
  • 网络visits;access times;hit;Visiting Time
  1. 而认识网站当前状态的最有效途径,便是数据,网站访问次数、访问人数、访问IP数,逗留时长等等都是很好的指导性指标。

    The most effective way of understanding the operating status of a site is to analyze several types of data , such as site visits , number of visitors , which are the indicators of good guidance .

  2. 这是正常的访问次数和点击次数,以显示不同的数字。

    It 's normal for Visits and Clicks to show different numbers .

  3. 提出了冲突链表节点内存合并的方法加速链表查找速度,有效减少了查找操作对SRAM的访问次数。

    Hash collision chain node consolidation is proposed to quicken up chain search .

  4. 设计了一个本地智能AGENT,实时跟踪用户浏览网页的四种动作:页面的访问次数、页面的停留时间、保存网页、在网页中搜索关键词。

    An intelligent local Agent is designed to trace four actions of the user browsing the web site . These four actions include : browsing times , staying time in a web page , page saving and searching key words .

  5. 采用行扫的数据输入方式,完成2D小波变换只需少量的几行缓冲寄存器单元,可有效减少片内的存储器资源需求以及对存储器的访问次数。

    The implementation of 2-D DWT based on line-scan requires only a few lines in the buffer , which significantly reduces the size of the embedded storage and the amount of memory accesses .

  6. 提出了一种改进的Web用户和URL聚类方法,该算法有效地综合了用户浏览时间和访问次数,并且利用服务器日志进行了实验,证实了该算法的有效性。

    The paper proposes an improved Web user and URL clustering method , the algorithm effectively integrated visit time and the number of hits . Experiment by the real server log confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm . 4 .

  7. 这种方法不但能够降低网络开销,而且在EJB内部通过为整个业务功能创建一个事务环境也可以大大地减少对数据库的访问次数。

    Not only will this reduce network overhead , but within EJBs , it also critically reduces the number of database calls by creating a single transaction context for the entire business function .

  8. 介绍了如何使用注册表实现应用程序访问次数的控制,如何获取MAC地址实现软件防拷贝的方法以及简单加密算法。

    This paper introduces how to use registry to realize the control of the visit frequency to application program , how to obtain the MAC address to realize software defense method preventing copy and a simple encryption algorithm .

  9. 在本文算法中,首先以Web站点的URL为行、以UserID为列建立URL-UserID关联矩阵,其元素值为用户的访问次数。

    In the algorithms the present paper introduces , first , a URL-UserID relevant matrix is set up with URL as row and UserID as column and each element value as the user 's hits .

  10. 按照此函数,Cache替换访问次数少、设备访问时间短的对象,从而使得存储系统的平均I/O时间最短。

    Based on the queue function , Cache replaces the objects that are accessed least and have least access time to storage devices when Cache requires space to Cache the new objects , which makes the storage system have the least average I / O time .

  11. 该方法通过设立缓存地址映射表,记录TLB表项在缓存中的地址映射,可有效减少缓存中TLB表项的访问次数,降低动态功耗。

    This method set up cache address mapping table , which recorded the location of TLB entry in Cache , to decrease TLB accesses with less dynamic power consumption . 2 .

  12. 目的提高算法效率,减少磁盘访问次数,提出一种基于密度的高效增量聚类算法ISNN。

    This paper proposes an incremental algorithm , ISNN which is based on density-based clustering algorithm SNN .

  13. 显示访问次数居前10位或最后10位的频道。

    Channel Statistics shows your top10 most or least visited channels .

  14. 例如,主页列出了人气很高和访问次数最多的网站。

    For example , the home page displays both popular and most visited websites .

  15. 她说其丈夫在4年的总统任期中对其他国家的访问次数比较少。

    Her husband has traveled little outside the country during his four years as president .

  16. 被夸大的页面访问次数因此增加了网站所有者的广告收入。

    The inflated number of page views increased advertising revenues for the websites ' owners .

  17. 使用缓冲是为减少对外部设备的访问次数。

    To reduce the number of accesses to the external device , a buffer is used .

  18. 例如,由于数据量的增长使得传统的内存式索引结构的磁盘访问次数大大增加。

    The big data makes the disk access time increase greatly in the traditional in-memory spatial index .

  19. 通过对变量和方法访问次数的限制,可部分解决直接拒绝服务攻击的问题。

    Through setting max access count to each application the mechanism can somewhat resist direct denial of service attacks .

  20. 加快磁盘运行速度不如减少所需的磁盘访问次数。

    Rather than make the disks faster , it 's better to reduce the number of disk accesses needed .

  21. 它在用户浏览兴趣度量时综合考虑了页面访问次数、浏览时间的长度和页面的大小,然后将具有相似用户浏览兴趣的页面进行推荐。

    User navigation interest is represented by the navigation times , time , and the size of the page .

  22. 分阶段计算中间结果,减少临时结果存储,可减小存储器需求和存储器访问次数。

    Memory needs and memory access times are reduced by computing intermediate results by stages and decreasing temporary results storage .

  23. 例如,如果选择搜索访问次数,可让您看到有多少人访问了您的网站纳入搜索。

    For example , selecting Visits with Search allows you to see how many visits to your site included a search .

  24. 该算法利用服务器日志库中保存的网页访问次数信息,提高了聚类的客观性和准确性。

    By using reference time information stored in the query log database , the proposed algorithm improved the accuracy of Web usage clustering .

  25. 在本硕士毕业论文中,我们提出了一种新的基于多精度乘法的混合乘算法,这种新的混合乘算法不仅可以优化内存的访问次数还可以优化寄存器的分配问题。

    In the present paper we introduce a new variant of the hybrid method for multiple-precision multiplication that optimizes both memory accesses and register allocation .

  26. 本文对此作了改进,给出的改进算法对象素的访问次数较少,因而有较高的效率。

    In this paper , a advanced algorithm is presented , every pixel needs fewer times to access , so it is an efficient algorithm .

  27. 通过层次索引结构来减少对图像特征库的访问次数和访问数据量,实现对图像的快速检索。

    By the index structure , it reduces the number of image feature database access and access data , to achieve fast image retrieval . 4 .

  28. 因此,近年来算法设计策略发展的重点在于,寻找对存储系统较高层次访问次数最小化的最优算法。

    Consequently , recent developments in algorithm design have had a focus on developing algorithms that sought to minimize accesses to the higher levels of the hierarchy .

  29. 将缩张算法加以改进,较大程度地减少目标函数的访问次数,既可运用到规模和难度较大的约束非线性规划问题,也可运用到整数及混合规划问题。

    The Contraction expansion algorithm was improved by greatly reducing visiting objective function , so it could solve the large scale , integer and combined constrained nonlinear programming .

  30. 由于链接结构是围绕书籍开发的,搜索引擎的程序就可以将接入链接视为“投票”,给予被访问次数多的内容更多的权重,相应的对无人问津的内容减少搜索的比重。

    As link structures develop around books , search algorithms can count incoming links as " votes ", giving more weight to incoming links from much-cited places and less to obscure ones .