
  • 网络the missouri;the Missouri River
  1. 密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流。

    The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi .

  2. 大约50人行驶到密苏里河。

    About 50 men traveled up the Missouri River .

  3. 昨天在密苏里河流域发现了一具尸体。

    A corpse was found yesterday in the Missouri basin .

  4. 探险队在1806年9月回到了密苏里河。

    The expedition returned to Missouri in September 1806 .

  5. 它离密苏里河与密西西比河的交汇处只有几公里远。

    It is just a few kilometers from where the Missouri River joins the Mississippi .

  6. 密苏里河的一条支流。

    A tributary of the Missouri River .

  7. 与亚马逊河或密苏里河和密西西比河相比,它是条小河。

    It is a little river compared to the Amazon or the Misouri and mississippi .

  8. 重要河流:密西西比河,密苏里河。

    Important Rivers : Mississippi and Missouri .

  9. 密苏里河那边建立的第一个州是1821年因汽船而通达的密苏里州。

    The first state established beyond the river was the steamboat state of Missouri in 1821 .

  10. 堪萨斯州东北的一条河流;东流成为密苏里河的一条支流。

    A river in northeastern Kansas ; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River .

  11. 美国蒙大拿州中部的一个城市,位于密苏里河上;位于许多水电站的中心。

    A city in central Montana on the Missouri river ; a center of extensive hydroelectric power .

  12. 几年前,密苏里河密西西比河泛滥摧毁很多小麦田。

    Several years ago , flooding along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers destroyed thousands of acres of wheat .

  13. 北达科他州首府;位于北达科他州中南部山上,俯望密苏里河。

    Capital of the state of North Dakota ; located in south central North Dakota overlooking the Missouri river .

  14. 美国密苏里河以东区域的雨量和西欧的差不多。

    The regions of the United States east of the Missouri have a rainfall comparable to that found in western Europe .

  15. 密苏里河及其支流的道道深壑穿过地下的砂岩和页岩,使这个空旷的田野断裂。

    The Missouri River and its tributaries have cut deep paths through underlying sandstone and shale , fracturing the open country .

  16. 在密苏里河流域的八个部落中,有六个是实行男系世系和男系继承制的,只有两个还按女系。

    Of eight Missouri tribes , six observe the male line of descent and inheritance , two still observe the female .

  17. 怀俄明州东北部的一条河流,流经蒙大纳州和南部,在北达科他州汇入密苏里河。

    A river that rises in northeastern Wyoming and flows through Montana and South Dakota to join the Missouri River in North Dakota .

  18. 他们害怕,这些有害物质会渗入地下水和密苏里河,污染这个地区的饮水系统。

    They 're afraid those hazardous substances could wind up in groundwater or the Missouri River , and contaminate area drinking water supplies .

  19. 最后,车子停在长有低矮树木的悬崖顶上,俯视下去,崖下就是密苏里河。安德森又拖又拉,把劳娜从车里猛地拽了出来。

    Finally , at the crest of a wooded bluff overlooking the Missouri River , Anderson pulled over and yanked Laura out of the truck .

  20. 早期在密苏里河上的旅行者报告说,岸边和沙洲上经常有在春季洪水中死去的腐烂的水牛尸体。

    Early travelers on the Missouri River reported that shores and bars were often lined with the decaying bodies of Buffalo that had died during spring floods .

  21. 虽然长度不如密西西比一密苏里河,它的流域长度却居世界首位,流经的纬度达三十五度之多……”

    Although falling short of the length of the Mississippi-Missouri , the Nile is at the head of all rivers as regards the length of its basin , which extends through 35 degrees of latitude ... "

  22. 一个以前住在密苏里州河西部的达科它的喀多族人。婆罗洲西北部的苏丹国。

    A member of the Caddo people who formerly lived in the Dakotas west of the Missouri river . a sultanate in northwestern Borneo .

  23. 从前居住在密苏里州的密苏里河流域的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people formerly inhabiting the valley of the Missouri river in Missouri .

  24. 人们认为大多数的河流流入密苏里州和密西西比河,在那里和其他河流汇合注入海中。

    Most of it is thought to have ended up in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers , from where it was transported into the sea .