
  • 网络Visit Sales;visit selling
  1. 生产经理希望访问销售机会信息,以更好地预测库存需求。

    The production manager would like to have access to the sales lead information to better forecast their inventory requirements .

  2. 客户访问、销售支持;

    Customer visit and Sales support ;

  3. 系统面向终端用户,能够直接访问各种销售数据和竞争数据,提供多视角,多形式的数据分析,帮助决策者把握企业的自身运行状态以及竞争者情报信息。

    It can accesses the business data and the competitive data directly , make administrator analyze and utilize these data from each perspective , grasp the current running situation of enterprise and the corresponding situations of other competitor timely .

  4. 当很多用户拥有对视图中一小部分文档的访问权限时(销售或HR应用程序中可能出现这种情况),尤其如此。

    This is especially true when many users have access to a small subset of the documents in the view as may be the case in a sales or HR application .

  5. 这需要研究不同的书籍以及出版商,包括与访问校园的出版商销售代表合作。

    This involves researching different books and publishers , including working with publisher sales representatives who visit the campus .