
  • 网络Operating Performance;business performance;Business results
  1. 以EVA为导向的国有企业经营业绩评价指标体系研究

    Research on Performance Measurement Index System of State-Owned Enterprise Based on EVA

  2. 对企业经营业绩评价的探讨&建立EVA综合平衡计分卡

    An Approach to Evaluation of Enterprise Performance & Establishing EVA Balanced Scorecard

  3. ERP可为企业进行决策、计划、控制与经营业绩评估等系统化管理提供重要手段。

    ERP can assist enterprise in many ways , such as making decision , planning , controlling and evaluating .

  4. 这说明绩效评价模式在整合EVA之后可以更真实地反映公司的经营业绩,用它来评价和预测公司业绩将更为有效。

    So it is reasonable to use integrated EVA performance measurement to evaluate the firm 's performance .

  5. 基于KPI的企业经营业绩分析系统的开发与研究

    Study on Enterprise Business Analysis System Based on KPI

  6. 首次尝试采用稳健的R估计法建立电力行业股票收益率与经营业绩指标的数学模型。

    Initially applying robust R estimator method , a more significant multivariate regression model among stock profit ratio and business ( achievement ) index such as earnings per share is established .

  7. 企业过程再造(BPR)是为了实现企业经营业绩上的突破而对企业经营过程进行的彻底的再思考和根本的再设计。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) is to fundamentally rethink and radically redesign the business process to achieve business performance breakthrough .

  8. 运用PIMS评估企业生产经营业绩

    Applying PIMS to Evaluate Enterprises ' Production and Management Achievements

  9. 近年来,面对日益激烈的银行业竞争,C银行D分行仍取得了优异的经营业绩,为企业的后续发展壮大积累了丰富的战略性市场资源和人力资源。

    In recent years , facing the increasingly fierce competition in the banking industry , Branch D of Bank C still achieves excellent operation accomplishment , and accumulates strategic market and human resources for the follow-up company development and growth .

  10. 建立了评价证券发行监管制度变迁效果的模型,分别从经营业绩、信息欺诈水平和市场业绩深入分析了IPO历次政策变迁的效果。

    We build a model to evaluate the validity of institutional change of securities issuing supervision and management through operation achievement , information cheating level and securities market achievement .

  11. 我国AB股双重上市公司经营业绩变化的实证分析汇率波动对我国跨国经营企业经营业绩的实证分析

    An empirical study on operating performance of dually-listed firms in China A Study on the Effect of Changes of Exchange Rate on Multinational Enterprises ' operating performance

  12. 在对国内外相关文献回顾后发现,无论成熟证券市场还是新兴市场,均存在IPO后经营业绩下滑现象。

    After review the related domestic and international literature , it is concluded that there are operating performance , decline after IPO whether in matured market or in emerging market .

  13. 在证券监管部门评价上市公司的经营业绩时也常常将净资产收益率(ROE)等财务指标作为主要的参考标准。

    At the same time regulators depend largely on such financial index as ROE to assess operating performance of listed companies .

  14. 中国银行和上海浦发银行三年的绩效水平全部DEA有效,反映了其优良经营业绩的稳定性相对较高。

    Bank of China and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank have had the DEA effective performance for three consecutive years , reflecting the stability and efficiency of their operating performance .

  15. 本文按照大股东持股比例中位数把样本公司分为两组,实证结果显示两组样本的经营业绩在IPO前后没有显著变化。

    According to the shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder , samples are classified into two groups . The empirical results show that the business performance of the two groups before and after IPO does not have obvious distinction .

  16. 给出了基于核心能力实施BPR的6个具体步骤:即识别核心能力,识别核心过程,定义经营业绩,找出问题,确定方案和实施方案。

    The thesis describes the implementary processes of BPR based on core competence , that is identifying core competence , identifying core process , defining performance , locating problem , confirming scheme , and implementing scheme .

  17. 运用过程工业模型系统(PIMS)评估企业生产经营业绩,找出企业生产经营中存在的差距。

    This paper tries to apply PIMS to evaluate enterprises ' achievements , so as to find the gap existed in the enterprises'production and management .

  18. 实证结果显示,在IPO前和IPO后,VC-IPO企业与nonVC-IPO企业之间经营业绩无显著差异,VC-IPO企业资产负债率更低,统计上不显著。

    The empirical results show that , from pre-IPO to post-IPO , there is no statistically significant difference in business performance and asset-debt ratio between VC-IPO and non VC-IPO firms .

  19. 本文拟从现有的经营业绩评价体系的研究背景出发,借鉴国外的研究成果,对EVA的发展、EVA的内涵及EVA指标计算的调整原则、调整项目和方法进行详细的解释;

    This article begins from the existing management achievement appraisal system research background , profits from the overseas research results , and explains the development , connotation , adjustment project , adjustment principle , adjustment method and etc of the EVA in detail ;

  20. 然而,传统的绩效评价指标存在缺陷,为此,本文评介一种评价企业经营业绩的新方法&EVA理论,并阐述了EVA理论对我国企业经营管理的启示。

    However , there exist some deficiencies in the traditional achievement evaluation norms . This paper introduces a new way to evaluate the managerial achievement & EVA theory and states the apocalypse brought by EVA to China 's management of enterprises ' operation .

  21. 2010年国务院国资委发布了最新的《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,在中央企业第三任期(20102012年)全面推行经济增加值(EVA)考核。

    In the year of 2010 , SASAC issued a new " Interim measures for the assessment of management performance of Heads of Central enterprises " to fully implement EVA evaluation on the heads of central enterprises in their third terms ( 2010-2012 ) .

  22. 首先从外界影响因素和企业自身因素两个方面分析了中国民营企业IPO效应的影响因素;然后描述了样本、变量选取、分析方法;最后对IPO之后经营业绩变动影响因素进行实证研究。

    Starting from the factors of cost and benefit factors in two aspects of Chinese private enterprise IPO effect ; then describe the sample , variable selection , analysis method ; finally used a cross-sectional multiple regression analysis method , the IPO operating performance change influencing factors empirical study .

  23. 高技术企业经营业绩的评价应结合高技术企业的特点,借鉴BSC基本原理,构建财务、成长性、价值链流程、产品与技术创新、智力资本开发五个维度的评价指标体系。

    Performance evaluation to high-tech enterprise should be taken into its characteristics account . By means of BSC principles , we can construct five dimension evaluation indices : financial , growth , value-chain process , production and technology creation , intelligence capital developing .

  24. 公司重组的市场反应与经营业绩的实证研究

    Positive Research on the Market Response and Performance of Corporate Restructuring

  25. 上市公司的经营业绩历来被公司各方利益相关者密切关注。

    Interest-related parties always pay much attention to listed companies'operation performance .

  26. 上市公司经营业绩的分类与评价

    Classification and Evaluation on Business Performance of Company on the Market

  27. 亏损上市公司高管更换对企业经营业绩的影响

    Performance Changes Following Top Management Turnover for Financially Distressed Listed Companies

  28. 我国生物制药上市公司的经营业绩评价

    The Management Performance Evaluation of Biopharmacy Public Companies in Our Country

  29. 新体系既可以更真实地反映企业经营业绩,也能够为融资活动提供决策支持,指导企业充分发挥资本结构的财务杠杆效应。

    And the new system will support the financing decision better .

  30. 中国承包公司1990年经营业绩与近期发展趋势

    Performance of Chinese Contracting Companies in 1990 and Its Developing rend