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  • Miso Soup
  1. 本周三,日本黛安芬内衣公司推出一款新型文胸,这款文胸的外观看上去像两个分别盛满了米饭和味噌汤的碗,文胸两侧的小口袋可以插一双折叠筷。

    Women 's lingerie maker Triumph Japan on Wednesday unveiled new bra with cups fashioned to look like a bowl of rice and a bowl of miso soup complete with side pouches to hold compact chopsticks .

  2. 所有午餐定食均附日式前菜、沙拉、味噌汤及水果。

    All lunch sets come with Japanese pickles , salad , miso soup and fruit .

  3. 轮到我了,我要一些烤鳗鱼和一碗味噌汤。

    It 's my turn . I want some barbecued eel and a bowl of miso soup .

  4. 食物里丝毫看不见传统日本米饭、时令蔬菜、鱼或者味噌汤的踪影。

    There was no sign of traditional Japanese rice , seasonal vegetables , fish or miso soup .

  5. 这是传统的日式餐点:一些青菜、味噌汤,还有一点鱼。

    This is what the traditional Japanese meal looks like : some vegetables , miso soup and some fish .

  6. 根据调查结果绘制的信息图表显示,日本56%的受访者都会带上味噌汤,而64%的意大利人出门离不了咖啡。

    Illustrated in an infographic , the study found that 56 percent of respondents from Japan packed Miso soup while 64 percent of Italians couldn 't travel without coffee .

  7. 今天的菜单是味噌汤、炸透的豆腐、海带、烤鸡肉、六种蔬菜的炒菜,以及一碗米饭、一盒牛奶和新鲜的奇异果。

    The menu is miso soup with deep-fried tofu and seaweed , grilled chicken with a six-vegetable stir-fry accompanied by a bowl of rice , a carton of milk and fresh kiwi fruit .

  8. 在点餐机上选择食物,然后在白色柜式长桌旁就坐,过一会儿,厨师就会送来米饭和味噌汤,还有一盘爽口的白菜丝,上面摆着你能想象到的最鲜嫩多汁的面包屑炸猪排(约1500日元)。

    Make your selection from the ticket machine , take a seat at the long white counter and wait for the chef to deliver bowls of white rice and miso soup , and a plate of crisp shredded cabbage with the juiciest panko-encrusted cutlet you can imagine ( about 1500 yen ) .