
jīnɡ yínɡ zì zhǔ quán
  • Operational autonomy;managerial autonomy;the right at one’s own in management;power tomake one's own decisions on management affairs
  1. 保障农民的生产经营自主权;

    Safeguards farmer 's production right of autonomous management ;

  2. 企业生产经营自主权。

    Foreign enterprises have their own managerial authority .

  3. 经济性裁员体现了企业经营自主权与劳动者劳动权的直接冲突。

    Economic cuts reflect the direct collision between enterprises ' autonomy and right of labor .

  4. 改革开放以来,农户获得了很大的生产经营自主权。

    Farmer has got great rights on production management since the reform and opening-up in China .

  5. (三)认为行政机关侵犯法律规定的经营自主权的;

    Infringement upon one 's managerial decision-making powers , which is considered to have been perpetrated by an administrative organ ;

  6. 国家鼓励发展对外贸易,发挥地方的积极性,保障对外贸易经营者的经营自主权。

    The State encourages the development of foreign trade , exercises the initiative of localities and safeguards the autonomy of business operation of the foreign trade operators .

  7. 林权委托代理关系扭曲,经营自主权被弱化,林地林权管理不到位。

    The relationship of principal-agent between forest ownership is distorted , operational autonomy has been weakened and the management of woodland or forest rights is also not in place .

  8. 在公司外部,国有股董事实现了出资人职责到位,确保了企业依法享有的经营自主权。

    In the outside of the board , the state-owned director ensures the duty of contributor be realized well and the autonomy of business operation of the company be enjoyed lawfully .

  9. 国有企业改革中关于落实企业经营自主权的问题,即是要保证经营者拥有剩余控制权,而承包制和利润分成则是给经营者以适当的剩余索取权。

    It was to give managers residual control rights that we carried out the policy of enterprise managing independently , and give them residual claim rights that contract system and profit sharing were fulfiled .

  10. 改制后的科技型企业拥有了充分的经营自主权,迎来了更多的发展机遇,同时也面临着开放市场的激烈竞争和挑战。

    After the reform , these science and technology enterprises have got sufficient operational independence , and ushered in more development opportunities as well as facing intense competition and challenges in more open market .

  11. 国有企业经过体制改革获得了较充分的经营自主权,非公有制企业的社会地位和经济影响大为提高,外资企业所享受的优惠政策也消失殆尽。

    State-owned enterprises have acquired fairly sufficient autonomy in management through system reform , the social status and economic influence of non-state-owned enterprises are greatly increased , and preferential policies for foreign-funded enterprises almost disappear .

  12. 反垄断法规范限制竞争的低于成本价销售行为虽然在一定程度上限制了市场主体的经营自主权,但却维护了竞争机制,有利于实现社会整体利益最大化。

    Although antitrust law regulates sale performance below cost has , to some extent , limited self-decision rights of enterprise or business entities of competing parties , it anyhow safeguards competition and makes greatest profit of the whole society .

  13. 但在市场经济条件下,一个有经营自主权的纳税人,其经济利益具有相对独立性,它通过筹资、投资、经营等一系列活动,最终目的就是追求税后利润的最大化。

    But in the market economy , the final object of the taxpayer , who has the power of management and the relatively benefit , is to earn the large benefit after taxing through financing , investing , managing , etc.

  14. 但是,与过去的金融管制不同,今天的金融监管应建立在尊重银行经营自主权的基础之上,是一种审慎性金融监管,并面临监管冲突的难题。

    But , being different from the past financial supervision , now it is a kind of prudent supervision and facing to a hard nut to conflict with other financial control , by respecting the independent of the bank management .

  15. 揭示出在公有制和计划经济体制下,取消公立医院的经营自主权是符合经济逻辑的一种必然选择,是在当时的各种约束条件下最有效率的一种制度安排。

    It reveals that in the public ownership system and under the planned economy system , canceling the independent management right of public hospitals is conform to the economical logical choice , and the most effective regulation arrangement under current conditions .

  16. 对于非法改变乡镇企业所有权的,非法占有或者无偿使用乡镇企业财产的,非法撤换乡镇企业负责人的和侵犯乡镇企业经营自主权的行为,由县级以上乡镇企业行政治理部门责令改正。

    To droit of illegal change town enterprise , detinue or free uses town enterprise property , dismiss illegally of town enterprise controller with the act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position , instruct by Department of administration of town enterprise of prefectural class above correct .

  17. 制定企业内部劳动规则,规范企业内部劳动关系,是现代企业经营管理自主权的一个重要内容。

    Laying down the internal labor regulations of an enterprise and standardizing the internal labor relations is an important part of a modern enterprise 's decision making power in its administration .

  18. 改革开放后,农村家庭联产承包责任制在我国逐步实施,使广大农民获得了生产经营的自主权,为解决长期未解决的农民温饱问题、改善农民生活做出了重要贡献。

    After reform and opening up , rural family contracted responsibility was implemented progressively , giving vast peasants autonomy right to produce and manage , which made important contribution to solving peasants ' feeding problem and to improving peasants ' life .

  19. 为解决这一问题,一些国家赋予了国有银行经营上的自主权,比如二战后法国大型银行被国有化时的情况。

    To address that , some governments have given state banks operating independence , as when the big French banks were nationalised after World War II .

  20. 第十六条国营企业在服从国家的统一领导和全面完成国家计划的前提下,在法律规定的范围内,有经营管理的自主权。

    Article 16 State enterprises have decision-making power with regard to operation and management within the limits prescribed by law , on condition that they submit to unified leadership by the state and fulfil all their obligations under the state plan .

  21. 公司经营范围是公司自治和经营自主权的本质体现。

    Managerial range of corporation is essential reflection of self-administration and right of self-management of corporation .

  22. 发电企业进入市场化的经营轨道,扩大了生产经营自主权。

    Power generation enterprises are on the way of marketization to expand the production and management autonomy .

  23. 我国许多企业为了应对竞争,纷纷采取了降薪、缩减劳动时间、裁员增效等措施来降低经营成本,这是企业经营自主权的表现。

    Coping with the competition , many companies reduce the cost by decreasing salary , shorting labor time , cutting employees to increase efficiency , which is the representation of enterprises ' autonomy .

  24. 搞多种经营,提倡科学种田,农民有经营管理的自主权。

    We encourage diversified production and the use of scientific advances in farming , and granting peasants the power to manage their own affairs .

  25. 我们首先解决农村政策问题,搞联产承包责任制,搞多种经营,提倡科学种田,农民有经营管理的自主权。

    First we solved the problem of rural policies , instituting the contracted responsibility system for farming with remuneration linked to output , encouraging diversified production and the use of scientific advances in farming , and granting peasants the power to manage their own affairs .

  26. 本文通过对体育彩票的经营管理体制进行了分析研究,发现管理体制缺乏独立性;彩票经营自主权的私营化;缺少有效的法律保护,对社会造成负面的影响。

    We have found the fact that the management system is lack of dependence ; the privatization of its managing mode ; insufficient law protection , for a negative impact on the society problems .