
ɡù kè xū yào
  • customer need
  1. 质量功能配置(Qualityfunctiondeployment,QFD)是一个以满足顾客需要为手段,以扩大市场份额为目标的质量体系。

    Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) is a kind of quality system which expands the market quota by satisfying the customer 's demands .

  2. 持续质量提高(ContinuousQualityImprovement,CQI)是以系统论为理论基础,以满足顾客需要为动力的一种质量管理理论。

    Continuous Quality Improvement ( CQI ), which is based on system theory , is a quality theory which is aimed at customer satisfaction .

  3. CQI满足顾客需要是通过调查满意度、分析满意度、改进过程三步进行。

    Customer satisfaction in CQI is fulfilled through investigation , analysis , and improvement .

  4. 精益生产的思想可以简单地用广为使用的一句话来形容,那就是JIT(JustinTime),即只是在需要的时候,按照需要的数量,生产顾客需要的产品。

    The idea of Lean Production could be simply described by one popular word - JIT ( Just In Time ), namely the production of the goods customer needs only in right time , with right quantity .

  5. 相反,正如咨询公司whatif?的马特金登(MattKingdon)所言,企业应该问问自己;顾客需要我们为他们做些什么?

    Rather , as Matt Kingdon of What If ? , the consultancy , put it , businesses should ask themselves : What is the job that customers need doing for them ?

  6. 购买比特币的顾客需要将ZipZap账户与比特币钱包关联,然后把一个可以扫描的条形码打印或加载到智能手机里,带进ZipZap的门店。

    To buy bitcoin , buyers connect a zipzap account to their bitcoin wallet , then print or load to their smartphone a scannable barcode that they take to a zipzap affiliate location .

  7. 经常问问你的顾客需要什么,你能为他们做些什么。

    Always ask what your customer needs and how you can help .

  8. 当没有顾客需要你帮忙的时候。

    When you don 't have any customers that need your help .

  9. 我们也可以接受打印品牌名称下,我们的顾客需要。

    We can also accept print brand name under our customers required .

  10. 满足顾客需要提高企业核心竞争力

    To Promote the Core Competence of the Corporation through Satisfying the Customer Needs

  11. 能积极主动地了解顾客需要及他们所关注的事情。

    Proactive in trying to understand customers'needs and concerns .

  12. 所以,不断了解顾客需要,用于改进服务。

    Therefore , it should understand customers ' needs unceasingly and improve the service .

  13. 满足顾客需要,提高用户满意度是我们始终不渝的追求!

    To meet the needs of customers and improve customers'satisfaction is our consistent pursuit .

  14. 所以每次当顾客需要发票的时候,就会有很多麻烦。

    So there would be troubles each time a customer asked for an invoice .

  15. 颜色:明确的,青铜,蓝色或张贴彩色胶卷顾客需要。

    Color : clear , bronze , blue or affixing color film as customers require .

  16. 大量的厂商网络连接,可以搜索顾客需要的质量和价格的产品。

    Wide factory network connections . Can research quality and price needs for each customer .

  17. 可根据顾客需要的容量、体积定做产品。

    We can design special Capacitors according to special Capacitance and Size required by our customers .

  18. 我们有一些顾客需要每天部署,所以你可以想象这个特性的受欢迎程度。

    We have a few customers who re-deploy every day , if you can imagine it .

  19. 朗讯科技呼叫中心解决方案&全面关注顾客需要

    Lucent Technologies ' Call Center Solution

  20. 我们以更灵活的方式来适应顾客需要举止行为不灵活不适应新的情况。

    We are now more flexible in accommodating your needs inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior .

  21. 当然还应该注意的是在创新之路前就要充分考虑其重要性,并且对于重要性来说满足顾客需要是首要的问题。

    Of course , leader should consider the importance before innovation , and meet customers ' needs firstly .

  22. 你认为公司应如何去了解顾客需要什么和想要什么?

    What do you think a company can do to find out the needs and wants of customers ?

  23. 工程师顾客需要了解的是产品的特性和参数,而非只是介绍好处。

    In consumer advertising classes , we are taught that benefits are everything , and that features are unimportant .

  24. 卷烟制造商和烟叶经销商在希望满足顾客需要的烟草风格上有不同的偏好。

    Cigarette manufacturers and leaf dealers have different preferences for the styles of tobacco they desire to meet customer needs .

  25. 如果顾客需要某辆汽车的更详细的信息,系统也可以提供。

    If the customer requests detail information on a particular vehicle , the system presents this information to the customer .

  26. 营销观念建立在四个支柱上:目标市场、顾客需要、整合营销和盈利能力。

    The marketing concept rests on four pillars : target market , customer needs , integrated marketing , and profitability .

  27. 斯科特:是的,我们有很多瓶装水如果顾客需要瓶装水,那么我们就会卖。

    Scott : A lot . If the customer wants bottled water , we are going to sell bottled water .

  28. 如果您知道任何生意需要资金,或者是他们的顾客需要资金,请把他们介绍给我们。

    If you know any business that needs money or their customers need money , please refer them to us .

  29. 随着人们对旅行要求的不断提高,旅行社的服务便成了能够满足顾客需要的必要条件。

    With the continuous improvement of travel demand , travel service has become the necessary condition to meet customer needs .

  30. 之后顾客需要回答一系列有关手机状况的问题,以确定其价值。

    The customer then answers a series of questions about the condition of the device in order to determine a value .