
  1. ERP提高用户决策效益分析&基于关键使用者的经验证据

    An Analysis on ERP Improving User 's Decision-Support Benefits : Evidences from Key Users

  2. 森林火险预报的最优经济决策及其效益的估算

    Economic optimum decision of Forest Fire Risk forecasting and its benefit

  3. 浅谈纺织产品开发的绿色决策及效益

    Elementary Introduction on Green Policy and Benefit of Textile Development

  4. 社会工程投资决策的效益分析

    Benefit Analysis on Investment Decision of Social Project

  5. 项目后评估是项目周期中的一个不可缺少的重要环节,项目后评估的重要性表现在可以提高投资的决策、效益和管理水平。

    Post project evaluation is one of the most important indispensability parts of the project cycle ; the importance of it is that it can improve the level of the decision-making .

  6. 作者提出了不确定市场环境下发电商的一种容量分配方法,该方法应用序列运算理论(SOT)描述了不完全竞争的市场模型;引入经济学的效用函数来描述不同决策方案的效益;

    The authors propose a capacity allocation strategy for generation companies under uncertain market environment , in which the imperfect competition market model is well described by sequence operation theory ( SOT ) and the utility function in economics is led in to evaluate the utility of different decision-making schemes ;

  7. 政府公共投资决策与成本效益分析

    An Analysis on Policy-making and Cost Efficiency of Governmental Public Investment

  8. 多阶段决策过程中效益函数的存在定理

    Some Existence Theorems of Benefit Function in Multistage decision Processes

  9. ITS投资项目决策中费用效益和不确定性分析

    Cost Benefit and Uncertainty Analysis for ITS Investment Decisions

  10. 开采沉陷环境综合治理方案决策的费用效益方法研究

    Research on Evaluation System of Expense-Benefit Analysis Methods for Comprehensive Control Plans of Mining Subsidence Environment

  11. 优化投资决策提高企业效益&动态规划在企业投资决策中的运用

    Optimization of Enterprise Management and Increase in Economic Profits The Usage of Dynamic Programming in Investment Decision of Enterprise

  12. 本文围绕计划经济和市场经济条件下体育的价值观、竞争观、决策观和效益观进行了比较研究。

    On the background of the planned economy and the market economy , the views of value , competition , policy decision , benefit in physical education were compared .

  13. 大修决策须遵循效益费用比最优原则,合理协调设备大修与生产之间的关系,提高大修的经济合理性。

    The overhaul decision should follow the principle of benefit and cost optimization . The relationship between the production and equipment overhaul should be rationally coordinated , improving the economic reasonableness of equipment overhaul .

  14. 然后从土地价值论和外部性理论两方面展开,具体分析了社会理性决策者的效益目标,并针对具体的目标测度方法进行了描述。

    Then to carry out our discussions from the 2 aspects - the land value theory and externality theory , analyses benefit objective of the social rational decision-makers in details and the measuring methods of the benefit objective .

  15. 开发一个具有管理理念和个性化追求的JIT系统是提高企业决策水平和企业效益的一个有力保障。

    Developing a JIT system with inherent management concept and individualized pursuit provides a powerful safeguard for improving corporation policy decision level and profit .

  16. 企业信息化投资决策风险管理与效益研究

    Research on Risk Management and Benefit of Enterprise Informatization Investment Decision

  17. 农业气象决策服务潜在经济效益的理论评估方法研究

    A Study of Evaluation Method about the Potential Economic Benefit of Agrometeorological Service

  18. 备件保障决策对军事经济效益影响分析

    An analysis of the influences of accessory provision decisions on military economic benefits

  19. 对房地产投资环境的评价是房地产投资人进行投资决策,获得投资效益的重要依据。

    The appraisal of the investment climate underlies the success of real estate development .

  20. 在不确定市场环境因素下的决策研究:预期效益理论的运用(英文)

    Decision-making under Ambiguity in the Uncertain Market : Applying Expected Utility Theory ( EUT )

  21. 从某种程度上说,信息化建设已经成为做好企业决策,改善企业效益,实现企业目标的关键环节。

    To some extent , informationization construction has become good enterprise decisions and improved enterprise efficiency , and achieved enterprise goals key aspect .

  22. 应用灰色统计决策、灰色局势效益和灰色聚类分析等多层次决策,对湖泊富营养化进行综合评价。

    This paper introduces comprehensive assessment of lake eutrophication by multi-stratified dicision including grey statistical decision , grey situation benefit and grey cluster analysis .

  23. 决策人员缺乏综合效益的系统评估结论,从而制约了土地复垦的发展。

    The long return period and comprehensiveness of land rehabilitation , together with lack of systematic benefit evaluation procedures constrains the development of land rehabilitation .

  24. 造价管理是工程项目管理中的重要组成部分,对提高项目的决策水平和投资效益具有非常重要意义。

    Project cost management is one of the most important parts of project management , and it has important significance to improve decision-making and investment performance .

  25. 本文采用离散模式和概率统计等方法对农业气象决策服务潜在经济效益的理论评估方法进行了初步探讨,并以一些个例进行说明。

    This paper preliminarily research the evaluation method in theories about the potential economic benefit from agrometeorological service by dissociation method and probability statistic , and give some cases analysis .

  26. 项目管理这门学科以项目作为研究对象,融决策、管理、效益为一体,是组织、过程和方法的集合。

    The project management is a project as the research object of a discipline , and it is the financial management , decision-making , benefit for the integration of organization , process and methods of the collection .

  27. 通过决策之成本-效益定量与定性分析,寻找社会贴现率或内部投资收益率及其现值净额,进而评估决策方案的投资可行性。

    This paper , through quantitative and qualitative analysis of the cost-benefit of decision , tries to find out social discount rate or inside investment yield and net amount of the current value , and then to assess the investment feasibility of the decision scheme .

  28. 其次论述了森林经营与环境影响评价的关系,指出通过森林经营环境影响评价可以较全面了解森林经营,提高经营决策水平和经营效益,避免决策错误和资源破坏。

    Secondly , the relationship between forest management and EIA is discussed . It is pointed out that forest management EIA can help forest managers understand forest management process more comprehensively , and improve the level of management decision and management benefits , avoid decision errors and forest resources destruction .

  29. 对区域战略决策有一定的辅助作用。决策之成本-效益分析

    It can benefit regional strategic decision . Decision Making : Cost - Benefit Analysis

  30. 在农地流转的过程中,决策者大多将经济成本与收益的变量当做了决策的主要效益目标,忽略了农地流转前后社会效益和生态效益的变化。

    In the process of rural-urban land conversion most policy-makers considers the economic costs and benefits as the main decision-making benefit objective , ignoring the change of social and ecological benefits before and after the farmland conversion .