
nián huà
  • New Year pictures;New Year(or Spring Festival)pictures
年画 [nián huà]
  • [New Year(or Spring Festival)pictures] 民间过春节(农历年)时张挂的表现喜庆气象的图画

年画[nián huà]
  1. 她对当地房子墙上贴的特色年画非常有兴趣。

    She was very interested in the characteristic New Year pictures on the walls of local houses .

  2. 绵竹年画《老鼠嫁女》的装饰特色

    Decorative Featuress of Mianzhu New Year Pictures in A Rat Is Getting Married

  3. 梅西百货报告在11月和12月其营业一年以上的门店销售额下降了5。2%,这一令人失望的假期销售业绩为面临广泛挑战的百货连锁店艰难的一年画上了句号。

    Macy 's   reported   its   sales   plunged   5.2 %   in   November   and   December   at   stores   open   more   than   a year ,   a   disappointing   holiday   season   performance   that   capped   a   difficult   year   for   a department   store   chain   facing   wide-ranging   challenges .

  4. J.M.W.特纳1839年画的。

    J. M. W. Turner painted it in 1839 .

  5. 论述了杨柳青木版年画的鲜明的艺术风格

    Third , elucidating the vivid characters of Yangliuqing New Year Picture .

  6. 我们在讨论Gainsborough1770年画的作品Blueboy时,

    Okay . So , when we were discussing Gainsborough 's painting , the Blue boy , which he painted in 1770 ,

  7. 陕西凤翔民间木版年画的艺术特色

    The Art Characteristic of Feng Xiang Folk Woodcut Spring Festival Pictures

  8. 试论漳州木版年画与日本浮世绘的异同

    Analysis on the Differences between Zhangzhou Wood Engraving and Japanese Ukiyoe

  9. 根深蒂固&重庆梁平少儿年画与文化传承

    Deep-seated-Liangping Children New Year Picture in Chongqing and Cultural Inheritance

  10. 这是我选择清代年画的原因。

    This is the reason I chose the Qing Dynasty New Year .

  11. 佛山木版年画图形在视觉传达创意中的运用

    Application of Figures of Foshan 's Wood Engraving Picture in Visual Communication

  12. 第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。

    Third , the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings .

  13. 第二章,绵竹年画纪念品发展概述。

    Chapter Two outlines the development of Mianzhu New Year Painting Souvenirs .

  14. 中国木版年画的意、形、色

    Meaning , shape and color of woodcut picture of Chinese new year

  15. 印刷工艺视野下的中国年画变迁

    Changes of Chinese New Year Picture from the Perspective of Printing Techniques

  16. 洛阳传统年画艺术

    On the Art of Traditional Spring Festival Pictures in Luoyang

  17. 木版年画更是这个艺术宝库中的一朵奇葩。

    Wood engraving new-year painting is a gold in the art mine .

  18. 民间年画的艺术形态及本元思想

    Artistic Form and Essence Idea of Folk Festival Painting

  19. 丝印:年画、绒布挥春及烫金印刷等。

    Screen Printing : Lunar New Year paintings , woolen decorations and hot-stamping .

  20. 而逐渐式微的工笔画却以壁画和民间年画的形式延续下来。

    Meticulous gradually declined but inherited form of murals and civil New Year .

  21. 论中国民间木版年画的东方样式

    On the Oriental Styles of Chinese Folk Wooden Board New Year 's Painting

  22. 民间门神年画的起源分类和特征

    Origin 、 Classification and the Characteristics of Door God and New Year Pictures

  23. 年画的历史渊源及其发展前景

    History Origin and Development Prospect of New Year Painting

  24. 从门神驱鬼说谈年画习俗艺术的演变

    The Evolvement of Ghost-driven Door Spirits to the Convention of Annually Painting Art

  25. 梁平木版年画工艺当代传承方式研究

    Inheritance Way of Modern Graphic Wooden Arts in Liangping

  26. 绵竹年画题材丰富,久负盛名。

    Mianzhu pictures themes rich , long renowned .

  27. 武强年画以其产地在河北武强而得名。

    New Year Picture of Wuqiang is named after Wuqiang , its productive land .

  28. 佛山年画的历史渊源及发展对策研究

    Foshan New Year Painting : History & Development

  29. 此外,桃花坞的木刻年画也享有盛名。

    Besides , the Taohuawu wood engraving Spring Festival pictures also enjoy great reputation .

  30. 木版年画是民间绘画的一部分,是民间美术的代表。

    Woodcut pictures are part of folk paintings , are representative of folk art .