
  • 网络separating equilibrium;Separation Equilibrium;separate equilibrium
  1. IPO折价、逆向选择与分离均衡假说

    IPO Underpricing 、 Adverse Selection and Separating Equilibrium Hypothesis

  2. 在ABS项目融资模式中建立了作为内部投资者之一的经营者的信号传递模型,得出了分离均衡。

    This article builds up a signalling game model of ABS in project finance , while the operator is one of the inner investors . Meanwhile it makes a conclusion of separating equilibrium .

  3. 为了消除这种逆向选择风险,VCs可以针对不同能力的创业家采用分离均衡式契约安排,从而吸引更多优秀的创业家。

    In order to eliminate this kind of adverse selection , venture capitalist can take separate balanced contract design in the light of the entrepreneurs of various ability to attract excellent entrepreneurs .

  4. 控制权利益的存在使得好企业有内在动力发行可转换债券,Stein模型中无成本的分离均衡将不是唯一的。

    The existence of private benefits of control motivates the good firms to issue convertible bonds financing , and the costless equilibrium in the Stein 's model is not the unique one .

  5. 建立信号博弈模型,求出并分析分离均衡解和混同均衡解。

    Pooling equilibrium and separating equilibrium were worked out and analyzed .

  6. 风险投资中的逆向选择:分离均衡式契约安排

    Study on adverse selection in venture capital : Separate balanced contract design

  7. 存货质押贷款中的信号发送&甄别分离均衡

    Combined Signaling-Screening Equilibrium in Inventory Pledge Loan

  8. 在需求信息强不对称的情况下,信息传递博弈存在分离均衡。

    Under the strong asymmetric demand information , the separating equilibrium of signaling game is also exists .

  9. 刻划了有效的经济竞赛机制之特征,并证明了在双重信息不对称下,当监督精度外生给定时,分离均衡难以达到。

    First , what an efficient contract of economic contest should be under dual information asymmetry is characterized .

  10. 本文在分离均衡条件下对其质量信号的选择策略进行了研究。

    This paper discusses how they make the decisions and what factors influence the choice under the separating equilibria .

  11. 在伯川德竞争假设下,研究两期保险完全分离均衡存在的充要条件。

    Under the hypotheses of Bertrand competition , the necessary and sufficient conditions for the fully separating equilibrium of two-stage insurance are studied .

  12. 文章从信号传递博弈的角度出发,研究了不完全信息如何影响企业选择其债务期限结构及分离均衡存在的条件。

    Based on the analysis of credit behavior between bank and enterprise , we study the determination of firm 's debt maturity structure .

  13. 劳动收入差别体现的是一种个人收入分配形式上的分离均衡,本质上不属于按劳分配;

    The difference of income of work which reflects separating equilibrium on individual ' income distribution is not distribution according to work in essence .

  14. 企业的信贷参与约束条件很容易得到满足,从而信贷博弈难以达成银行所期望的分离均衡。

    Enterprise 's individual participation constraint condition can be very easily satisfied , so the credit game could not reach separating equilibrium which the bank would expect .

  15. 这三种关系是声誉市场约束机制的统一整体,构成了一个分离均衡。

    As to market discipline , if the mechanism is effective , there will be three kinds of relationships in separate equilibrium which constitute the whole of market discipline .

  16. 因此,应该分别针对铁路营利性和非营利性国有资本,以两类效绩评价理论为指导,按照分离均衡原则设计我国铁路国有资本效绩评价体系。

    Therefore , under the guidance of the 2 type theories mentioned above , according to the separation equilibrium principle , we should design the railway national capital evaluation system in China respectively .

  17. 然而,在不完全信息条件下,外国企业作为专利所有者既可以通过制定较低的专利许可费用实现混同均衡,又可以通过制定专利费用实现分离均衡,即均衡路径上可以存在自主创新。

    However , under conditions of asymmetric information , as patent holders , foreign enterprises can not only achieve pooling equilibrium by lower royalty , but also achieve separating equilibrium by higher royalty .

  18. 扩招降低了进入大学的学习成本,导致了教育信号的过度投资及分离均衡的教育水平提高(即就业门槛提高),文凭的信号作用贬值。

    Increased enrollment of higher education reduces learning cost entering college , will cause signal over-investment , enhance education level of separate equilibrium that is enhancing the employment threshold , depreciates signal effect of diploma .

  19. 解出三个不同机制中包括的信号传递模型的分离均衡存在的条件,以及均衡情况下,半导体制造商的最优产能准备量和半导体分销商的最优产能预定量。

    Separating equilibrium conditions for signaling model and the best quantity of capacity preparative for semi-conductor manufacturer and the best quantity of capacity reservation for the semi-conductor distributor in each mechanism were found in this paper .

  20. 政府不恰当的规制一方面破坏了分离均衡的甄别机制,导致国有经济低效率与社会剩余减少:另一方面又引起其演化的时间路径出现非正常振荡,迫使监管收敛于最大成本。

    The government 's unfit regulations destroyed the sorting mechanism of the equilibrium , resulted in the low efficiency and declining social surplus , likewise caused the abnormal variation of the evolvement path and the maximum supervision cost .

  21. 而且,博弈模型不存在分离均衡,当费用自负率在一定范围内变化时,局中人将交替选用分离策略与合并策略。

    Furthermore , The study also shows that the game model has not a separating equilibrium , and when the ratio of the policyholder sharing varies in the certain scope , the player will make use of separating strategy or pooling strategy alternatively .

  22. 本文以两家企业垄断市场为例,建立了企业信号传递博弈模型。通过对分离均衡与混同均衡存在条件的分析,讨论了信号传递成本以及不同消费者群体所占比例对企业营销信号决策的影响。

    After the game model of signaling for firm is built in duopoly , the paper studies the impacts of signaling cost and the proportion of different consumer on signal selection of the firm through the existence conditions of separating equilibrium and pooling equilibrium .

  23. 我们通过一个信号博弈模型分析了可能的完美贝叶斯纳什均衡。初步的研究表明这个信号博弈存在着分离均衡,这意味着在不完全信息的情况下最优保险合同是可以达成的。

    By building a simple signal model , we analyze the possible equilibria , and the elementary study reveals that there exists separate equilibrium ( one of Bayesian refinement equilibrium ) , which means in the presence of incomplete information insurance contract can be reached .

  24. 由于分离的均衡和译码结构中,均衡后的信号仍残留不少的跨符号干扰,从而造成译码器译码性能的下降。

    Due to the separation structure of equalization and decoding , there exist residues of the inter-symbol interference , which decline the decoding performance .

  25. 基于盲信号分离的信道均衡算法

    Channel Equalization Algorithm based on Blind Separation

  26. 自适应滤波广泛应用于系统识别、信号分离、信道均衡以及回声抵消等领域。

    Adaptive filtering is widely used in system identification , signal separation , channel equalization and echo cancellation and other fields .

  27. 目前,信息熵已被广泛应用于图像处理、自适应滤波、数字通信、反卷积、模式识别、盲分离和信道均衡等大量的实践中。

    At present , information entropy has been widely used in image processing , adaptive filtering , digital communications , deconvolution , and pattern recognition , blind source separation and channel equalization in a lot of practice .