
tōu dào
  • steal;larceny;pilfer;pillage;lift;make away with
偷盗 [tōu dào]
  • (1) [pilfer;steal;make away with]∶见偷 1

  • (2) [pillage]∶偷窃;盗窃

  • 大理石被偷盗,所剩无几

  • 产生偷盗念头的思想过程

偷盗[tōu dào]
  1. 偷盗是不道德的。

    It 's immoral to steal .

  2. 第八诫是“不可偷盗”。

    The eighth commandment is ' Thou shalt not steal ' .

  3. 《圣经》上说偷盗有罪。

    The Bible says that stealing is a sin .

  4. 他承认偷盗行为后被有条件地释放了。

    He was conditionally discharged after admitting the theft .

  5. 上世纪这些坟墓遭到偷盗,很多财宝都失踪了。

    Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century .

  6. 她误遭控告犯偷盗罪。

    She was wrongly accused of stealing .

  7. 机动车辆偷盗案上升了15.9%。

    Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9 % .

  8. 你应该为自己和家人办理旅游保险以防偷盗。

    You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft .

  9. 她不得不跟那些刺有文身、偷盗影碟的大老粗为邻。

    She has to live cheek by jowl with oiks , people with tattoos and stolen videos .

  10. 他接收偷盗的鞋子,然后把它们再转给那些销赃者。

    He received the shoes when stolen , and then passed them on to the men who would sell them .

  11. 因藏有赃物使他涉有偷盗的嫌疑。

    Having the stolen goods in his possession implicated him in the robbery .

  12. 她被开除,因为她有偷盗的行为。

    She was expelled from the company on a charge that she had committed shoplifting .

  13. 她对偷盗歌曲版权和姐妹没有获得赔款而感到愤怒。

    She was angry about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters .

  14. 从此以后,这个地方很少发生偷盗的事情。

    Since then , very few thefts occurred in this locality .

  15. 溜进工作场所偷盗昂贵的笔记本或钱包的“办公室窃贼”日益成为职场的一大麻烦。

    Office creepers -- thieves who walk into the workplace looking for pricey laptops or purses -- are increasingly becoming a problem in the business world .

  16. 从今春开始,警方将把上了锁、暗装GPS发射器的自行车放在阿姆斯特丹自行车偷盗多发地段,如老城中心。

    Starting this spring , police will leave locked bikes with secret GPS emitters in Amsterdam 's bike theft hotspots such as the historic city center .

  17. 据ITMedia媒体报道,截至去年12月12日的测试期间,这款新的防偷盗软件已经帮助识别出至少7名小偷,并将盗窃案数量降低了75%。

    This new shoplifting-prevention software has reportedly helped detect at least 7 shoplifters in tests performed as of December 12th last year , and is credited with reducing shoplifting cases by 75 % , according to IT Media .

  18. steal:偷盗我妈妈的Valentino被偷了。

    Hazel : My mother 's Valentino was stolen . -

  19. 一个小偷闯进了苹果前CEO乔布斯的家里偷盗,结果多亏了这位苹果前创始人的产品发明,这个小偷两个星期后就被抓到了。

    A burglar who broke into Steve Jobs ' house was caught two weeks after the crime thanks to the technology in one of the late Apple founder 's own inventions .

  20. 当然,富人如何获得财富的问题在道德上很重要——是通过偷盗还是通过投对了胎(借用亿万富翁投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的话)?

    It matters ethically , of course , how the rich obtained their wealth - whether from stealing or from choosing the right womb ( as the billionaire investor Warren Buffett puts it ) ;

  21. 一个人来到警察局想和昨天潜入他家偷盗的贼聊聊,警察告诉他说,“你在法庭上会有这个机会的。”【词汇讲解】2.burglar盗贼。3.breakinto闯入。

    A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before . " You will get your chance in court . " said the Desk Sergeant .

  22. 60英里长的嫩贝溪(NembeCreek)干线管道将随此次交易一并出售,这条石油运输的关键动脉一直频遭石油偷盗者攻击。

    The 60-mile Nembe Creek Trunk Line , a key oil transport artery that has been regularly attacked by oil thieves , is being sold as part of this package .

  23. Lubchenco表示,每年被偷盗的数百万吨海产品占据某些渔场总捕获量的40%。

    Ms. Lubchenco said the millions of tons of seafood pirated each year may represent as much as forty percent of the total catch in some fisheries .

  24. 携带能被用来作入屋偷盗的工具,这是一种严重的犯罪行为

    Notifiable offence of carry tools which can be used for burglary

  25. 这位邻居说,这已经不是他们第一次入室偷盗了。

    She says it not the first time they do so .

  26. 英格兰政府一定对这次偷盗非常难堪。

    The British government are naturally very embarrassed by this theft .

  27. 偷盗仓库储物的雇员肯定会被开除。

    Employees who steal from the warehouse will be dismissed automatically .

  28. 他们被指控偷盗和出售新生儿。

    They 're accused of stealing newborns and then selling them .

  29. 按照同位语从句解释:关于他偷盗的报告已送到警察局。

    A report that he stole was sent to the police .

  30. 孩子会撕毁打烂甚至偷盗各种物品。

    Kids spill stuff , break stuff and often steal stuff .