
tōu xí
  • sneak attack;sneak raid;surprise attack;launch a surprise attack;raid;Gank
偷袭 [tōu xí]
  • [launch a surprise attack;sneak attack;sneak raid] 趁着敌人松懈时发动突然袭击

偷袭[tōu xí]
  1. 例子:偷袭、重斩、指挥官效应会增加伤害。

    Examples : Sneak Attack , Smite , Commander Effects that add to damage .

  2. 悄悄动员部队准备突然偷袭。

    The surreptitious moBilization of troops in preparation for a sneak attack .

  3. 狮子捕食全凭偷袭。

    Lions rely on stealth when hunting .

  4. 那次偷袭是一种不正当的侵略行径。

    The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression .

  5. 这次偷袭非常成功。

    The raid was a brilliant success .

  6. 古时候,有一次,楚国准备进攻宋国,而澭河水楚国夜间偷袭宋国的天然障碍。

    Once upon a time , the State of Chu planned to attack the State of Song . But the Yong River was the natural barrier against its surprise attack at night .

  7. Pierre我没有发现你来了别这样偷袭我

    Pierre . I didn 't see you there , don 't sneak up on me like that

  8. 这是由在海军航空基地(NAS)的卡内奥赫,夏威夷,在日本偷袭珍珠港后合照日本飞机扫射汽车。

    Cars that were strafed by Japanese aircraft pictured at Naval Air Station ( NAS ) Kaneohe , Hawaii , in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .

  9. “至今为止,马来西亚皇家海关在全国范围内的偷袭检查活动越来越多地取得成功,”其常务理事JackBowles声明说。

    " This can be seen through the ever increasing successful raids across the country by the RMC to date ," said its Managing Director Jack Bowles in a statement .

  10. 尽量用偷袭,SS,凿击,原因是很多德鲁依都有能把你根住的自然之握天赋。

    Try to always open with CS SS Gouge if at all possible , the reason is many PVP druids have the nature ' ; s grasp talent , which roots you for a brief time .

  11. 骗你的它不是梦是真的并且也很真实的就是媒体们偷袭的Cullen夫人的房子这真是哎

    No , it 's not a dream , it 's real.And it 's also very real and that media that hits the Cullen 's house . That 's very

  12. 不,我想说的事实是,Wolowitz从背后偷袭我!-

    Sheldon : No , I want to talk about the fact that Wolowitz shot me in the back .

  13. 这是一个复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸机,这是一种用于在日本偷袭珍珠港,建造从Vultee电信-15教练机,重新引擎版本了BT-13勇敢。

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber , a type used during Japan 's attack on Pearl Harbor , built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer , a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant .

  14. 除了会偷袭一个手无寸铁的老人。

    Except when you sneak up on an unarmed old man .

  15. 不过,麻烦依然会偷袭得逞。

    Nevertheless , trouble still manage to take them by surprise .

  16. 从各个方面来讲,这次偷袭都是非常成功的。

    The precision of the attack was perfect in every way .

  17. 我希望这次偷袭行动中没有该死的无神论者。

    I do not want any damned atheists on this raid .

  18. 仅仅当你认为你能赢点的时刻,才上前偷袭(抓球)。

    Poach only if you think you can win the point .

  19. 趁我在喂马时偷袭我。

    Sneaked up on me while I was feeding the horses .

  20. 你不在的时候,他偷袭拿跑了你的。

    He took your chair in a raid when you were away .

  21. 就像一种病毒,‘猴子思维’会让你没有觉察地偷袭你;

    Like a virus , it generally sneaks up on you unseen ;

  22. 趁着夜色偷袭,我们获得了所需要的药品。

    It took a moonlight requisition to get the medicine we needed .

  23. 不,小紫,对血库的偷袭已经失败了。

    No , V.THE attack on the blood bank failed .

  24. 就应该偷袭,好好利用你的部队。

    Do so with stealth , use your numbers well .

  25. 日本人在珍珠港偷袭美国海军。

    The Japanese attacked the American navy in Pearl Harbour .

  26. 他不在的时候,你再偷袭拿回来吧。

    You take it back in a raid when he is away .

  27. 他们选择在我们最弱的时候偷袭我们一定不是巧合。

    The fact that they chose our weakest hour cannot be a coincidence .

  28. 三棘带?是种善于偷袭的捕食动物,能够改变身体颜色以融入环境。

    This ambush predator can change its color to blend with its surroundings .

  29. 鬼凤放出烟雾,准备偷袭。

    Feng ghost of smoke , ready to attack .

  30. 我们竞争对手偷袭了我们并且拿到了合约了。

    Our competitor stole a march on us and got the big contract .