
  • 网络access restriction;Restricting access
  1. 它可以是数据(图片、文档、通讯录)、事件(发表博文、转账)或者任何有访问限制的URL。

    This can be data ( photos , documents , contacts ), activities ( posting blog item , transferring funds ) or any URL with a need for access restrictions .

  2. 它还用于管理Cognos服务器,包括修改访问限制、导入内容或修改向其发送报告的人员的列表。

    It is also used to administer the Cognos server , including changing access restrictions , importing content , or changing the list of people to whom a report is sent .

  3. 向User添加简单的角色允许将用户管理访问限制为只能由管理员执行。

    Adding a simple role to the User allows you to limit user-management access to administrators .

  4. 利用J2EE安全性模型向多个Web资源添加访问限制。

    Add access restriction to multiple Web resources using the J2EE security model .

  5. 问:我怎样才能把对单个Web服务的访问限制到经过授权的用户/角色?

    Question : How can I restrict access for a single Web service to authorized users / roles ?( submitted by RR )

  6. 此Web应用程序包括一个无访问限制的主页和两个可由bank和customer角色访问的安全页。

    The Web application consists of a home page with unrestricted access and two secure pages accessible by bank and customer roles .

  7. 可以在门户中对库中存储的内容设置各种访问限制,并且ContentAPI遵循这些访问权限。

    Content stored in the repository can have various access limits set within the portal , and the Content API respects those access limits .

  8. 我们建议您将对命名空间的访问限制为“Everyone”都有读权限,但没有人具有读/写权限。

    We recommend you restrict the namespace such that only " Everyone " has read access and no one has read / write access .

  9. 例如,可能仅在某段时间内允许上载操作,或者可能将对某个目录的访问限制到特定用户或来自某些IP地址的用户。

    For example , uploads might be allowed only during certain hours , or access to a directory might be restricted to specific users or users connecting from certain IP addresses .

  10. 这里所使用的示例应用程序由三个JSP组成:一个不受访问限制,一个可以通过admin角色访问,另一个可以通过user角色访问。

    The sample application used here consists of three JSPs : one with unrestricted access , one accessible by the admin role , and another accessible by user role .

  11. AIXV7.1提供用户组扩展能力,以及新的密码策略和对ODM目录的访问限制等安全改进。

    AIX V7.1 provides user group scalability and security enhancements such as new password policies and access restriction to ODM directories .

  12. 它还可以用于管理Cognos服务器,例如更改访问限制、导入内容或者更改将一份报告发送给哪些人的列表。

    It is also used to administer the Cognos server , for example , to change access restrictions , import content , or change the list of people a report is sent to .

  13. 不过,其他用户就要受到更多的访问限制。

    Others , however , should have much more restricted access .

  14. 将方法访问限制为拥有您选择的任何权限的调用方。

    Limit the method access to callers having whatever permissions you select .

  15. 指明对此业务流程或类型的访问限制。

    Indicates the access restrictions to this orchestration or type .

  16. 应提供访问限制功能。

    The facility shall be provided for restriction of access .

  17. 限制的字节范围的访问限制。

    Removes the access restriction on a range of bytes previously restricted with .

  18. onlyfrom行定义一个访问限制。

    The only_from line defines an access restriction .

  19. 密码策略的组成部分之一是检查密码到期日期和访问限制。

    One part of a password policy is to interrogate password expiry and restriction for review .

  20. 如果要将访问限制在仅为指定的目录,用斜线结束路径名。

    When you want to restrict access to only the specified directory , end with a slash .

  21. 这意味着,如果需要访问限制更严格的资源,就需要额外的身份验证步骤。

    This means that an additional authentication step is required in order to access resources that require more restrictive-access policies .

  22. 然而,由于下面的查询访问限制在单个分区上,因此不需要额外的排序操作

    However , the following query does not need an extra sort since the query access is limited to a single partition

  23. 引入了一些有趣的安全对策,包括预防有限的一组文件系统竞争条件攻击的附加访问限制。

    Includes several interesting security countermeasures , including additional access limits that prevent a limited set of filesystem race condition attacks .

  24. 如果免责条款是必要的(举例来说,由于访问限制或工具差异),清楚地写出在哪里应用。

    If exceptions are necessary ( e.g. , due to access restrictions or tool differences ), clearly document where they apply .

  25. 该程序的一大功能就在于它可以允许项目经理对其负责的任何项目设置使用权限(访问限制)。

    One of the key features of the program is that it allows the project manager to limit access for any of his or her projects .

  26. 不同于单纯地在同一部平板电脑上创立多个账号,限制档案能够让使用者提前设置一些应用程序和内容的访问限制。

    Rather than simply giving you the ability to create multiple user accounts for one tablet , Restricted Profiles allow user accounts with preset restrictions on access to apps and content .

  27. 同时,本文研究了对象数据在常量内存的存放,并使用常量内存存储了所有静态场景数据,从而避免了使用全局内存的严格内存访问限制,提高了场景数据的访问速度。

    This paper also studies object data storing in the constant memory . All the static scene data is successfully copied to the constant memory . The restriction of access patterns of the global memory is broken , and the access speed of the scene data is accelerated .

  28. 对apache来说,通常是指对某些urls访问的限制。

    In an Apache context usually the restriction of access to certain urls .

  29. 可以对服务信息访问加以限制,方法是使用permissionstate枚举在securitypermission类中设置权限。

    Access to service information may be restricted by using the permissionstate enumeration to set permissions in the securitypermission class .

  30. 因此,当终端用户想要根据角色选取不同工作项时,由于访问权限限制,他们无法在In-basket小部件中选取任何角色。

    So when end-users wish to pick up different work items according to their own roles , they would not be able to select any role in the In-basket widget because of the access restriction .