
wèi jué ɡǎn shòu qì
  • taste receptor;gustatory receptor
  1. 它的腿上有感觉神经元,这些神经元上有一种叫做Gr32a的味觉感受器。

    On his legs are sensory neurons equipped with a taste receptor called Gr32a .

  2. 味蕾是动物的外周味觉感受器,它是由味细胞和神经纤维组成的上皮特化器官,舌面上的味蕾存在于味乳头中。

    Taste buds , which comprise taste cells and nerve fibers within specialized epithelial structures , are peripheral gustatory receptors .

  3. “血腥玛丽”能够触动我们的各种味觉感受器,甜甜的、咸咸的、酸酸的、辣辣的。

    And it lights up nearly our entire range of taste receptors , giving us sweet , salty , sour and savory .

  4. (果蝇的)味觉感受器实际上是位于果蝇身体的很多部位,但是它们最主要的味觉器官叫“唇瓣”。

    Taste receptors are actually located in a variety of places on the fly 's body , but its primary taste organ is called the labellum .

  5. 因为科学家们已经在肺中的平滑肌上发现发现了与舌头上负责品尝苦味的味蕾一样的味觉感受器。

    Because scientists have discovered that the same receptors that exist on the tongue to taste bitter substances are also found on the smooth muscle of the lungs .

  6. 直到现在,只发现了甜味、苦味和鲜味的味觉感受器,研究人员还不确定其他两种味觉是否有特殊的感受器。

    Until now , only the sweet , bitter and umami taste receptors had been identified , and researchers were unsure whether the other two tastes had specialized receptors for them at all .

  7. 味觉感受器想大脑传送新号,果蝇就会做出相应的反应。如果大脑鉴定食物是安全的话,果蝇就会吃下它;如果食物(的安全性)有待考证,它们就会另觅(食物)。

    Taste receptors send signals to the brain , and the fly responds accordingly - it chows down if the brain determines the food is safe , and it looks elsewhere if the food item is determined suspect .