
nián jiàn
  • yearbook;almanac;annals;yearly
年鉴 [nián jiàn]
  • [annals;yearbook] 每年出版的作为一年的统计、实况等的报告或总览的书

年鉴[nián jiàn]
  1. 年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显著下降。

    The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease .

  2. 甲:我今天看了我的年鉴。

    Example : A : I looked at my yearbook today .

  3. 它发表在《内科医学年鉴》上。

    It was published in the ' Annals of Internal Medicine ' .

  4. 他试着在图书馆里找过各种历书、年鉴和报纸。

    He tried the various almanacs , annuals and gazettes which were held in the library .

  5. 富兰克林写了一本书叫《穷理查的年鉴》。

    Franklin wrote a book called " Poor Richard 's Almanac " .

  6. 资料来源:IMF《国际收支统计年鉴》,2003年。

    Sources : IMF " Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook ", 2003 .

  7. 这项新研究由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)出资,成果发表在了《内科学年鉴》(AnnalsofInternalMedicine)上。

    The new study was financed by the National Institutes of Health and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine .

  8. 每年,我都喜欢翻翻最新的《TheChronicleofHighEducation'salmanac.》(美国高等教育年鉴)。

    Every year , I love to dig into the latest issue of The Chronicle of High Education 's almanac .

  9. 2012年,他在同行评审期刊《外科学年鉴》(AnnalsofSurgery)上发表了对108名儿童的研究成果。

    He published outcomes on 108 children in the peer-reviewed Annals of Surgery journal in 2012 .

  10. 新的指引发表在《内科学年鉴》(AnnalsofInternalMedicine)上。其中一个最大的变化是,工作小组建议大多数50岁以下女性不要使用乳房X线照片。

    One of the biggest changes is that the task force now advises against mammograms for most women under fifty years old .

  11. 该乳腺摄影筛查指南,以及四篇评论文章和七篇配套的支持性文章1月11日发表在《内科医学年鉴》(AnnalsofInternalMedicine)上。

    The mammography guidelines , along with four editorials and seven supporting articles , were published on Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine .

  12. 沙特阿拉伯是全球常规石油储量最大的国家,根据《英国石油公司世界能源统计年鉴》(BPStatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)的数据,去年底该国已探明石油储量是2660亿桶。

    Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves , the world 's largest conventional ones , were 266bn barrels at the end of last year , according to the BP Statistical Review .

  13. 英国石油公司(BP)最新的《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,虽然能源效率有所提高,但全球对商业能源的需求仍在继续增长,主要受新兴国家增长的驱动。

    BP 's latest Statistical Review of World Energy shows that global demand for commercial energy continues to grow , largely driven by growth of emerging countries , despite improvements in energy efficiency .

  14. 2004年版ASTM标准年鉴03.03卷无损检测标准题录

    Index for nondestructive testing standards in volume 03.03 , 2004 of ASTM book

  15. 在戴德立发表上述言论之际,BP公布了其最新的统计年鉴,该报告被视为能源业的圣经,其中包含每个国家在油气生产、消费和储备方面的数据。

    His remarks came as the company published its latest annual statistical review , regarded as an energy industry bible , which contains country-by-country data on oil and gas production , consumption and reserves .

  16. 方法利用1983~2000年国家有关统计年鉴数据拟合传递函数模型,同时采用求和自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)进行预测,并比较两者的拟合结果。

    Transfer function-noise model and ARIMA model were used to fit the official data released and compare the prediction results .

  17. 本文利用1960~1994年台风年鉴资料,定义进入30°N以北、125°E以西的热带气旋为影响北方热带气旋。

    Making use of the year-book data of the typhoon between 1960-1994 , we define the tropical cyclone entering the area north to 30 ° N and west to 125 ° E as the affecting-north tropical cyclone .

  18. 本文资料来源于福建统计年鉴、福建经济年鉴及与茶叶经济、WTO农业条款有关的著作、期刊。

    The references cited by the article stem from Statistical Almanac of Fujian Province , Economic Almanac of Fujian Province and other periodicals and books related with tea economic and clauses on agriculture of the World Trade Organization .

  19. 运用马尔萨斯人口模型、Logistic增长模型和线性回归分析方法,利用《江苏统计年鉴》人口数据对江苏省2005~2020年的人口发展规模做出预测。

    The paper dealt with Malthusian models 、 Logistic models and linear regression and used the data of Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook to predict gross population in Jiangsu Province in 2005 ~ 2020.Results show that three models fit well .

  20. 这项发表在3月出版的《流行病学年鉴》(AnnalsofEpidemiology)上的研究加入到了使用男性包皮环切术预防艾滋病的辩论中。

    The research , published in the March issue of Annals of Epidemiology , adds to the debate over the use of male circumcision for the prevention of HIV infection .

  21. 在第三章中选择2008年中国统计年鉴的有关数据,通过传统的GM(1,1)模型对我国城镇居民收入进行了预测与分析,并对该模型的误差以及精度进行了分析和讨论。

    Chapter 3 chooses relevant data in 2008 China Statistical Yearbook , makes prediction and analysis to the income of urban residents by traditional GM ( 1,1 ) and does research to the model error and precision .

  22. 书中的一张索书条上写着,BettyMandershied于1949年1月4号借出此书,而该校1949年的年鉴中就有这个名字。

    A slip inside the cover said it waschecked out on Jan. 4 , 1949 , to Betty Mandershied , whose name islisted in the school 's 1949 yearbook .

  23. 这群女生的一个朋友艾希莉·黄把年鉴中的一张图片上传到了Facebook上,并附上评论:“喜欢得要死。姑娘们,最好的毕业年鉴殊荣属于你们!”

    A photograph of the yearbook page was uploaded on Facebook by the girls ' friend , Ashley Vong , with the comment : " Literally dying . Kudos for the best senior quotes , ladies . "

  24. 利用中国气象局出版的1949&1994年台风年鉴资料,在大量普查的基础上,定义进入30°N以北、125°E以西热带气旋为影响我国北方的热带气旋。

    The typhoon year book data ( 1949-1994 ) are used to analyse the tropical cyclone . First , the tropical cyclones entered in north of 30 ° N and west of 125 ° E are defined as the influencing the northern China tropical cyclones .

  25. 本文利用1949~2005年TC年鉴资料,分析经过东沙岛附近约200公里范围内TC影响情况,以及近10年该区的TC情况。

    This article uses the TC data from 1949 to 2005 , analyzes after Dongsha Island nearby approximately in 200 kilometers scopes the TC influence situation , as well as nearly 10 years this area TC situation .

  26. 命运弄人的是,去年确认几内亚第一例检测结果为阳性的埃博拉病例的实验室巴斯德研究所(PasteurInstitute)正是《病毒学年鉴》的出版方。

    In a twist of fate , the same laboratory that confirmed the first positive Ebola test results in Guinea last year , the Pasteur Institute , was the publisher of Annals of Virology .

  27. 在爱思唯尔出版集团的《流行病学年鉴》(AnnalsofEpidemiology)中,新发表的一项研究在日本调查了20550位男性和29671位女性饮用绿茶的状况,试图探究饮用绿茶与口腔癌的关系。

    In Elsevier 's Annals of Epidemiology , a new study investigates the green tea consumption of20,550 men and29,671 women in Japan , to see if there was any correlation with oral cancer .

  28. 在实证方面,通过用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,通过我国高新技术产业统计年鉴选取2003&2009年电子信息产业的相关数据,建立模型对FDI的溢出效应进行实证分析。

    Positive aspects of the software by using principal components analysis SPSS , high-tech industries in China Statistical Yearbook by selecting the electronic information industry in 2003-2008 data , modeling of the spillover effect of FDI for empirical analysis .

  29. 主要解决如何实现在无现状调查OD的情况下,充分利用已知信息,特别是《统计年鉴》中的统计数据,预测路段交通量。

    In this paper , how to forecast the traffic flow oft he road by using the known information especially the statistical data in the Statistical Yearbook when OD survey is impossible is introduced .

  30. 2004年,参与法国出版商黄页年鉴集团(pagesjaunes)14亿欧元ipo的银行,根据整个过程设定重要步骤的完成状况收取费用。

    The banks involved in the 1.4bn IPO of pagesjaunes the French publisher , in 2004 received payment upon completion of set milestones throughout the process .