
  • 网络The Structure of Scientific Revolution
  1. 托马斯•库恩(ThomasKuhn)的《科学革命的结构》(TheStructureofScientificRevolutions)。

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn .

  2. 其著作《科学革命的结构》中,他提出了一种新的科学发展的模式。库恩坚信科学发展的实际过程是一个进化和革命,积累和飞跃,连续和中断的不断交替的过程。

    In his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , Kuhn proposes a new model of scientific development and strongly believes that the practical course of scientific development includes evolution and revolution , accumulation and leap , continuance and breakdown , all that can be exchangeable repeatedly .

  3. 评《科学革命的结构》新译本

    On the New Translation of Kuhn 's The Structure of Scientific Revolution

  4. 范式是托马斯·库恩在《科学革命的结构》中用以阐述科学发展的概念,具有强烈的科学哲学色彩。

    The Paradigm , a concept with strong scientific philosophical color , is the concept used by Thomas .

  5. 库恩在《科学革命的结构》发表之后就一直致力于该论题的阐明和澄清。

    After publishing The Structure of Scientific Revolution , Kuhn had to exert much effort to clarify this thesis .

  6. 从信念危机到《科学革命的结构》的诞生&库恩科学信念的转变

    From Belief Crisis to the Birth of The Structure of Scientific Revolution & The Renovation of the Scientific Conviction of Kunn

  7. 第二次世界大战后,托马斯·库恩发表的《科学革命的结构》一书引发了关于对传统科学知识的大讨论。

    After the second world war , Thomas S. Kuhn published a book the name of " The Structure of Scientific Revolutions " .

  8. 但他的这一论点在《科学革命的结构》以后,却有了较大的变化,由《科学革命的结构》中的不可通约变成了后来的不可翻译。

    But after the publication of his The Structure of Scientific Revolution , this theory has changed considerably : incommensurability advocated in The Structure of Scientific Revolution later became untranslatability .

  9. 库恩在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出的科学革命与不可通约性思想,对哲学界产生了极为重大的影响,同时也引起了广泛的争议。

    Thomas Kuhn 's ideas of the scientific revolution and incommensurability that were put forward by " The Structure of Scientific Revolution " had produced both very important influence and wide controversy to the field of philosophy .

  10. 1962年,他在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出了一种与传统截然不同的动态的科学发展模式:前科学→常规科学→反常和危机→科学革命→新的常规科学。

    In 1962 , In his " Structure of Scientific Revolutions ", he presents a dynamic pattern of scientific development which is very different from the traditional pattern : the former Science → normal science → crisises and abnormals → scientific revolution → new normal science .

  11. 系统科学革命的实质是揭示结构的物质性,变革现行的物质观。

    Systems science revolution transforms the current material concept of our time through the materiality of " structure " revealed by systems science .

  12. 本文应用贝叶斯检验模型重新审视库恩的范式理论,展示其中的逻辑成分或理性成分,进而说明逻辑与信念、理性与非理性在科学革命过程中的张力结构。

    In this paper , I 'll apply the Bayesian schema of test to reexamine Kuhn 's theory of paradigm and show the logical or rational components in it , then proceed to expose the structure of tension between logic and belief , rationality and irrationality within the scientific revolution .

  13. 范型(paradigm)理论是美国科学哲学家托马斯·库恩在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出的,这一理论在自然科学和人文社会科学领域都得到广泛的运用。

    Paradigm as the theory is widely used in natural science and social science . The theory is first introduced by Thomas S. Kuhn , an American philosopher , in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolution .

  14. 自1962年科学哲学家库恩发表《科学革命的结构》一书以来,当代西方科学哲学越来越关注科学的发展,科学发展问题成了科学动态研究的核心问题。

    Since T. Kuhn published 《 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 》 in 1962 , contemporary western philosophy of science is more and more concerned about science development . The problem of scientific progress has become a core problem in dynamic research about science .

  15. 随着科学的发展尤其是库恩在《科学革命的结构》一书中范式概念的提出,传统科学的观念受到了致命的冲击。

    With the development of science , especially the " paradigm " concept put forward by Kuhn , the traditional scientific development met a fatal blow .

  16. 20世纪60年代,在科学哲学的发展中,一个标志性文本即库恩《科学革命的结构》的出版,消解了科学哲学家们静态的绵延的科学发展观,从而开创了历史主义学派之先河。

    A symbol text named The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was published in American in 1960s , which clear up the static and durative view of science development in scientific philosophy . From then on , the historical school in the philosophy of science came into being .