
Kē luó lā duō
  • Colorado
  1. 他们买了两英里科罗拉多河沿河的土地。

    They bought two miles of river frontage along the Colorado .

  2. 我们到科罗拉多河湍急的河水中划皮划艇。

    We went white-water rafting on the Colorado River .

  3. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world .

  4. 他接到女朋友从科罗拉多打来的长途电话。

    He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado .

  5. 他们的街区正被科罗拉多河上涨的河水淹没。

    Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River .

  6. 科罗拉多的每一个人都是靠着开采银矿养家糊口。

    There 's not a living soul in Colorado who doesn 't depend for his bread on silver .

  7. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders / marvels of the world .

  8. 我们打算假期时到科罗拉多大峡谷玩。

    We plan to visit the Grand Canyon on our vacation .

  9. 面对着科罗拉多大峡谷,他的惊奇之感混合着惶恐之情。

    He felt wonder mingled with awe at the grand canyon .

  10. 博和它的主人罗布和劳里罗伯茨乘坐一艘16英尺长的船沿科罗拉多河而下。

    Bo and his owners , Rob and Laurie Roberts , were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat .

  11. 很多人希望我们能有更长的周末,对于科罗拉多州的18000名学生来说,这个愿望正在实现。

    Manyof us wish we would have longer weekend , but for about 18,000 students in Colorado , that wish is coming true .

  12. 作为一名滑雪爱好者,我父亲每年都会在滑雪季节(每年的11月到来年的四月)搬到科罗拉多州的阿斯彭居住,如今在这里已经居住了20多年。

    My father has lived Aspen , Colorado for over 20 years during the ski season , November to April , as he is an avid1 skier2 .

  13. 他于上周五和周六分成别在蒙大拿州和科罗拉多州针对该问题(problem)举行了两次市政厅会议。

    He held two town hall meetings on the issue in Montana and Colorado on Friday and Saturday .

  14. 同性婚姻(civilunion)在科罗拉多州合法化。

    Civil unions are now legal in Colorado .

  15. 你可能会认为科罗拉多州的别名是“落基山之州”(RockyMountainState)。

    You would think Colorado would be known as the Rocky Mountain State .

  16. 科罗拉多矿业学院(ColoradoSchoolofMines)的毕业生也非常抢手。

    Graduates from the Colorado School of Mines are getting snatched up too .

  17. 丽莎·迪林是科罗拉多大学(UniversityOfColorado)的水资源研究员和教授。

    Lisa Dilling is a water researcher and a professor at the University of Colorado .

  18. AbelineAngeles,科罗拉多州立大学。

    Abeline Angeles , Colorado State University .

  19. 我趁其在科罗拉多阿斯彭思想节(AspenIdeasFestival)发言之际,通过电话联系了舒尔茨。

    I caught up with Schultz by phone as he was in Colorado speaking at the Aspen ideas Festival .

  20. CurtisSwift是科罗拉多州立大学的推广代理。

    Curtis Swift is an extension agent at Colorado State University .

  21. 波尔德科罗拉多大学副教授LawrenceWilliams(公共卫生博士),以及耶鲁大学心理学教授JohnA。

    Lawrence Williams , PhD , assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder , and John A.

  22. 在科罗拉多州卡农城(CanonCity)从事临终护理工作的希尔说:“由于我的工作性质,我知道一个人的身体状况瞬间会发生何种变化。”

    With the type of work I do , I see how health can change at a moment 's notice , ' she says .

  23. DerekGibbleheart来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉市这是一张老妈和老妹的照片

    Derek Gibbleheart in Aurora Colorado.This is a photo of my mother and sister

  24. NPR新闻,迪娜·特普尔·拉斯顿科罗拉多州阿斯本报道。

    Dina Temple-Raston , at NPR News , Aspen , Colorado .

  25. 科罗拉多州威尔市(Vail,Colo.)退休人员鲍勃?林恩(BobLinn)与亚历克斯?林恩(AlexLinn)一年到头都在进行户外运动。

    Retirees Bob and Alex Linn of Vail , Colo. , exercise year-round outdoors .

  26. 这传奇的I-V级的河段使得它可以和西部的科罗拉多媲美。

    This legendary path boasts class I to V rapids that rival the west 's Colorado .

  27. 这导致一些地方的“烙印日”社区聚会成了历史,但不包括比尔·格雷(BillGray)在科罗拉多州奥德韦郊外的这座牧场。

    In some places , that is sending the community gathering known as branding day into the past . But not on Bill Gray 's ranch , outside Ordway , Colo.

  28. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开的全美企业经济学家协会(nationalassociationofbusinesseconomists)会议上,瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数还在日臻完善的过程中,而且谷歌尚未决定是否会将其发布。

    At the National Association of business economists conference in Denver , Colorado , Mr Varian said that the GPI was a work in progress and Google had not yet decided whether to publish it .

  29. 茱莉亚·柴尔德(JuliaChild)的甥女菲拉德尔菲亚·卡辛斯(PhiladelphiaCousins)现居科罗拉多,她发现自己买不到加州产的牛油果了。

    Philadelphia Cousins , Julia Child 's niece , can 't seem to find a California avocado in Colorado , where she lives .

  30. 而在科罗拉多州,计算科学家亚伦·克劳塞特(AaronClauset)正从截然不同的角度考量上述风险。

    Over in Colorado , Aaron Clauset , a computational scientist , is pondering the dangers from a different perspective .