
  • 网络The Treaty of Paris
  1. 它是巴黎条约,解放黑奴宣言,美国联邦条例还是凡尔赛条约?

    Is it the Treaty of Paris , Emancipation Proclamation , Articles of Confederation or Treaty of Versailles ?

  2. 1783年,美国解放战争:在签署巴黎条约三个月之后,英国军队离开了纽约城。

    1783-American Revolutionary War : The last British troops leave New York City three months after the signing of the Treaty of Paris .

  3. 1778年的今天,法国签署巴黎条约正式官方承认美国。

    1778-the United States won official recognition from France with the signing of treaties in Paris .

  4. 历史上的今天-巴黎条约1778年的今天,法国签署巴黎条约正式官方承认美国。

    Treaties in Paris 1778-the United States won official recognition from France with the signing of treaties in Paris .

  5. 1783年的今天,美国独立战争伴随美国与英国之间签定的《巴黎条约》结束。

    1783-American Revolutionary War : The war ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain .

  6. 在17世纪中期法国人开始探索这一地区,后通过巴黎条约(1783年)和路易斯安那置地(1803年)成为美国的一部分。

    First explored by the French in the mid-17th century , the area became part of the United States through the Treaty of Paris ( 1783 ) and the Louisiana Purchase ( 1803 ) . St.

  7. 一年后,法、德和义、荷、比、卢等四国签署了巴黎条约,因此成立了「欧洲煤钢共同体」。

    One year later , France and germany , together with the four additional countries of italy , the netherlands , Belgium and luxembourg , signed the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and steel community .

  8. 有关政府机构申明,基于1898年12月10日签署的《巴黎条约》第3条,斯卡伯勒礁就是位于菲律宾领土边界之外。”

    ote that , " one very important fact remains , the national agency concerned had stated that based on Article III of the Treaty of Paris signed on December 10 , 1898 , Scarborough Reef lies just outside the territorial boundaries of the Philippines . "

  9. 施密特表示,全世界正在与去年巴黎气候条约为控制气候变化而给各国制定的温度目标“共舞”。

    Schmidt said the world was now " dancing " with the temperature targets set last year in the Paris climate treaty for nations to limit climate change .

  10. 升温1.5摄氏度有着特别的意义,因为在去年12月的巴黎气候条约中,世界各国同意把全球平均气温的升高控制在比工业化前的水平高1.5摄氏度以内,并以此为目标。

    Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius has special significance because at the Paris climate treaty in December the world agreed to aim to limit the increase in average global temperatures to that amount above preindustrial levels .