
  • 网络Spiciness;pungent flavor;acrid flavor;acrid flavour;pungent in flaor;acrid in taste
  1. 性温,味辛,有特殊香气。

    Its nature is warm and flavor is pungent with special aroma .

  2. 补骨脂为常用补益中药,味辛,苦,归肾、脾经。

    Fructus Psoraleae is a common tonic Chinese medicine , which is pungent and bitter in flavor , warm in nature , and attributive to the kidney and spleen meridians ;

  3. 芹菜为伞形科芹菜属中形成肥嫩叶柄的草本植物,其味辛、甘,性凉,营养丰富,含有蛋白质、各种维生素和矿物质及人体不可缺少的膳食纤维。

    Celery for the celery is formed Apiaceae herbs Feinen petiole , its spicy , sweet , cool , nutritious , containing protein , various vitamins and essential minerals and dietary fiber body .

  4. 大概因这个缘故吧,青海人常常在熬煎的茯茶中,放入适量花椒、生姜、荆芥、薄荷等,茶色红艳清彻,其味辛香兼备,妙不可言。

    Probably because of this because of it , often in the torture of Qinghai Fu tea , into the amount of pepper , ginger , Nepeta , mint , brown Hongyan Qingche , both the Hong Weixin , fantastic .

  5. 性味:味辛,气香,性温、无毒。

    Properties : Weixin , gas incense , warm , non-toxic .

  6. 甘温除热法临床运用40例分析结果显示:唐宋元时期治疗消化道脾胃湿热证的药物性味以苦、辛、寒、甘、温为主;

    Analysis of 40 Cases of Clinical Application of Antipyresis by Sweet Warm Remedies The results show : ( 1 ) herbs that were used in Tang , Song and Yuan dynasties were predominantly bitter , pungent , cold , sweet , warm in properties ;