
fǎnɡ wèn jiào shòu
  • visiting professor;guest professor
  1. 塔克特是leverhulme基金会研究员、伦敦大学学院(ucl)心理分析学访问教授。

    Mr tuckett is Leverhulme research fellow and visiting professor in psychoanalysis at UCL .

  2. 该项研究由UNSW生物技术与生物分子科学学校的研究小组指导下,访问教授JamesLawson领导完成的,并发表于英国癌症杂志上。

    The research was conducted by a team from the UNSW School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences , led by Visiting Professor James Lawson , and is published in the British Journal of Cancer .

  3. 除了他自己以及秘鲁其他知名厨师之外,这所学校还拥有曾经管理加州elBulli餐厅的超级厨师费兰•阿德里亚(FerranAdrià)等访问教授。

    Aside from himself and other renowned Peruvian cooks , the school has boasted visiting professors such as Ferran Adri à , the superchef who used to run Catalonia 's elBulli restaurant .

  4. 访问教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。

    After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions .

  5. 师资主要由若干杰出的常驻教授和一批世界知名大学的访问教授组成。

    The faculty consists of a mix of distinguished permanent and visiting faculty .

  6. 她同时作为访问教授在希尔德斯海姆教授“性别与设计”的课程。

    She also taught the subject " Gender and Design " as a visiting professor in Hildesheim .

  7. 朱虹,原中国社会科学院外国文学研究所研究员,现任美国波士顿大学访问教授。

    Zhu Hong , visiting professor of Boston University , a critic of feminine literature in China .

  8. 许田也是上海复旦大学的访问教授,该大学的研究正在进行当中。

    Xu is also a visiting professor at the Fudan University in shanghai , where the research is going on .

  9. 他正在为他的考试结果担忧,因此他对访问教授的讲课毫不在意。

    Being worried about his exam result , he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor 's lecture .

  10. 他是哈佛大学经济学系的访问教授,还与麻省理工和密歇根大学有联系。

    He 's a visiting professor in the Department of Economics at Harvard , and is also tied at MIT and the University of Michigan .

  11. 为了解决这个问题,很多大学向海外招手,聘任一些访问教授,每年回来工作一两个月。

    Many universities try to solve the problem by offering many visiting Professors who may commit their time of one to two months to the Chinese institutes .

  12. 为了表彰她的这些努力,2006年她被授予四川大学名誉教授以及清华大学的访问教授。

    In recognition of these efforts , in2006 , she was appointed a distinguished honorary professor at Sichuan University , Chengdu , and a visiting professor at Beijing 's Qinghua University .

  13. 1960年,我成为马萨诸塞理工学院的访问教授,以后,除了抽出一年的时间去西北大学外,一直到现在我都呆在那里。

    In1960 I was a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , to which I returned after a year at Northwestern University , and where I have remained ever since .

  14. 欢迎访问郭戈教授个人空间!

    Welcome to Prof Ge guo 's space !

  15. 准备明晚招待访问的教授。

    For visiting professors tomorrow night .

  16. 世纪之交,我们就现代语音学百年的历史、现状及发展方向访问了林焘教授。

    We visit Prof. Lin Tao about the history , current status and developing direction of modern phonetics .

  17. 我记得我曾访问过李政道教授在哥大物理系的小型办公室,他告诉我那曾是汤川的办公室。

    D.Lee told me a long time ago when I was visiting his " tiny " office in the Physics Building of Columbia University that the former occupant of his office was Yukawa !