
  • 网络Missouri;St. Louis, Missouri;State of Missouri;Missouri State
  1. 在过去的总统选举中,密苏里州一直是国内其他州的晴雨表。

    In past presidential elections , Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country

  2. ClaudeFauquet是密苏里州圣路易唐纳德植物科学中心(donalddanforthplantsciencecenter)的科学家。

    Claude Fauquet is a scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in Saint Louis , Missouri .

  3. 杰拉德·克莱夫特(GerardCraft),Niche,密苏里州克雷顿

    Gerard Craft , Niche , Clayton , Mo.

  4. 全美各地的团体都已为“开源生态”开发了蓝图,同时位于密苏里州乡间的一家名为“FactoreFarm”的机构正在制造这些机械的原型,并进行改进。

    Groups throughout the country have developed blueprints for open source ecology , while machines are prototyped and improved on the factor E farm in rural Missouri .

  5. 位于密苏里州的研究公司MarketScope表示,人们对戴眼镜接受度的提高和隐形眼镜的完善,放缓了发达国家近视人群对屈光手术的需求。

    Greater acceptance of glasses-wearing and improvements in contact lenses have slowed demand for refractive surgery for shortsightedness in the developed world , according to Market Scope , a Missouri-based research company .

  6. 在圣路易斯,密苏里州,与在塔夫脱总统威廉H之沿着密西西比河,1909年10月开始考察轮船拥挤的海滨。

    The Saint Louis , Mo. , waterfront crowded with steamboats at the start of President William H.Taft 's inspection trip down the Mississippi River , Oct.1909 .

  7. 密苏里州圣路易斯大学的JackStrauss教授称,最近的经济复苏在创造就业机会方面非常缓慢。

    Jack Strauss at Saint Louis University in Missouri says recent recoveries have been slow to create jobs .

  8. CARROLL:在密苏里州FortLeonardWood为期15周的训练中,他的体重减轻了54磅。

    CARROLL : In his 15 weeks of training at Fort Leonard Wood , Missouri , he 's dropped 54 pounds .

  9. 她回到密苏里州的lamar了,我爷爷奶奶也住那。

    She 's back in lamar , missouri , where my grandparents live .

  10. JJ在密苏里州堪萨斯城的餐馆周二提前关门。

    JJ 's restaurant , in Kansa city Missouri , closed early on Tuesday .

  11. 密苏里州堪萨斯市警方表示,一名NFL(美国橄榄球联盟)球员在杀死女朋友后自杀。

    Police in Kansas City , Missouri say an NFL player has killed his girlfriend and himself today .

  12. 这些用显微镜才能观察的作品中,来自密苏里州的微生物学家梅勒妮•沙利文(MelanieSullivan)的作品复刻了梵高的《星空》。

    The microscopic masterpieces included a recreation of Vincent van Gogh 's " The Starry Night " by Missouri microbiologist Melanie Sullivan .

  13. 密苏里州哥伦比亚市—为了按时到校,吉莉·多斯桑托斯(JillyDosSantos)已经使尽了浑身解数。

    COLUMBIA , Mo. - Jilly Dos Santos really did try to get to school on time .

  14. 印度出生的N.达莫达.雷迪经营的小小的加州公司在堪萨斯城重新启用了美国电话电报公司的一家芯片工厂,并从密苏里州获取了财政上的支持。

    India-born N.Damodar Reddy 's tiny California company reopened an AT & T chip plant in Kansas City last spring with financing from the state of Missouri .

  15. 戴安魏(dianeweiliang)在这方面小有成就,但最多产的此类作家要数上海出生,现在定居于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市的裘小龙。

    Diane Wei Liang has enjoyed success in this field , but the most prolific contributor is Shanghai-born Qiu Xiaolong , who now lives in St Louis , Missouri .

  16. 早在今年一月,密苏里州的一所大学发表的研究报告表明,把iPhone从身边拿开会对人们的生理和心理均带来一定影响,甚至使他们不能正常思考。

    The research builds on a University of Missouri study published in January . which found that bring separated from your iPhone can have a real psychological and physiological effect , including impaired thinking .

  17. 他出生时叫罗伯特·米勒(RobertMiller),后被世人称作特里基·维克。他生于现在的捷克,在密苏里州的一座联邦监狱走到了生命的尽头。

    We follow Tricky Vic , as he was known , from his birth as Robert Miller in what is now the Czech Republic to his death in a federal prison in Missouri .

  18. 佳妮格说,去年因为美国密苏里州弗格森发生的警方击毙一名手无寸铁的黑人青年迈克尔·布朗(MichaelBrown)而发起的“黑人性命也很重要”(#BlackLivesMatter)抗议示威游行活动期间,他们的应用程序有很高的使用量。

    Mrs. Carnig said the app was used heavily last year during the protests surrounding the \# BlackLivesMatter movement , which was spurred by the police shooting of Michael Brown , an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson , Mo.

  19. 密苏里州国会议员RussCarnahan要求对所发生的事件进行全面调查。

    And Missouri Congressman Russ Carnahan is calling for a full investigation into what went wrong .

  20. 在此期间,总部位于密苏里州的新贵BATSTrading对两家交易所构成了强有力的挑战&它目前占了美国总股票营业额的8-10%,即每天40至50亿美元。

    BATS Trading , a Missouri-based upstart , has meanwhile presented a formidable challenge to both - it now accounts for 8-10 per cent of total US equities turn-over of $ 4bn - $ 5bn a day .

  21. 第一个挑战是找到一个很好的时间来进行升级&开发团队在罗马尼亚,ISP在密苏里州,运营团队在温哥华和美国俄勒冈州。

    The first challenge was finding a good time to do this upgrade-the development team is in Romania , the ISP is in Missouri , and the operations team is in Vancouver and Oregon .

  22. 周六,密苏里州民主党众议员EmanuelCleaver在抵达国会大厦时被一名愤怒的抗议者吐口水。

    On Saturday , Democratic Representative Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri was spat on by an angry protester as he approached the Capitol .

  23. 今年夏天,韦麦尔太太和她丈夫盖瑞要给刚在密苏里州DesPeres买的房子装修,于是租了一个小房子过渡一下。

    Ms. Wehmeier and her husband , Gaiy , are renting a modest apartment tiiis summer while they fix up a house they just bought in Des Peres .

  24. 位于密苏里州的行业协会国家生物柴油委员会的发言人MichaelFrohlich曾说到,在寻求化石能源替代物的道路上,海藻正成为越来越热门的候选品之一。

    Algae has become one of the hotter commodities in the quest for fossil fuel alternatives , said Michael Frohlich , a spokesman for the National Biodiesel Board , a Missouri-based trade organization .

  25. 堪萨斯城的官员们希望在一次大规模暴风雪袭击这个地区前完成在JJ餐馆废墟中的搜寻工作,这仅仅是在密苏里州。

    Kansas city officials were hoping to finish searching to the rubble in JJ 's restaurant before a massive winter storm hit the area , and this is just in Missouri .

  26. 密苏里州小城Joplin的高中校园被去年夏天的一场龙卷风摧毁了,现在成百上千的高中生到一家购物中心里改造成的教室去上课。

    Hundreds of high-school students in Joplin , Missouri , are taking classes in a converted mall after the town 's high school was destroyed in a tornado last summer .

  27. 面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人RichardDeLozier说。

    Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements , says Richard DeLozier , co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City , Mo.

  28. :刺伤,刺痛首先报道的是发生在圣路易斯密苏里州东部十英里处伊利诺斯州Maryville的教堂枪击事件。

    We begin with the shooting at a church service in Maryville Illinois ten miles east of St. Louis Missouri .

  29. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,8月31日,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的希尔斯伯勒高中(HillsboroHighSchool)的近200名高中生走出校门,抵制跨性别青少年莱拉·佩里(LilaPerry)使用女厕所和女更衣室。

    On August 31 , almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis , Missouri to protest the use of the girls ' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry , a transgender teen , according to the New York Times .

  30. 在密苏里州、波多黎各和伊利诺斯州之后,Santorum又来到路易斯安那州,这里在3月24号会进行提名竞选。在充满喜悦的演讲中,他称自己会赢得党内提名,但这几乎是不可能事件。

    In a jubilant speech in Louisiana - which holds its primary on March 24th , after Missouri , Puerto Rico and Illinois - Mr Santorum predicted he would win the nomination outright .