
  • 网络Single core processor;ghz
  1. 在内核中,实现对任务的透明调度,使用户任务的运行并不用关心任务在双核处理器上的哪个CORE里运行,其运行的结果都和在单核处理器上的运行结果相一致。

    In kernel , the task scheduling is transparent to the user task . The user task run on any core can get the result as it done by a signal-core processor .

  2. 而uCLinux是一个很受欢迎的面向单核处理器的嵌入式操作系统。

    While the uCLinux is a very popular embedded operating system for normal single processors .

  3. 例如,在比较常用的基准测试应用Geekbench4上,iPhone8的单核处理器跑分约为4200。

    For instance , on Geekbench 4 , one of the more popular benchmark apps , the iPhone 8 gets a single-core processor score of around 4200 .

  4. 近年来,计算机处理器的发展趋势正从高主频的单核处理器转向片上多处理器(CMP,Chipmulti-Processor),从依靠指令级的并行转向线程级并行。

    In recent years , computer processor is transforming from high-frequency single-core processors to on-chip multi-core processors ( CMP , Chip Multi-Processor ), and from thread-level parallelism to instruction-level parallelism .

  5. 与单核处理器相比,多核处理器(CMP,Chipmulti-Processor)由于其在系统吞吐率、功耗效率、扩展性等方面的优势,已成为主流体系结构。

    Compared with the uniprocessor , Chip Multi-Processor ( CMP ), due to its obvious advantages in system throughput , power efficiency , and reliability , has been accepted both by the commerce market and academia as the mainstream architecture .

  6. 眼下超便携笔记本市场一般均采用单核处理器产品,不过华硕最近一口气推出了7款CULV笔记本,而这些笔记本均将采用新款低功耗版本的酷睿2双核处理器。

    These days , going with a consumer ultraportable laptop usually means settling for a single-core processor .

  7. CISC→RISC设计思想对DSP体系结构设计中数据和指令级并行性开发产生了深刻影响,融合RISC和SIMD技术的单核处理器已经成为DSP体系结构设计的新趋势。

    This paper reviews the influence of transition from CISC to RISC on DSP architecture 's data level and instruction level parallelism exploitations and points out that the single core architecture combination of RISC and SIMD technologies has proved to be the new trends in DSP design domain .

  8. 传统的单核处理器通过提高运行频率来提高计算性能。

    The single-core processors improve the computing performance by increasing the clock frequency .

  9. 相比于单核处理器,多核处理器能够使嵌入式系统获得更高的性能。

    Compared with single-core processor , multi-core processors enable embedded real-time system to achieve higher performance .

  10. 双核处理器与单核处理器的硬件架构差异及影响,是研究的首要内容。

    First , the difference and influence of the hardware architecture between the dual-core and signal-core need to be studied .

  11. 近年来,嵌入式领域一直在经历着从传统的单核处理器到多核处理器的转变。

    In Recent years embedded world has been undergoing a shift from traditional single-core processors to processors with multiple cores .

  12. 提高芯片性能和减少能耗成为矛盾,单核处理器的性能提升已成为瓶颈。

    The performance is contradicted to energy consumption . Therefore , the performance of single-core processor has reached to its limit .

  13. 随着传统单核处理器的局限性越来越突出,人们将目光逐渐转向多核体系结构,通过多核技术来开发线程级并行。

    With the limitations of traditional single-core processors become more and more prominent , people look towards to multi-core architecture to develop Thread-Level-Parallelism ( TLP ) .

  14. 而另一方面,传统上用于单核处理器结构研究的软件模拟器已经明显不能满足片上多处理器系统下这种软硬件研究的需要。

    On the other hand , software simulator , traditional used in single-core processor architecture research , can not meet the research demand of multi-core processor .

  15. 但是单核处理器由于功耗及复杂度的限制难以满足日益增长的应用需求。

    At the same time , single core processors are hard to meet the growing demands of application because of the limitation of its complexity and power .

  16. 它在某些方面不正确,因为单核处理器的计算能力已经提高,计算机厂家现在仅能提供通过创建多核处理器来提高性能。

    It is only somewhat not true because whereas computing power had been increased on a single-core processor , computer manufacturers can now only increase capacity by creating multi-core processors .

  17. 随着对嵌入式应用要求的不断提高,单核处理器在复杂功能实现上出现了不足与局限性,多核技术的发展也越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the increasing requirements of embedded applications , single-core processor appeared shortage and limitations in the complex function realization , the development of multi-core technology is becoming more and more attention .

  18. 随着技术的不断进步,材料的物理性能限制了时钟频率和芯片集成度的进一步提高,使得通过这两种方式来提高单核处理器性能已非常困难。

    With the development of technology , the physical capability of materials restricts the enhancing of clock frequency and integration density , which makes it hard to advance the processing capacity of single-processor .

  19. 由于相比于单核处理器具有更高的性能,相比于专用集成电路具有更大范围的通用性和灵活性,多核处理器系统已经逐步成为近年来处理器市场的主流发展趋势。

    With more significant performance compared to single-core processors , and wider range of generality and flexibility compared to ASICs , multi-core processor systems have become the main developing trend of processor market these years .

  20. 随着集成电路工艺以及计算机体系结构的深入发展,受到功耗和散热的限制,单核处理器在工作频率上已达到极限,因此处理器逐渐向多核的方向发展。

    With the continuous development of IC technology and computer architecture , the trend of processor development has been turned to multi-core while the single-core processor has been limited in frequency by power and heat .

  21. 为了开发片上多处理器的这种并行性,我们必须抛弃传统单核处理器系统的架构,重新设计处理器系统的软硬件结构,包括硬件微结构、编程模型、编译器、运行时系统等等。

    In order to find the parallelism , we must break the frameworks of traditional software and hardware , and redesign them , including microarchitecture , programming model , compiler , runtime system and so on .

  22. 随着商业应用和科学计算对计算能力要求的不断提高,传统的单核处理器已经不能够满足各类应用对计算能力的要求,多核处理器应运而生。

    With the requirements of commercial applications and scientific computing on computing capability gradually increase , traditional single-core processor is no longer able to meet various application requirements for computing capability , multi-core processor came into being .

  23. 在单核处理器时代,随着大规模集成电路技术和半导体技术的快速发展,处理器的频率和集成度的不断提高,这不但使得单芯片单核处理器的功耗剧增,而且使得其设计更加复杂。

    In the era of single-core processor , with the rapid development of large scale integrated circuit technology and semiconductor technology , the processor frequency and integration continues to increase . This not only makes its power surge , but also makes it more complex designs .

  24. 传统多线程主要是在单核单处理器上通过操作系统调度分时运行来给应用程序一个并行的抽象,然而多核技术使得多线程的并行得到真正体现。

    Traditional multithread is actually an abstraction of the execution time division on a single core processor by operating systems , while the multi-core technology is a real concurrency for multi-threaded programs .

  25. 随着微处理器技术的不断进步,单芯片多核处理器已成为微处理器发展的主流。

    With the progress of microprocessor technology , CMP has been the mainstream of design .

  26. 近年来,处理器的能耗问题日益突出,单处理器到多核处理器,虽然在性能上有所提高,但同时导致了更多的能量消耗,不仅引发了难以解决的散热问题,还导致系统的可靠性下降。

    From uniprocessor to multiprocessor , there is an increasingly of performance , however it consumes more energy , not only caused a heat dissipation problem which proves difficult to resolve , but also led to the falling of the reliability of the system .