
  • 网络Minisub;Midget submarine
  1. 缆绳断了,这艘微型潜艇迅速地沉向海底。

    The cable parted , and the minisub started to gather speed toward the bottom of the sea .

  2. 这些极小的机组人员将被装入微型潜艇内。而这艘微型潜艇将注射进你的血流。

    These tiny crewmembers will be put inside a microscopic submarine . and this submarine will be injected into your blood stream .

  3. 一种基于微细光缆的固定式深海观察系统缆绳断了,这艘微型潜艇迅速地沉向海底。

    Fiber optical micro cable-based fixed deep-sea observation station The cable parted , and the minisub started to gather speed toward the bottom of the sea .

  4. 瑞典军方搜寻的这艘舰艇可能是微型潜艇、水下船只或全尺寸潜艇,但他们对舰艇的国籍拒绝置评。

    The armed forces have refused to comment on the nationality of the craft they are seeking , which could be a mini-submarine , underwater vessel or full-sized submarine .

  5. 微型观光潜艇是一种可将2-3名游客载入水下进行旅游观光的载人潜器。

    Sightseeing Mini-Submarine is a manned submersible that can load 2-3 tourists sightsee underwater .

  6. 十字舵系统包括方向舵系统和升降舵系统,其主要功能是控制微型观光潜艇在水平面和垂直面的回转运动。

    Its main function is to control the rotational movement of Sightseeing Mini-Submarine in the horizontal and vertical plane .

  7. 目前国内的微型观光潜艇开发方面仍处于起步阶段,因此本文设计的微型观光潜艇壳体系统具有十分重要的意义。

    At present , the development of sightseeing mini-submarine is still in the initial stage , so this design of shell system of sightseeing mini-submarine has important significance .