
  • 网络cell;Range;DataGridViewCell
  1. 为每种可能的单元格类型重复case部分。

    Repeat the case section for each possible cell type .

  2. 按照命名惯例为每个单元格增加一个ID。

    Give every table cell an ID based on a naming convention .

  3. 单元格里的数据应该靠左对齐。

    The data in the cells should be left-justified .

  4. 这个cell对象反过来又公开一些方法来返回行号、列号和对应单元格的值。

    This cell object , in turn , exposes methods to return the row number , column number , and value of the corresponding cell .

  5. 针对以上不足,本文提出了基于单元格和参数的XML报表描述的改进方案。

    To solve these problems , the thesis designs an improved XML report description scheme based on cell and parameter .

  6. 单元格也可能包含Excel错误。

    The cell might also contain an Excel error .

  7. 去除EXCEL单元格中的空格

    How to Delete the Space in EXCEL Cell

  8. 想象一下,Web客户端上单元格的值在你眼前发生变化,还会简单地改变颜色以提醒你有变更。

    Imagine a web client where the cell values change in front of your eyes , and change color briefly to alert you to the change .

  9. 要将XML写回Excel电子表格,应该迭代XML,并设置单元格值和格式。

    To write the XML to an Excel spreadsheet , iterate through the XML and set cell values and formatting .

  10. 在将PromptUser设置为UserEnteredValue时,报表管理器可以输入一个提示值到Value单元格中。

    When Prompt User is set to User Entered Value then the report manager can type a value for the prompt into the Value cell .

  11. 它创建了2-D网格的单元格。

    It creates a2-D grid of cells .

  12. 以编程的方式与Google电子数据表交互的方式有两种:基于行的提要和基于单元格的提要。

    You can programmatically interact with Google Spreadsheets in one of two ways : a row-based feed or a cell-based feed .

  13. 从EnhancedFacesComponents工具下,在您刚才输入的文本旁,拖拽一个组合框到第一个单元格中。

    From under Enhanced Faces Components drawer , next to the text that you just typed , drag a Combo Box into the first cell .

  14. 在这个清单中,您将看到在0行0列的单元格中有一个字符串Adepreciationexample。

    In this listing , you see that the cell at row zero and column zero contains the data string A depreciation example .

  15. 一旦进入内部循环,就创建一个XML元素来表示单元格,使用适当的列名作为元素名。

    Once you 're inside the inner loop , create an XML element to represent the cell , using the appropriate column name as the element name .

  16. 拖动鼠标可以复制和插入单元格内容,使用alt键可以切换工作表

    " Drag to copy and insert cell contents , use ALT key to switch sheets "

  17. 填充每个单元格需要的时间是恒定的只需有限数量的相加和比较必须填充mn个单元格。

    Filling in each cell takes constant time just a bounded number of additions and comparisons and you must fill in mn cells .

  18. 检索要复制到clipboard的单元格的已设置格式的值。

    Retrieves the formatted value of the cell to copy to the clipboard .

  19. 执行SQL查询并从查询结果集的每个字段中创建电子表格单元格,实现这些操作很简单。

    It 's quite easy to execute an SQL query and then create spreadsheet cells from each field of the query result set .

  20. 打开要链接到的excel工作表,然后选择要链接到的单元格或单元格区域。

    Open the excel worksheet that you want to link to , and select a cell or range of cells to link to .

  21. 这些元素为工作表的列表提要、单元格提要、可视化端点和编辑端点指定URL。

    These elements specify the URLs to the list feed of the worksheet , cell feed , visualization endpoint , and edit endpoint .

  22. 要理解这是如何工作的,您可以将MC看作是电子表格,其单元格表示度量。

    To understand how that works , you can think of an MC as a spreadsheet , whose cells are the metrics .

  23. 将研究区剖分成195个评价单元格,借助GIS强大的数据管理功能,建立与空间数据和属性数据相互关联的生态环境脆弱性数据库;

    The study area was partitioned to 195 cell griddings for assessment . The ecosystem vulnerability database associated with space-data and attribute-data was established using the great data management function of GIS .

  24. 模板显示一个使用几个表的页面,通过AJAX从另一个文件获取要在表单元格中显示的文本。

    The template will render a page using several tables and fetch text to be rendered in a table cell from a separate file by AJAX .

  25. 定义当鼠标移动到单元格中突出显示和移出单元格取消突出显示的JavaScript函数。

    Define JavaScript functions that highlight the appropriate cells when the mouse moves into a table cell and unhighlight the same cells when the mouse moves out .

  26. 选择ReportPackage视图中的一个单元格,参见图1,将显示报表属性,单击PromptParameters链接会显示ParameterConfiguration对话框,参见图5。

    Selecting a cell in the Report Package view , see Figure 1 , displays the properties for a report , clicking on the Prompt Parameters link displays the Parameter Configuration dialog , see Figure 5 .

  27. 为每个单元格定义id、onmouseover和onmouseout属性。

    Define the id , onmouseover and onmouseout attributes for each table cell .

  28. 处在(i,j)位置的单元格代表从源单词的i字母到目标单词的j字母的最小距离。

    The cell at ( I , j ) represents the smallest distance between the first I letters of the source and the first j letters of the target .

  29. 这个单元格上面的字符和左侧的字符相等(都是C),所以必须选择2、3和3(左上侧单元格中的2+1)的最大值。

    The character above this cell and the character to the left of this cell are equal ( they 're both C ), so you must pick the maximum of2,3 , and3 ( 2 from the above-left cell + 1 ) .

  30. 对表单和表格需要执行类似的工作,以使表单控件和表单元格继承合适的大小:INPUT,SELECT,TH,TD{font-size:1em}。

    A similar job needs to be done on forms and tables to force form controls and table cells to inherit the correct size : INPUT , SELECT , TH , TD { font-size : 1em } .