业的代理成本。

    However , the agency cost of a modern enterprise includes the agency costs of creditors besides the agency costs between shareholders and managers .

  24. 保险代理是保险业务经营方式之一,也是代理制度、代理理念在保险营销中的运用。

    Insurance agency is one of the insurance business operation modes , and it is also the application of agent system and concept of agent in insurance marketing .

  25. 林权委托代理关系扭曲,经营自主权被弱化,林地林权管理不到位。

    The relationship of principal-agent between forest ownership is distorted , operational autonomy has been weakened and the management of woodland or forest rights is also not in place .

  26. 我司为国家经贸部批准的一级货运代理企业,主要经营海运,空运,海空联运,拼箱,陆运等进出口业务。

    I Secretary for Economy and Trade Ministry approved a freight forwarding enterprises , mainly engaged in maritime , air , sea and air transport , Pinxiang , land and other import and export business .

  27. 同时,上市公司管理层收购作为一种制度创新,对于上市公司调整股权结构、降低代理成本、提高经营管理效率以及实现社会资源的优化配置也有重要意义。

    At the same time , MBO , as a creative way , has its significance in regulating the share structure of public companies , minimizing agency cost , promoting the management efficiency and optimizing social resources as well .

  28. 作为一种重要的并购方式,在有效整合企业、降低代理成本、强化经营管理和优化资源配置方面具有独特的作用,因而在西方获得极大发展,并迅速波及全球。

    As an important purchase manner , it has distinctive effects in integrating enterprise , reducing agent costs , strengthening manage administration and optimizing the allocation of social resources . Thus , it fully developed in western countries and rapidly around all over the world .

  29. 在股权过于分散的情况下,独立董事代理全体股东监督经营管理层;在存在控股股东的情况下,独立董事则代理中小股东制约大股东和由其选出的管理层。

    In the circumstances of scattered stake , the independent directors agent all the shareholders to oversight the operating management . In the circumstances of the existence of controlling shareholder , the independent directors agent small and medium shareholders to constraint the shareholders and management of elected by .

  30. 由于社区政府在股份合作制企业产权制度结构中处于强权地位,使得政府代理同时覆盖了产权代理和经营代理,从而导致激励的尴尬和监督的失效。

    Because village government stands a powerful point , government agency covers property agency and management agency , which results in inefficiency of encourage and monitoring .