
  • 网络gallipoli
  1. 当道·狄伯利被要求前往加利波利时,他欣然接受了这个任务。

    When Doug Dibley was asked to go to Gallipoli , he jumped at the chance .

  2. 一方面,诞生了加利波利半岛的牺牲者和一个澳大利亚本民族的故事。

    One , the story of sacrifice on the Gallipoli Peninsula and the birth of a nation under the fire of shot and shell .

  3. 他的这番话或许正印证了他父亲基思·默多克当年的一次爆料:在一次世界大战的加利波利登陆战中,澳大利亚军队被无能的英国指挥官徒劳地牺牲。

    His observation perhaps reflected his father Keith Murdoch 's expose that Australian troops were being needlessly sacrificed by incompetent British commanders on the shores of Gallipoli .

  4. 他放弃了他作为土耳其最知名建筑师的职业生涯,在古老的产酒岛博兹贾阿达上建造了一座新葡萄园,在这座岛上能够看见加利波利。

    He gave up his career as one of Turkey 's most famous architects to establish a new vineyard on the ancient , wine-producing island of Bozcaada , within sight of Gallipoli .

  5. 在接到一个上级军官的突然邀请之后,他离开加利波利赴法国。后来,他困惑地发现自己已被错误地当作逃兵而登记在案了。

    He left Gallipoli for France after a spur-of-the – moment invitation from a superior officer , and was bemused to discover later that he 'd been mistakenly posted as a deserter .