
  • 网络Californian
  1. 他们把帕格喝酒和垂头丧气归结为失掉“加利福尼亚号”的缘故。

    They had ascribed pug 's boozing and his depression to his loss of the california .

  2. 快餐店被告并不是因为在鸡肉中有致癌物质,而是因为加利福尼亚州65号提案,提案要求如果产品中有任何有害成分,公司应该给出明确的警告。

    They weren 't sued because there was carcinogens in the chicken , but they were sued because of California 's Proposition 65 , which stated that if there 's anything dangerous in the products then the companies had to give a clear warning .

  3. 在加利福尼亚,一号乳制品大州,明显感到了这种悲哀。

    In California , the No.1 dairy state , the pain is felt keenly .

  4. 这是最高法院可能会更改对《加利福尼亚州8号提案》判决的时间。

    That 's when the Supreme Court may revisit its decision on California 's Proposition 8 .

  5. 天际线中很突出醒目的是853英尺的泛美金字塔、779英尺的加利福尼亚街555号和724英尺的利福尼亚街345号。

    Those that stand out on its skyline are the Transamerica Pyramid at 853 feet , 555 California Street at 779 feet , and 345 California Street at 724 feet .