
  • 网络Access list;access-list;acl
  1. LotusSametimebot可以使用这个值来检查其访问列表中的用户ID。

    The Lotus Sametime bot can use this value to check the user ID in its access list .

  2. 其setAcl(List)方法允许您修改该访问列表。

    Its setAcl ( List ) method allows you to modify that access list .

  3. List接口提供了一些通过下标访问列表元素四个可选方法。

    The List interface provides four methods for positional ( indexed ) access to list elements .

  4. 路由器访问列表和TCP拦截技术是其中一种安全实用措施。

    Router access-list and the TCP intercept 's technique is one of safe and practical measures .

  5. 介绍了绑定IP地址和MAC地址与访问列表相结合的安全管理办法。

    This article described a security way that binding IP address and MAC address combine with using access-list .

  6. 我们可以使用rest或其他函数来访问列表的其他部分,但通过原始列表创建的新列表仍然共享原始结构。

    We can use rest or other functions to access other parts of the list , but new lists created from the original list still share the original structure .

  7. 另外,SharePoint对象模型也提供了一些额外的特性来加强访问列表数据项的能力。

    Additionally , the SharePoint Object Model provides additional features to enhance access to list items .

  8. 当用户访问列表或库的rss源时,其视图类似于列表中所有项目的视图。

    When users access the RSS feed for a list or library , this is similar to a view of all the items in the list .

  9. 通常,定义一个带有UACC(NONE)的backstop配置文件,访问列表中没有或有很少用户。

    Typically , you define a backstop profile with UACC ( NONE ), and no or very few users in the access list .

  10. (在这个例子中,RL命令的大部分输出已被更改,仅有显示概要文件名、UNIVERSALACCESS和访问列表的行被保留)。

    Much of the output of the RL command has been edited out of this example and only the lines that show the profile name , the UNIVERSAL ACCESS and the access list have been retained .

  11. 相同的概要文件可以应用到所有用户ID和组,因为它们要么在访问列表中,要么受UACC的支配。

    The same profile applies to all user IDs or groups , since they are either in the access list or are subject to the UACC .

  12. 对于批、CICS和IMS连接,确定哪些用户或组需要处于已经定义了的配置文件的访问列表中比较简单

    Determining which users or groups need to be in the access list of the profiles that have been defined , for batch , CICS , and IMS connections is straightforward

  13. OAM概要文件不存在与UACC对应的地方;用户可以包含或未包含在访问列表中。

    OAM profiles do not have anything corresponding to the UACC ; a user is either included in the access list or is not .

  14. 最后,结合校园网的实际,根据现有设备条件,运用VLAN技术、NAT技术、路由器访问列表以及流量监控实现了对校园网的基本安全防护。

    Lastly , along with campus fact and equipment , using technology of VLAN , NAT , router access-list and network traffic flow monitoring system , we carry out basic security defense of campus network .

  15. CLC现在检查用户是否真正拥有这个文件,认证成功后,添加新的用户标识到共享文件访问列表。

    CLC now checks whether the user really owns the file or not and upon successful authentication , adds the new users identity to the shared file access list .

  16. 对采用CERNET和CHINANET两条链路接入Internet的路由配置方法及在路由器上实现数据分流、访问列表和策略路由作了讨论。

    The paper discusses implementation and configuration measures of route about campus network interconnecting and connecting to Internet by CERNET and CHINANET . Also introduces how to perform data distributary , access list and policy based routing in router .

  17. 如果用户不在最匹配概要文件的访问列表中,那么它们将获得UACC提供的访问权限。

    If the user is not in the access list for the best matching profile , then they get the access provided by the UACC .

  18. 例如,可以通过zget(“/request/myList3”)访问列表元素,或使用zget(“/request/myMapkey”)访问映射内部的key的值。

    For example , you can access a list element with zget (" / request / myList # 3 "), or the value of key within a map using zget (" / request / myMap # key ") .

  19. 而且多数情况下,当你把一个IList当做参数传递出去的时候,被调用的方法也只是会去按索引访问列表,而不是去向列表中加入一些任意类型的对象。

    And most of the time when you 're passing an IList around , it is so the callee can get by-index access to the list , not so that it can add new items of arbitrary type .

  20. 为该主机在访问列表中添加访问细节。

    Add access detail in the access list for this host .

  21. 将登录名添加到发布的访问列表中。

    Adds a login to the access list of the publication .

  22. 对此发行程序使用下列自定义的发行物访问列表

    Use the following custom publication access list for this publication

  23. 注意,您可以直接访问列表元素。

    Notice that you can access list elements directly .

  24. 选择要添加到发行访问列表的登录并单击“确定”。

    Select the login to add to the publication access list and click ok .

  25. 无法将用户添加到文件夹访问列表。

    One or more users could not be added to the folder access list .

  26. 为此发行物使用默认或自定义发行物访问列表。

    Use either the default or a custom publication access list for this publication .

  27. 使用此网页查看哪些用户能访问列表或文档库。

    Use this page to see who has access to this list or document library .

  28. 哪一条命令会显示出所有的访问列表条目?

    Which router command allows you to view the entire contents of all access lists ?

  29. 使用默认发布内容访问列表来控制哪些接收和立即更新订阅内容可以访问已发布的数据。

    Use the default publication access list to control which pull and immediate-updating subscriptions can access the published data .

  30. 发布访问列表指定请求订阅和即时更新订阅用来访问该发布的登录信息。

    The publication access list specifies the logins used by pull and immediate updating subscriptions to access this publication .