
dān xínɡ fǎ
  • slip laws;special/separate regulations
  1. 现行外资立法的主要问题是:首先,法出多门产生问题重重,双轨制立法有悖WTO法制,缺乏统一外资法典而单行法过多;

    The key problems are : first , problems that are resulted from too many legislatures , two-track-model which does not accord with WTO legal system and the lack of unified foreign investment law with too many separate laws ;

  2. 我国的商事立法一直采用颁布单行法的模式。

    Chinese commercial law adopts a model of specific regulations .

  3. 对于特别的代理形式采取特别规范的形式另行制定单行法进行具体的规定。

    Take the form of a special agent in the particular form .

  4. 消费者问题是商品经济特有的现象,自十九世纪末美国掀起消费者运动以来,越来越多的国家意识到消费者保护的重要性,纷纷制定基本法或单行法加强对消费者权益的保护。

    Consumer problems are special phenomenon of commodity economy .

  5. 因此应采取形象权单行法立法。

    Thus the right of publicity to be taken by single law legislation .

  6. 基于同样的原因,英美法系的国家也制定颁布了民事单行法。

    According to the some reasons , so do countries of Anglo-American law system .

  7. 在我国只有单行法规定了专家责任,并无统一规定专家责任。

    Only one-way in our law the responsibility of the experts , there is no unified responsibility experts .

  8. 中国的知识产权单行法,需增加反不正当竞争法的附加保护。

    Chinese intellectual property separate law needs to add additional protection to the anti - unethical competition law .

  9. 中国现行分散在各层级单行法中的行政程序法条文,虽然数量众多,但内容距离现代行政程序制度相去甚远。

    Although there are so many administrative procedural laws in China , the legal system is still far away .

  10. 而我国至今还没有专门的土壤污染防治方面的单行法,导致土壤污染的防治工作无法可依。

    Up to now , there is no special law of the prevention and treatment of soil pollution in China .

  11. 目前还未出台关于社会保障预算的单行法,社会保障预算管理还缺乏法律依据。

    Are not yet issued about social security budget special law , social security budget management also lack of legal basis .

  12. 在此基础上,试提出我国形象权立法应采取单行法模式。

    On this basis , the test image to the right of legislation in our country should take a one-way mode .

  13. 本文主张以单行法的方式具体规定网络侵权问题,建立有限制的网络实名制,提高网民的自律意识。

    The paper argues that a single law specified network violations , the establishment of limited NRS Internet users sense of self .

  14. 接着,对我国环境资源法体系的现状进行了梳理和研究,并绘制了环境资源法体系中单行法的法律关系图。

    Then it talks about the present situation from all around and draws a map of the law of the environment and resources .

  15. 分析了我国目前产品责任立法中关于产品、缺陷、损害赔偿,进而提出了我国应当制定专门的产品责任单行法。

    The article analyses the rules about product , default , damage and compensation on the product liability legislation in our nation at present .

  16. 在我国的一些单行法中,关于免责事由的规定存在明显的不合理、不公平的现象,从而损害了受害人的利益。

    Rules on exemption excuses in some single laws have resulted in shapely unreasonable and unfair phenomena , thus harmed the benefit of victims .

  17. 权利冲突的产生主要是因为知识产权的特殊性以及单行法之间缺乏协调、各种权利之间的密切关系等原因。

    The reason of right conflict is the particularity of intellectual property , lacking coordination among each law , the close relation between various right , etc.

  18. 只应将总纲性的法律规范,以及不宜以商事单行法的形式规范或以商事单行形式规范成本过高的内容包含进去;

    It should include general law criterions and other content which are not suitable for commercial single file law to regulate or the cost is too high .

  19. 环境立法模式有单行法模式、基本法模式、整合法模式和法典模式四种类型。

    The separate law model , the basic law model , the integrate law model and the code model are four kinds of model of environmental legislation .

  20. 因此,制定一部专门调整企业国有产权转让监管关系的单行法,是克服现行监管制度缺陷的最佳途径。

    It is the best way to make a special law , which adjusts the transfer of national property rights to overcome the weakness of current control system .

  21. 在我国,环境污染侵权责任的主要法律依据分散于《民法通则》、环境基本法与单行法之中。

    In China , the primary legal basis of environmental pollution infringement liability spread among the General Principles of the Civil Law , environmental basic laws and environmental specialized laws .

  22. 我国应结合当前立法情况,采取一般市场规制法与特殊市场规制法分立的单行法模式。

    China should take the current legislation situation into account and adopt a discrete mode that general market regulation law and special market regulation law should be carried out separately .

  23. 正是由于各部门单行法法益目标的不同,对于同一法律事实的认定便会有不同的视角和结论,这些视角和结论存在互相交叉的部分。

    It is precisely because the different objectives , the same legal findings of fact and conclusions will be different perspectives and conclusions of the existence of these different law departments .

  24. 美国通过多部单行法的形式构建较为完善的消费者权益保护体系,日本则通过专门立法模式加强对预付式证票的立法规制,实现消费者权益保护。

    America established the protection system of consumer-rights from madding up lots of special law . Japan legislate to regulate prepaid card business , and then insure consumer-rights be protected well .

  25. 生物质能源作为可再生能源的一种,为世界各国所青睐,他们纷纷制定生物质能源单行法来促进本国生物质能源的快速发展。

    Biomass energy being a renewable energy and favored by countries in the world , so in order to promote rapid development of biomass energy plenty of single laws have been enacted .

  26. 三是不仅在宪法中确认知情权,并制定诸如信息公开法等单行法,如瑞典等国。

    The third is that not only has the right to know been stated in constitution , but also the law of freedom of information has been enacted , such as Sweden .

  27. 影响乃至决定行政程序法的性质、功能、作用和调整范围的问题主要有八对关系:(1)统一法典与单行法;

    Here are eight relations that affect and even decide the nature , function , and the regulating scope of Administrative Procedure Act : ( 1 ) Uniform code and separate statutory ;

  28. 其次,完善排污收费立法体系,包括修订《环境保护法》、修订和制定有关单行法、加强地方性排污收费制度立法以及全面修订两部专门的关于排污收费工作的行政法规等;

    Second , perfect its exiting legal system , including amending and making some individual laws , strengthening local legislation , and fully amending the two main special administrative statutes about it .

  29. 在我国的法律体系中,《民法通则》、《环境保护法》及其他环境单行法中都对环境民事侵权责任制度做了相关规定。

    And in Chinese legal system , the regulation of environmental torts ' liability was specified on the General Provisions of the Civil Law , the Environmental Protection law and other regulations of it .

  30. 本文认为,对关联交易规制的几个部门单行法,主要是公司法、证券法、会计法和税法等,它们有着不同的法益目标。

    The papers believes that law departments in the regulatory system on affiliated transactions , mainly Company Law , Securities Law , the Accounting Law , tax laws , etc. Different laws has different goal .