
  • 网络innovation
  1. 位于加利福尼亚爱莫维丽(Emeryville)的八爪鱼实验室只有若干名化学、机械和计算机工程师,但却在日以继夜的忙于科研创新。

    With just a handful of chemical , mechanical and computer engineers , the Squid Labs office in Emeryville , California , is abuzz with science and innovation at all hours of the day and night .

  2. 农业应用性科研创新的激励机制研究

    The study on stimulating mechanism of agriculture application science study innovation

  3. 本文依托青年科研创新专项项目,首先阐述了课题背景,NDN网络架构的思想和BGP协议的概念和基本特点。

    Firstly , I expounded the background of this subject which are the conception and basic characteristics of the NDN network architecture and the BGP protocol .

  4. 浅论地方高校科研创新团队的建设

    Construction of Research and Innovation Teams in Local Universities and Colleges

  5. 浅析高校研究生科研创新能力的培养

    Analysis on the Cultivation of Scientific Research Ability for College Postgraduates

  6. 依托省级重点实验室,提高本科生科研创新能力

    Improving the Innovative Ability of Undergraduate Depending on Provincial Key Laboratory

  7. 强化期刊在教学科研创新中的作用

    Strenthening the role of journals in teaching and research innovations

  8. 高校科研创新激励机制研究

    Study on the Incentive of University 's Scientific Research Innovation

  9. 学术环境对博士后科研创新能力的影响

    The impact of academic environment on research capability of post-doctors

  10. 高校科研创新团队的绩效评估

    Performance Evaluation of a Science and Technology Innovation Team in a University

  11. 制度体系的建立是高校教师科研创新团队高绩效的保障;

    The establishment of institutional system can ensure the high efficacy of teams .

  12. 工科大学生科研创新能力培养模式探讨

    Discussion on Cultivating Mode of Research and Creative Ability of Engineering College Students

  13. 我国高校教师科研创新的组织机制研究

    A Study on the Organization Mechanism of Teachers ' Scientific Innovation in Universities

  14. 该文研究了如何提高大学生的综合科研创新能力。

    This paper researches on how to set up student 's creative ability .

  15. 关于大学生科研创新的调查研究

    Investigation into the Research and Creation of University Students

  16. 有利于科研创新能力培养的卫生统计教学方法探讨

    Discussion on teaching pattern of health statistics in favor of scientific research innovation

  17. 从专利申请看高校科研创新能力的提升

    The Improvement of Scientific Research Innovation Abih'ty of Universities in Term of Patent Application

  18. 师生共建型科研创新团队的探索与实践

    Exploring and Practice of Integrated Science and Research Creative Team of Teachers and Students

  19. 论科研创新的发展方向

    About the Development Direction of Scientific Research Innovation

  20. 关于高职院校开展学生科研创新的探讨

    Study of developing students ' innovation ability of scientific research in high vocational colleges

  21. 基于隐性知识培育大学生科研创新能力的途径

    The Ways to Develop Scientific Research Ability of College Students Based on Recessive Knowledge

  22. 大学生课外科研创新能力培养中存在的问题及对策初探

    Problems and Measures about Cultivation of Extracurricular Creative Ability of Scientific Research for College Students

  23. 基于联立方程的高校科研创新团队系统模型研究

    Research on the System Model of Innovative Research Team in Universities Based on Simultaneous Equation

  24. 医学院校学生科研创新能力培养的制度建设

    The system construction of cultivating students ' innovation ability in the scientific research in medical school

  25. 医学本科生科研创新能力培养的探讨

    Developing Research Creativity of Medical Undergraduates

  26. 农业高校加强基础性研究,增强科研创新的思考

    Enforcement of basic research to strengthen the innovation ability in scientific research at agricultural colleges and universities

  27. 理工科研究生科研创新能力评价体系研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Evaluated Criterion System for the Graduate Students ' Ability of the Scientific Research

  28. 资源的合理分配可以凝聚人气,保持科研创新团队的持续健康发展;

    Reasonable distribution of resources can unite members and keep the sustainable and healthy development of teams .

  29. 科研创新团队是培养人才、催生重大创新成果的有效模式。

    Developing an innovative research team is an effective mode in training professionals and accelerating major innovations .

  30. 科研创新能力和素质,是大学本科高年级生应该具备的重要学术能力。

    Capability of innovation for scientific research is an important thing that senior undergraduates should train for .