
  • 网络Decision speed;Speed of decision;speed of decision making
  1. 探井生产管理决策支持系统试图应用人工智能技术完成计算机智能辅助决策功能,以提高探井生产管理中决策的准确性和决策速度,降低探井生产成本。

    Exploratory Well Production Management Decision Support System tried to apply artificial intelligence techniques to achieve computer intelligence decision , which is used to improve the veracity and speed of decision of exploratory well production management and reduce cost of exploratory well production .

  2. 针对现代防空作战对决策速度和准确性的要求,运用DEA方法研究了防空作战方案优选问题。

    Aiming at the request of the speed and veracity in modern air defense operation , the DEA method is used to investigate the air defense operation plan optimization problem .

  3. 本田还以其决策速度而骄傲。

    Honda also takes pride in the speed of its decision-making .

  4. 最后,文章研究了利用并行技术提高系统分析决策速度的方法。

    Finally , the parallel technology is been studied to speed the online stability calculation .

  5. 研究了影响花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。

    The study examined influential factors of foil fencers ' decision-making in simulating fencing situation .

  6. 在动态环境下,决策速度也同时是决策效果和成本的重要关联因素。

    Under the uncertain environment , decision speed is closely relative to decision effectiveness and cost .

  7. 在决策速度上,受欺负儿童的决策速度慢于其他四类儿童。

    In decision-making speed , victims ' speed is lower than other four kinds of children .

  8. 但是,许多国家已经等不及布鲁塞尔慢吞吞的决策速度了。

    A number of countries , however , have not waited for the slow wheels of Brussels to grind .

  9. 信息量与信息加工方式对不同水平花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的影响

    Research on the Influences of Information Traffic and Information Processing Mode on Speed and Accuracy of Different Level Foil Fencers ' Decision-making

  10. 动作游戏玩家的决策速度比其他玩家最多快出25%,而正确回答问题数却和其他玩家一样多。

    The action gamers were up to25 % faster at coming to a conclusion and they answered just as many questions correctly .

  11. 即便你设法通过协商来设立一个共同的领导层,这也将导致决策速度的延缓。

    Though you might be tempted to create a joint leadership arrangement or leadership by committee , these are recipes for slow decision-making .

  12. 但由于基础设施灾后重建工作具有时间紧迫性、资金投入量大、决策速度快等特点,往往又使得可行性研究不够成熟。

    However , the urgency , large investment and hasty decision-making of infrastructure reconstruction tend to make a mature enough feasibility study impossible .

  13. 战略有效制定和实施的关键在于重视竞争对手反应和加快决策速度。

    Thirdly , the key to successfully formulate and implement the strategy lies in the emphasis on the competitors ' reaction and speed-up decision-making .

  14. 研究了羽毛球运动员的运动水平、知识表征和年龄对直觉性运动决策速度和准确率的影响。

    This paper studies the effect of skill level , knowledge representation and age of badminton players on speed and accuracy of intuitive decision-making .

  15. 必须所有数据在手,才能做出好的决定,因此你的决策速度只能取决于最慢的因素。

    Best decisions are made with all the data at hand , so you can only make decisions as fast as your slowest moving event .

  16. 据路透社报道,周三发布的一项研究报告指出,“使命召唤”这一类的射击类电子游戏可以帮助玩家在真实生活中提高决策速度。

    A study released Wednesday suggests that shooter video games such as " Call of Duty " can help players make decisions faster in real life , Reuters reported .

  17. 针对这两种问题,分析了产生的原因,提出了一种加权支持向量机算法,补偿了类别差异造成的不利影响,加快了重复样本的决策速度。

    A new weighted support vector machine algorithm is proposed based on the analysis of the cause of such problems , which compensates for the unfavorable impact caused by the uneven class sizes and makes the decision speed faster .

  18. 拜尔克表示,ebm-papst和trumpf等公司相对于规模更大公司的巨大优势,在于它们决策的速度。

    Mr Beilke says the big advantage companies such as ebm-papst and TRUMPF have over larger corporations is the speed at which they can take decisions .

  19. 孙洪业说,这里与美国最大不同在于决策的速度。

    Mr Sun says the biggest difference with the US is the speed of decision making .

  20. 由于市场风云变幻,决策的速度和执行的力度比以往任何时候都更加重要。

    As the market changes , the speed of decision-making and implementation efforts are more important than ever .

  21. 针对分解后的多任务提出了基于任务特征和群体人员特征的多模型匹配算法,提高了决策的速度和精度,并通过实例验证了算法的有效性。

    The paper proposed the multimodal matching arithmetic that based on task character and group member character to solve disassembled tasks , improved the speed and precision of decision-making , and validated validity of the arithmetic by an example .

  22. 随着商业竞争的日益激烈,越来越大的市场竞争压力对制造型企业的决策质量和速度提出了更高的要求。

    With the business competition becoming more and more intense , higher requirements of the quality and speed of decision-making are asked for to meet the increasing market competition pressure among the manufacturing .

  23. 针对样本数据分布先验知识少的特点,提出了一种基于特征直方图均衡的数据规范化方法,可以将样本数据的各种分布规律转换为均匀分布,增强数据的可分性,加快决策树学习速度。

    A data standardization algorithm based on feature histogram equalization was carried out in uniforming various distribution to solve insufficiency of data separability caused by little knowledge to it . The method can quicken study speed of decision tree . 4 .

  24. 他说,learningdynamics将它们定义为一种“使参与者沉浸在现实商业情境或管理角色之中的多媒体体验,他们需要在无风险的环境中作出决策因此,学习速度会加快”。

    Learning dynamics , he says , defines them as a " multi-media experience that immerses the participant in a realistic business situation or management role which requires decision-making in a risk-free environment - so learning is accelerated " .

  25. 营销决策的方式、速度与准确性;

    Marketing decision-making approach , speed and accuracy ;

  26. 决策树方法建立速度非常快,可以处理连续值和离散值属性,可以很明了的显示出哪些数值属性比较重要,在信息提取等问题上拥有非常大的优势。

    The decision tree can be constructed very fast and can handle both continuous and discrete data . It also can emphasize more important properties clearly .

  27. 利用该系统可以使公司领导进行项目、合同、收费的动态管理,有效地提高了公司决策链的反应速度。

    Using it , the company leader may carry on dynamic management of the project , the contract , the charge , and the system enhanced effectively the company decision chain reaction rate .

  28. 上位机通过维护有限状态自动机,根据视觉系统获取的图像信息和下位机的返回速度,给出下一步的动作决策,并通过速度规划模块计算出下一时刻期望的运动速度,发送给下位机。

    We maintained a finite-state automaton , using the image information from the vision system and the speed returned by DSP as the input . It gives the next action , calculates the next expected speed through the speed plan module and sends it to DSP .

  29. 目的:提供卫勤保障最优决策方案,提高卫勤保障决策速度及效率。

    Objective : To provide optimal decision-making for military health service and to increase the speed for and efficiency for health service decision-making .

  30. 为了减轻决策器的负担,提高决策速度,我们还研究了该模型的一些属性并给予了证明。

    In order to reduce the burden of decision-making devices and improve decision-making speed , we have also found some properties of the model and have given a proof .