
fǎnɡ wèn xué zhě
  • exchange/visiting scholar
  1. 我们为访问学者提供新的公寓。

    We accommodate our visiting scholars with new apartments .

  2. 曾任外交关系委员会(CouncilonForeignRelations)国际事务研究员,及国际货币基金组织访问学者。

    He was an international affairs fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .

  3. 他首次来到加拿大,是1979年在温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UniversityofBritishColumbia)做访问学者。

    He had his first taste of Canada as a visiting lecturer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 1979 .

  4. 本文作者是布鲁塞尔Bruegel智库的高级研究员和华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomicsinWashington)访问学者

    The writer is senior fellow at Bruegel in Brussels , and visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington

  5. 但美国布鲁金斯学会(brookingsinstitution)的访问学者李成(chengli)表示:“这种对话绝对有益要比相互抨击好得多。”

    In contrast , Cheng Li , a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution , said : " absolutely it is useful much better than criticising each other . "

  6. 卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)访问学者克里斯•罗巴克(ChrisRoebuck)表示,过劳的年轻人日益成为伦敦金融城的一个问题。他在数家银行担任过高级人力资源管理职务。

    Chris Roebuck , a visiting professor of leadership at Cass Business School who has held senior HR roles in banks , said that overworking juniors was an increasing problem in the City .

  7. 新加坡拉惹勒南国际研究院(s.rajaratnamschoolofinternationalstudies)访问学者丁树范(arthurding)表示,这还突显出一种担忧:新兵不像前几代士兵那样接受过那么多意识形态教育。

    Arthur Ding , a visiting scholar at the s. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore , says it also highlights concern that new recruits have not been exposed to as much ideological indoctrination as previous generations of soldiers .

  8. 2010年夏天Yaser作为访问学者前往芬兰赫尔辛基大学,主持了在领先的IT和电信公司内的实地研究。

    During the summer of2010 , Yaser was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland where he conducted field studies in leading IT and telecommunication companies .

  9. 我想以访问学者的身份去英国。

    I hope to go to the UK as a visiting scholar .

  10. 曾赴美国作高级访问学者。

    Li Nuyun was a senior visiting scholar to the USA.

  11. 中国在澳访问学者身份的构建与协调

    Identity Construction and Negotiation of Chinese Visiting Scholars in Australia

  12. 她是以访问学者的身份来到咱们学校的。

    She came to our school as a visiting scholar .

  13. 北京外国语大学,英语系,访问学者。

    Visiting Professor , Beijing Foreign Studies University , English Dept.

  14. 访问学者也不得使用机密计算机网络。

    Visiting scholars were not permitted to use secret computer networks either .

  15. 她们有来更新交换访问学者的签证

    They 're here on j-1 travel visas and wanted to renew .

  16. 我是一名来自重庆大学的访问学者。

    I am a visiting scholar from chongqing university .

  17. 那位访问学者明天要给残疾人做个报告。

    The visiting scholar will give a talk to the disabled people tomorrow .

  18. 杰出访问学者,煤和可持续发展合作研究中心。

    Eminent Visitor to the Co-operative Research Center on Coal and Sustainable Development .

  19. 可是,与学生随同人员不同,访问学者的配偶不能获准工作。

    However , unlike student dependants , your spouse is not allowed to work .

  20. 在新加坡管理大学,学校接受访问学者,以避免出现教授短缺的情况。

    At SMU the school accepts visiting fellows to circumvent the shortage of professors .

  21. 学生和交流访问学者要为这个系统付费。

    Students and exchange visitors are charged fees to help pay for the system .

  22. 2005年作为访问学者赴加拿大进行法律交流访问。

    In2005 , he went to Canada for academic exchange as a visiting scholar .

  23. 曾到美国哈佛大学做博士后访问学者。

    She used to be a visiting scholar for post-doctoral research in Harvard University .

  24. 有多少访问学者来了?

    How many visiting scholars have come ?

  25. (难道)他不是访问学者吗?

    Is not he a visiting scholar ?

  26. 1985年,在偶然的机会下,我以访问学者的身份来到美国。

    In1985 , I had a chance to come to America as a visiting scholar .

  27. 他不是访问学者吗?

    Isn 't he a visiting scholar ?

  28. 一个访问学者的研究生活

    The Study Life of a Visit Scholar

  29. 联系国外访问学者信件书写模板。

    Here I write to you because I 'm looking for a visiting scholar position .

  30. 我申请以访问学者身份入贵校。

    I am writing to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar .