
  • 网络Divide and Conquer;divide-and-conquer;divide-and-conquer method
  1. 介绍了算法设计技术分治法的应用。

    The name of technique is " divide and conquer " .

  2. 利用分治法已经解决该问题的一维和二维情况,且算法都可以在O(nlogn)时间内完成。

    By means of divide and conquer , the problem has been solved from the point of linearity and space , furthermore , it can be accomplished within the O ( nlogn ) .

  3. 众多的专家学者对DelaunayTIN的构建进行了大量的研究,在实现算法方面已提出了几种较成熟的算法:分治法、逐点插入法和三角网生长法等。

    Many experts and scholars had made a large number of studies on the Construction of Delaunay TIN , made several more mature algorithms such as , divide-and-conquer , point-by-point insertion and triangulation growth method .

  4. 本文结合逐点插入法和分治法,并引入著名的投影法和凸壳技术,提出了两个DT并行算法。

    In our paper , by combine the incremental construction and divide & conquer , and adopting the technique of projection and convex hull , we present two parallel algorithms for DT .

  5. 根据重庆高速公路路网的特点,采用分治法,提出了一种将Floyd算法和Johnson算法相结合的改进算法来求任意2结点间的最小费用矩阵的算法,并对算法复杂度进行了分析。

    This paper first divides up the problem according to the specialty of Chongqing highway-net , provides a new algorithm based on Floyd algorithm and Johnson algorithm , and analyzes its complexity .

  6. 一个基于分治法的快速多精度乘法

    A fast algorithm of multiple-precision multiplication based on divide-and-conquer method

  7. 求矩阵特征值的一种分治法

    A DC Method of Taking Characteristic Value of Matrix

  8. 一般分治法的渐近复杂性分析

    Asymptotic Analysis for General Divide and Conquer Recurrences

  9. 分治法在循环赛日程表设计中的应用

    Division Round-robin Schedule in the Application of Design

  10. 利用分治法求解空中飞行管理问题

    Flying Management by Divide and Rule Method

  11. 分治法实现最接近点对问题的三维推广算法

    The Algorithm of Finding Pair of Three-Dimensional Points with the Minimum Distance by Means of Divide and Conquer

  12. 本排课系统结合了分治法、贪婪法、回溯法三者的思想。

    This course scheduling system have a combination of divide and conquer , greedy method , backtracking three ideas .

  13. 有研究指出利用分治法和递归模型能在实现这一目的的过程中起到很大的作用。

    Studies have pointed out that the use of divide and conquer and recursive is great useful in realizing the aim .

  14. 先根据分治法的思想把整个排课过程分成时间分配和教室分配两个阶段。

    First , according to the ideological divide and conquer the whole course scheduling time allocation process into two stages and classroom distribution .

  15. 使用正则表达式定义电报编组来匹配处理报文,算法采用分治法的思想分割字符串。

    Matching and processing of telegraph message were accomplished after telegraph marshalling is defined by regular expression , at the same time divide-and-conquer method was adopted for separating strings .

  16. 该方法采用分治法的思想,将整个本体映射过程分为本体分块、片段映射以及片段内映射发现三个部分。

    It uses the idea of dividing and conquering , then the whole problem is divided into three parts , which are ontology partition , segment matching and mapping found .

  17. 讲述了排序算法中分治法的应用策略,然后对各种排序算法的效率进行了分析和比较,得到了采用分治策略的排序算法是最有效的算法。

    In this essay , the strategy of the dividing and conquering method on sorting algorithm is discussed . By analysing and comparing the efficiency of various sorting algorithms , we find that the sorting algorithms of using , the dividing and conquering method , are the most efficient .

  18. 还讨论了脑挫裂伤的病机与分型、治法与用药问题。

    The problems on pathology , diagnosis and treatmint were also discussed in this paper .

  19. 方法通过对经治32例放射性肺炎的临床表现、治疗方法及预后、中医辨证分型及治法进行回顾性分析。

    Method Make retrospective analysis on the clinical symptoms , treatment and prognosis , TCM differentiation types of32 cases of radio pneumonia .

  20. 中医学根据不通则痛和不荣则痛的理论原则治疗原发性痛经,积累了大量的临床经验,效果显著,临床应用可分为内治法和外治法。

    Chinese medicine treatment of primary dysmenorrhea has accumulated a great deal of clinical experience , and the clinical treatment can be divided into internal and external .

  21. 方法:1.理论研究方法:检索古今中外文献对干燥综合征的中医临床辨证分型、治法方药及实验研究方面的内容进行分析总结。

    Method of theoretical researeh : By retrieving literature at home and abroad , from Ancient to present , summarized the traditional Chinese medicine clinical syndrome differentiation , therapeutic methods and drugs and experimental study of SS . 2 .

  22. 目的:综述近年来温病血分证本质及治法的实验研究进展。

    Objective : To review the advance of experimental studies on the essence and the therapeutic treatment of epidemic febrile diseases in recent years .

  23. 得出脑卒中后假性球麻痹的中医病名、病因病机、辨证分型;针刺治法、选穴;康复训练方法以及相关症状的评价、疗效标准的统计结果。

    Draw pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke TCM etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and disease , parting ; Acupuncture treatment of law , choose acupuncture point ; Rehabilitation training method and evaluation standard of symptoms related to the statistical results of curative standard .