
  1. 我们中途可以顺便访问罗马。

    We may take Rome in our way .

  2. 她访问罗马是他成为首相以后第一次海外旅行。

    His visit to Rome will be his first trip overseas since he became prime minister .

  3. 总统还将访问意大利的罗马,参观大竞技场。

    The president is also visiting Rome , Italy and touring the Coliseum .

  4. 他誓言采取行动确保有虐童癖的人不会成为神父。教皇本笃作为第一位访问美国的罗马天主教皇在搭乘意大利航班从罗马前往美国途中对记者说,性侵害丑闻为教会和他本人造成巨大的伤害。

    Speaking to reporters aboard the Alitalia airliner taking him from Rome to his first papal visit to the United States , Pope Benedict says the sex scandal has caused great suffering for the church and for him personally .