
tōu qiè 、 tí huò bù zhe xiǎn
  • TPND;theft, pilferage, and nondelivery
  1. 据我所知,保险公司接受投保板箱装货物的偷窃提货不着险。

    As far as I know , the insurance company accepts coverage of the goods packed in cardboard cardoons against TPND .

  2. 保险公司已同意为这种包装投保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。

    Such packing be approved by the Insurance company for w.p.a. and t.p.n.d .

  3. 除水渍险外您还投保其他险别吗?比如说偷窃、提货不着险?

    Do you cover risk other than wpa , for Instance , tpnd ?

  4. 这张保险单可为您保偷窃、提货不着险。

    This Insurance policy cover you against tpnd .

  5. 我们将为你方所订货物投保偷窃、提货不着险。

    We shall cover TPND on your order .

  6. 包括偷窃及提货不着险在内保险

    Coverage including theft , pilferage and

  7. 贵方货物适合于投保水渍险及破碎险。那么,请为这批货物保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。

    W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage suit your consignment . A : Then please cover W.P.A. and TPND for this transaction .

  8. 如你方想要求我方投保偷窃、提货不着险,非常容易办到,只要支付附加保险费就行了。

    If you wish to secure protection against T.P.N.D , it can be easily done upon the payment of an additional premium .

  9. 由于海运欺诈货物被提走,托运人可以根据偷窃、提货不着险持有正本提单向保险人索赔;

    Goods are delivered by fraud , the shipper can ask the insurer to indemnify by " theft , pilferage & non-delivery " risks ;

  10. 那么,请为这批货物保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。请代我方对价值9000美元的水查投保单独海损险及偷窃提货不着险,保险费记在销货清单上。

    A : Then please cover W.P.A. and TPND for this transaction . Kindly effect the insurance W. A. and T. P. N. D. for $ 9000 on fruit , on behalf of us , charging the premium in the Account Sales .