
dān jì dào
  • single cropping of rice
单季稻 [dān jì dào]
  • [single harvest rice] 在同一块田中,一年只能收获一次的稻

  1. 单季稻7500kg·hm-2。氮肥施用量过高与产量相对较低的问题仍然存在。

    The problem with high input and low output still existed .

  2. 单季稻养分利用的TechnoGIN模型分析&以浦江县单季稻为例

    Analysis of single rice nutrition utilization by TechnoGIN & A case study of single-rice in Pujiang County

  3. 占丹阳市水稻土类80%面积的三种水稻土属的自然生产潜力在种植小麦&单季稻两熟时基本上为13510.5kg/ha。

    Potential yield of three paddy soils , which account for 80 % of paddy soil areas , is about 13510.5kg/ha under the wheat-single rice cropping system .

  4. 浙江省单季稻生长期降水量风险评估

    Precipitation Risk Assessment during Single-Cropping Rice Growth Period in Zhejiang Province

  5. 太湖流域单季稻的甲烷排放研究

    Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Field of Taihu Area

  6. 豫南单季稻节水灌溉研究

    Studies on the water-saving irrigation of single-crop rice in the south of Henan

  7. 单季稻品种生产力与生态特性的演进趋向

    Evolutionary trend of productivity and ecological characteristics of single - cropping rice cultivars

  8. 宁海县单季稻生产中存在的问题及对策

    Problems of and Countermeasures to the Production of Single Cropping Rice in Ninghai , Zhejiang

  9. 沿淮单季稻主要病害发生规律及防控技术研究

    Study on Occurrence and Protection Technology of Main Diseases of Single Rice Cropping Along Huaihe River

  10. 单季稻通气式栽培法不同耕作方式对比试验初报

    Report on Large-plot Contrast Test about Different Tillage Managements of Single Crop Rice by Ventilation Cultivation

  11. 中国超级稻单季稻第2期目标提前一年实现

    The Phase ⅱ Target of the Chinese Single cropping Super Rice Realized One Year Ahead of Schedule

  12. 目前台州市早稻抛荒或种植单季稻现象十分普遍。

    Now the phenomenon of desolation of early rice or planting one-season rice was very common . 4 .

  13. 分次施氮对单季稻氮素利用率及生态经济适宜施氮量的影响

    Influence of nitrogen rates with split application on N use efficiency and its eco-economic suitable amount analysis in rice

  14. 确定单季稻纹枯病防治适期的灰色局势决策

    A grey situation decision & making for the optimal time to prevent and cure leaf blight of single harvest rice

  15. 研究了强化栽培单季稻稻田生态系统中水稻主要病虫的发生规律及使用农药防治靶标病虫时对非靶标病虫的影响。

    The occurrence of the key diseases and insect pests in single crop rice system under intensified cultivation has been investigated .

  16. 湘西武陵山区单季稻生长发育及物质生产的研究:Ⅱ.不同海拔播期对杂交稻物质生产的影响

    A Study on Growth and Dry Matter Production of Rice in Wuling Mountain Area : ⅱ . Effects of Sowing Date on Dry Matter Production of Hybrid Rice

  17. 调查及试验结果表明,影响山区单季稻纹枯病发生、流行的主要因子为气候条件、海拔高度、水稻品种及生育期和肥水管理等。

    The regular survey showed that the factors majors influencing the occurrence and epidemic of rice sheath blight were climate , latitude , rice varieties , rice stage and irrigation , and fertilizer application .

  18. 根据1996~1999年四个稻季的观测资料,分析了成都平原单季稻甲烷排放的季节变化和年际变化特征。

    According to the measured data of four rice seasons between 1996 and 1999 , characteristics of seasonal variation and annual variation of methane emission are analyzed for single-season rice in the Chengdu Plain .

  19. 从区域差异性分析:①垦利县、镇赉县土地种植结构单一、复种指数低,分别为单季棉和单季稻。

    According the regional difference , the results showed that : ① the characters of single planting structure and low multiple cropping index are obvious in Kenli and Zhenlai with cotton and rice differently .

  20. 覆膜旱作栽培方式下单季稻纹枯病株发病率明显低于常规水稻,但纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱、蚜虫、叶蝉等刺吸式昆虫密度无明显影响,各处理田块间螟虫为害率也无显著差异。

    The incidence of sheath and culm blight disease of single crop rice in FD cultivation treatment was much more lower than the check , but the differences of densities of sucking insects such as rice leafroller , planthoppers , aphids and leafhoppers , etc.