
  1. 刑法修正案与单行刑法具有应用背景和具体功能上的差异。

    The amendments are different with the separate criminal laws inapplication background and the specific functions .

  2. 如果刑法典不稳定,那么人们对行为的预测性势必会降低;目前我国立法模式恰恰暴露出这一问题。所以有必要对刑法典的经典性重新确立。第二节论述了单行刑法模式。

    If the Penal Code instability , people of predictability is bound to lower the Criminal Section II discusses one-way mode .

  3. 1979年刑法、单行刑法、现行刑法均没有规定此罪名。

    This crime is neither stipulated in the criminal law in 1979 , nor in the special criminal law , nor in present criminal law .

  4. 我国1979年《刑法》以及后来的单行刑法,均未规定此罪。

    Our country , in 1979 , did not stipulate this crime in the criminal law as well as in the afterwards specific criminal law .

  5. 其次,它是刑法典、单行刑法、附属刑法所使用的一种专门语言载体;

    Secondly , as a kind of a special kind of legislative language , it is a special language carrier used in criminal law , special law and auxiliary law .

  6. 此外,南京国民政府还制定颁布了单行刑法和具有指导司法适用效力的解释例和判例,总体上是维护了罪刑法定原则的纲领性地位的。

    In addition , the Nanking National Government also promulgated certain single penal laws together with legal interpretations and precedents having binding force in judicial practices , which as a whole maintained the guiding role of the Principle .

  7. 在此基础上,提出了金融安全刑事立法的基本构想,即在立法模式上应同时发挥刑法典、单行刑法、附属刑法模式各自的优点,共同构筑起维护金融安全的堡垒。

    So the author proposes basic conception of the financial security criminal legislation . We should enhance merit and avoid weaknesses in the legislation model , display respective merits of criminal law code , specific criminal law and attached criminal law .

  8. 我国立法机关在刑法修改形式的选择上,除首次修改采用单行刑法的模式外,之后均是采用刑法修正案的模式,可见这一修正形式在对刑法典的修正上具有独特的优势。

    In addition to the first amendment model of adopting single Criminal Law , Legislature in China adopts the model of Criminal Law Amendments on the amendment model of Criminal Law ; therefore , the amendment model has its unique advantage in amendment of Penal Code .

  9. 一些环境保护先进国家,如美国、德国、日本等,自20世纪50年代先后以刑法典、单行刑法和附属刑法的方式加强对环境犯罪的制裁。

    Around 1950s in the 20th century , with advanced protection of environment , the countries such as America , Germany , Japan etc. have strengthened the punishment for environ - mental crimes by means of criminal code , separate criminal law , and accessory criminal law .