
wèi jué
  • taste sense;gustatory sense;gustation;-geusia;taste;gustatory sensation;sense of taste;palate
味觉 [wèi jué]
  • [taste;gustatory sensation] 味觉感受器受到化学物质刺激后在味觉中枢引起的感觉,由酸、甜、苦、咸四种基本感觉组成

味觉[wèi jué]
  1. 利用人的感觉器官,即视觉、嗅觉、味觉,鉴别新酒质量的一门技术,简称生产评酒。

    Production liquor tasting referred to the judgment of newly-produced liquor quality by human sensory organ such as visual sense , smell sense , and taste sense .

  2. 目的:探索味觉的传递机制是否系味蕾细胞所接受的信息直接通过神经递质受体作用于舌乳头的感觉神经来完成。

    Objective : To study whether the transfering mechanism of taste sense is from taste bud path to sensory nerve fiber of lingual papillae .

  3. 她有视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。

    She can see , hear , touch , smell , and taste

  4. 能够触动最迟钝的味觉的食物

    food to titillate the most jaded of palates .

  5. 挑选鲜鱼时,要靠味觉才行。

    When selecting fresh fish , let your taste buds be your guide .

  6. 味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。

    Taste and smell are closely connected .

  7. 引诱剂,排斥剂还是其他的兴奋剂都是嗅觉物质,但刺激剂和阻抑剂常常是味觉物质。

    Whereas attractants , repellents , and other incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants , and deterrents are usually gustatory .

  8. "现在只剩下最后一项重要的测试:味觉测试。"

    " Now there remains only one final test , and it is just as important : the taste test . "

  9. 给你的机器人安装上传感器:光传感器(眼睛)、触觉传感器(手)、化学传感器(鼻子)、听觉传感器(耳朵)和味觉传感器(舌头)。

    Give your robot sensors : light sensors ( eyes ) , touch sensors ( hands ) , chemical sensors ( nose ) , hearing sensors ( ears ) and taste sensors ( tongue ) .

  10. 这道菜简直可以恢复迟钝的味觉

    Here is a dish that will revive jaded palates .

  11. 她的味觉很敏锐。

    She has a discerning palate .

  12. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  13. 家蚕对维生素C的味觉电生理反应

    Gustation Electro-Physiological Response to Vitamin C of Silkworm

  14. 甜味觉在大脑皮质中枢的PET定位研究

    The study of sweet taste centrum location in human brain with PET

  15. PVC薄膜味觉传感器阵列对调味品和软饮料的识别

    Recognition of Condiments and Soft Drinks with PVC Membrane Taste Sensor Array

  16. PVC薄膜味觉传感器阵列的实验构建

    The Construction of the PVC Membrane Taste Sensor Array

  17. 方法通过对24例患者术后随访,并通过Minor试验,观察术后味觉出汗综合征的发生情况。

    Methods : Twenty-four cases after parotidectomy by Minor test was followed up and the incidence of Frey syndrome was found .

  18. 味觉刺激和内脏刺激对大鼠臂旁核c-Fos表达的影响

    The effects of gustatory and visceral stimulation on c-Fos expression in parabrachial nucleus in rats

  19. 口干和味觉障碍是BMS两大主要局部伴随症状。

    Dry mouth and dysgeusia were the two main local symptoms .

  20. 本研究的电子舌由多个性能彼此重叠的味觉传感器阵列与基于BP算法的神经网络模式识别工具组成,它能够识别出几种不同的果汁饮料。

    An electronic tongue based on the taste sensor arrays with data processing by pattern recognition being as an artificial neural network based on BP algorithm has been developed .

  21. 实验结果表明:味觉信息是能在初级味觉敏感系统中编码的,且ATP对Ⅲ型味觉细胞具有加强和抑制的双重作用。

    Experimental results indicated that taste information could be encoded in the periphery . ATP has both enhanced and inhibitory effects on type III taste cells .

  22. 但是,味觉刺激及味觉嗜好性变化是否影响IGF-1的合成尚不清楚。

    But it is not clearly that if the taste stimulus and the change of taste appetite can affect IGF-1 synthesis or not .

  23. 毁除AP使已获得的CTA消退加快,给以条件性味觉刺激时,厌恶反应减弱。

    The destruction of the AP could accelerate the extinction of the acquired CTA and decreased aversive reactions when rats were given the conditioned taste stimulus .

  24. 35例患者中5例术后发生味觉障碍,手术前后每一溶液于术侧舌部和软腭引起的味觉反应的差异在统计学上无显著意义(P0.05)。

    The gustation test showed that the taste intensities ipsilateral to the side of tympanoplasty were not statistically significant for each stimulus to all the loci ( P 0.05 ) comparing preoperative tests with postoperative tests .

  25. IGF-1在大鼠脑内的分布及禁食、味觉嗜好性对其在肝、脑表达的影响

    Distribution of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 in the Brain of Rat and the Effects of Fasting and Taste Appetite on the Expression of It in the Liver and Brain

  26. 随着微电子微机械加工技术的发展,利用光电技术的优点,采用光寻址电位传感器(LAPS,LightAddressablePotentiometricSensor)芯片作为味觉感受和放电响应研究的平台。

    With the development of MEMS technology and the advantage of optoelectronic technology , we utilize LAPS ( Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensor ) as the platform for investigation of taste sensation and firing response .

  27. 记录到的55个PbN味觉神经元中,绝大部分位于脑桥味区并有自发放电。

    Among 55 taste neurons recorded , most located in pontine taste area ( PTA ) and were spontaneously active .

  28. 味觉刺激与内脏不适感觉相联合,动物可对该味觉刺激产生拒绝和回避行为,称为条件性味觉厌恶(CTA)。

    When taste stimulus is combined with gastrointestinal malaise , animals will refuse to ingest it and escape . This behavior is described as conditioned taste aversion ( CTA ) .

  29. 人头马天醇XO为顶级香槟干邑,层层展现不同“生命之水”的独特味觉与芳香。

    R é my Martin XO as champagne cognac alcohol , show the different layers of " Water for Life ," a unique taste and aroma .

  30. 以上结果表明,杏仁中央核内的AMPA受体可能参与杏仁核对臂旁核味觉神经元的下行调控。

    These results suggest that AMPA receptors within the CeA may be involved in the descending modulation in the PBN taste neurons .